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Frudak Forgedawn.2486

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Posts posted by Frudak Forgedawn.2486

  1. Not normally one for forums... Just want to reitterate what others have said. This isn't hard mechanically, the randomness is the issue. You can't have a boss on a time limit where it can spend an arbitrary amount of that time invulnerable - it just doesn't work from a design point of view, but especially given that the RNG seems so heavily skewed towards that stuff that makes it invuln. Remove the RNG, it's really that simple to fix. I'm all for more challenging content - I've raided, done CM fractals, solo'd dungeons and T4s and it's all fun because it's at least fair. This isn't fun because it's straight up not fair. I genuinely don't want to get egg from vendor - I want to get it from doing meta but I'm fed up of having time wasted over and over again by a badly thought out encounter.


    Additionally, I can understand frustration with players in the squad that get continually downed by every mechanic. It's not hard to move out of the orange area - theres nothing even remotely elitist about that. It's the most basic of basic mechanics and still everytime I do this meta, I'm seeing 15-20 people getting downed by every single thing despite being told over and over.

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  2. Someone may have mentioned it already but I don't remember seeing anything about downstate skills, some classes have insanely strong downstate skills and with everyone doing less damage these are going to be even more annoying than they were before if they remain the same.

  3. So on the whole I like this patch across the board. I play a lot of classes and I actually feel pretty good about all of them.

    That said, removal of stunbreak on legend swap + increased cost to other stunbreaks + loss of stab access in retribution... I'm happy to give it a go and see how it feels with everything else but I can't help but feel like this is gonna leave rev getting perma CC'd into oblivion.

    I'd rather some rev skills were less overloaded and had more reasonable energy costs than having these massively overloaded skills that you can almost never afford to cast because they lock you out of everything else. This is especially bad when said skills are our stunbreaks, a 40 energy stunbreak pretty much says "you can't use any of your utility skills because you won't be able to stunbreak if you do" hence frankly I'd rather see a simple skill that just breaks stun with a reasonable energy cost than have a skill that does 5 different things and costs everything I have.

    That's the only real feedback I have on these balance notes, I'm happy to wait and see how it plays out with the actual release though.

    More generally I'd like deathstrikes 2nd hit to be more reliable (hit in 360 degree radius maybe?) seeing as it almost never hits and feels bad and like a waste of energy because of it.

    Lastly this is hugely optimistic but it'd be lovely if rev skills could be fixed to work the same with action cam and without. With AC on phase traversal and deathstrike don't shadow step towards the target if they're out of range, this is especially annoying with death strike seeing as it still goes on cooldown. Also with AC on you can actually control the direction of riposting shadows when using it as a stunbreak. As far as I know you can't do this with AC off. This is very annoying in stuff like fractals when using your stunbreak launches you of a cliff or something.

    Cheers for your efforts and I hope this patch works as well as intended!

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