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Posts posted by xhyc.2078

  1. Currently to have AutoLoot in WVW you need to buy Heart of Thorns. I feel like such a basic QoL feature should not be locked behind an expansion and should be available for unlock to everyone.


    It's quite annoying for new players to have to run around and collect their bags, getting separated from their group in the process. And since they don't have a mount, catching up is even more annoying. It often results in them getting ganked by the remaining enemy, while the group is already moving forward. Have some mercy on their poor souls, Anet.

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  2. I posted this in the Mechanist bug thread twice now, but they still didn't fix it.


    Mech Core: J-Drive trait is still bugged.

    This is the trait that's supposed to make the signet passives work even after you've used the signet. However, if you use a signet and then mount and dismount the trait stops working and you are not getting the passives anymore until the signet recharges.


    It's especially annoying in WvW.


  3. https://i.imgur.com/STsx491.png


    I heard that some people are satisfied with the balance they are having, but my personal experience has been horrible. Much worse than when I was on my own server. Completely unbalanced. Barely any people around, constantly outnumbered. It has been very unfun.

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  4. Make the Mech work like ranger pets when mounting and gliding. I am really getting annoyed by the constant animations and sounds. Not to mention that it feels clunky, because the Mech takes too long to show up and sometimes doesn't even crash down when you demount.


    Only use the animations if I order it manually and when the mech dies.

  5. Mech Core: J-Drive trait is still bugged.

    This is the trait that's supposed to make the signet passives work even after you've used the signet. However, if you use a signet and then mount and dismount the trait stops working and you are not getting the passives anymore until the signet recharges.

  6. 1) Mech Core: J-Drive trait bugged after mounting and dismounting.


    This trait is supposed to continue giving the signet passive bonuses even when the signet is on cooldown, but it stops working if you use the signet then mount and dismount. In other words, after you dismount the signet's passive doesn't take effect anymore while it's on cooldown even if you have the trait. The problem fixes itself once the signet is recharged.


    I also noticed that the gadgeteer trait will sometimes not boost your gadget skills after you mount and dismount several times, I don't know if these are related.


    2) Mech auto summons itself after a few seconds when you dismount even if you don't have it summoned before you mount.

  7. Kinetic Stabilizers was great in WvW, because it gave you stability and superspeed. Why gut it completely for some boring trait that just grants quickness? Just rework the Applied Force one to give quickness the way Kinetic Accelerators is gonna do it now. No need to completely trash a perfectly useful trait that made WvW less cancer for a scrapper that isn't a support bot.


    Also, you removed stab from Corona Burst completely back then, too, cuz you couldn't balance around it in sPvP, which again made Holo even less viable in WvW.


    Most non organized public tags don't have a reliable stab application, that's why we need a decent skill/trait to reapply it reliably.


    You ruined Holo in WvW with the complete stab removal back then and now you are gonna kitten over the non-support scrapper as well. Thanks Anet.

  8. Just want to address a few things mentioned real quick.

    -Roamers don't need tags to enjoy the game.

    I don't see how this is relevant. You can still roam when there are more tags. Also, the vast majority of players do enjoy the game more when there is a commander on the map.

    -Entry level already lowered with catmander tag

    Catmander is only cheaper if you already have the commander's compendium

    -Existing commanders don't need more "shinies"/incentive

    I mean, true the hardcore commanders probably don't, but things like statues or similar ideas would give them something to work towards and the "bragging rights" around something like that can motivate a lot of competitive people. Nevertheless, the post is mostly targeted towards incentivising more people to tag and learn how to command. A lot of times there are enough players on the maps, but no commanders to organize things and most players will just leave if there is no commander. Better incentives/lower entry cost can make more people intrigued in tagging up and learning to command, imo.

  9. Having a commander in WvW is instrumental to the enjoyment and participation of players. I feel like ArenaNet should further increase the bonus rewards + lower the entry cost.

    A few examples:

    • Lower the gold price for a commander tag in WvW by swapping some of the gold cost with (more)Badges of Honor/Skirmish Claim Tickets. So like 150g + ???? Badges of Honor/Skirmish Claim Tickets.
    • Give WvW commander tag a unique pin icon option. Maybe even unique colors.
    • Increase rewards for commanding even further like even more participation - more gold p/hour.
    • Add something like a statue to the best server commanders - those with squads that had most kills/objectives captured somewhere on the map similar to the statues in sPvP
    • Unique titles and achievements only available to commanders.

    Those are just a few ideas from the top of my head, I'm sure ArenaNet can come up with something, but basically the underlying message is: WvW needs more people willing to command and ArenaNet should even more actively work towards Incentivising ppl to do so.

    I know that WvW has more problems that would make commanders not want to command, but increasing the incentive/rewards would be a step in the right direction.

  10. I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but the "Objective captured!" announcement makes it hard to see what boons the enemy has. Please move it a little lower so I can see it clearly, thanks!

    It's even harder to see than this actually, because I took the screenshot a little late when the announcement was already starting to fade away.


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