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Posts posted by giromon.5960

  1. As someone who tags up for strikes pretty frequently, I don't actually use ready checks most of the time because that's an extra button press over just waiting for everyone to get into the instance then talking to an npc. 


    You don't need a tag for anything except raids and wvw, and basic communication skills easily provide the same services for strikes and fractals,  albeit slightly less efficient.  


    As an aside regarding the "paywall", I wouldn't want to follow a commander who considers 300g a massive block, especially in today's economy.   That tells me that the person probably isn't playing the game much at all. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  2. To quote a friend's idea on this:

    "What if it ran on charges that regen every 30 minutes or something and had a cap of like 5?"

    Our immediate ideas for the item were both that it would make coordinating guild missions a lot smoother as far as bounties and such go. Considering that our guild is very small and most of the players are either new or super casual, it would make it possible for them to get to bounty locations easily even if they're missing the nearest wp, or if we're doing a guild event like tackling some world bosses or something, they could get there easily. As is, though, it doesn't really meet our needs for things like that.

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