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Everything posted by Vortigern.1987

  1. According to gw2efficiency.com you should make some profit with the insignia if you do it properly. https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-46719 However, it is important that you use buy order to buy your materials (the option on the left side), not instant buy (the option on the right side). And when you sell stuff you usually get a better price by doing the opposite.
  2. There are more than one legit reason to be on a open world map. I could do map completion, achievments or harvest resources, just to mention a few. I don't have to contribute to the meta at all, i could even go afk for a few minutes and have still every right to be on the map, that's the reason why it is called "Open World".
  3. Minstrel has Toughness and Healing Power as major stats and Vitality and Concentration as minor stats. For WvW Minstrel is exactly what you want, with Runes of the Monk and Relic of Antitoxin. And yes, you will need every bit of Vitality you can get.
  4. All those modifiers are for outgoing healing only, which means that the caster should not profit from them at all.
  5. You can't think of someone as an equal and be condescending at the same time, one excludes the other. Your posts are indeed salty and the main reason why this thread is a perfect example why Anet has removed matchup threads from it's forums.
  6. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Detected!
  7. That's pretty much the point. A Guardian can be both, dps or support, whatever is needed atm. In Pugs people come and go and being able to fill out both spots is a great advantage.
  8. Due to the nature of clouds you have to be lucky to hit more than 2 or 3 players with the same aoe, so increasing the aoe cap would increase their damage against "boonballs", but it would have no negative effect on them. This disproves the claim that " it automatically gives the advantage to the smaller group", because clouds are not always smaller than the squad they are fighting. My point was that clouds (of any size) would benefit the most from the increased aoe cap, i never said anything about builds, skill or voice communication.
  9. And if a small squad (lets say 20 players) meets a much larger cloud (let's say 35 players)? Who do you think will benefits more from the increased target cap? Personally i would say it is the cloud, because for them it is a huge damage increase at zero costs, which obviously would disprove your claim.
  10. Change the portal-skill into a personal port (for wvw only) and the op's problem is solved, while the skill retains it's value for solo-players. The original post was about zergs getting ported beyond the walls, right in front of the keep lord and not about fighting thieves in actual fights. A better balancing for the class itself is a topic for another thread (or multiple threads, to be realistic).
  11. "Maybe if you are wearing green gear " Sigh! With full minstrel gear a guardian has around 3.4k points of armor, but only 2120 come from toughness. The rest comes from the armor itself. The vitality sits just below 2k, even with the grandmaster trait that gives you 300 bonus vitality, you need monk runes (or something similar) to break 20k hp. with legendary/ ascendend gear, ofc.
  12. Even a full Minstrel Support Guard has just slightly more than 2000 toughness and slighly less than 2000 vitality. In other words he would be debuffed to base toughness and vitality. In zergfights this means a death sentence, for roaming it means the removal of condi- and hybrid-builds and the return of power one-shot-builds. WvW is about large.scale fights, so the balance has to be for large-scale fights. If you find ways to make roaming better without touching zergfights that would be fine, but this idea is crap.
  13. Burning Oil Mastery 3 is supposed to grant you protection from damage and immunity against pulls and pretty much every other CC, so there should be no need for stability. The only l2p issue here is that you have to realize that the trait is bugged. So he has any right to complain about it.
  14. to gank When a group of people kill a single opponent in an MMORPG. Taken to abreviate a "gang kill". That is the definition of ganking, taken from a dictionary. You complained that the lone, outnumbered guy refused to fight your group of two and asked for help instead. And yes, i refuse to see a difference if 2-3 people answer to his call and kill you becaue they now outnumber you 2:1. Sure, there are time when more than usual 2-3 people show up, but that is pretty rare and pretending this is always the case would be simply ridiculous.
  15. So ganking someone with an 2.:1 advantage is fine and dandy, but asking for help isn't?
  16. Today, most people roam in groups of 3-5, sometimes even more. On the other hand, there is usually only one scout at a camp, if there is scout at all. In this case, the golem simply buys the time for a "even numbered fight". But this topic isn't about fights, it is about avoiding fights and flipping a camp before defenders arrive. To be honest, i'm not the biggest fan of defense golems myself, but let us not pretend that the suggested change would promote pvp or that using a legit tool means you are a bad player.
  17. Stealth isn't a probelm per se and it doesn't have to be "deleted from game". Shadow Portal, on the other hand, is a problem, because it can be used to circumvent the walls of keeps. Sure, Mesmers have a portal too, but the portal isn't invisible like Shadow Portal and Mesmers do not have the same amount of stealth and mobility and it is much easier to hunt them down. It becomes pretty bad when you have 3 thieves in a keep at the same time, all of them in full nomad gear, completely traited for defense and mobility and being able to port themselves back into the keep after you killed one or two of them. The effort that is needed to get them out is simply too much in a game mode with a capped number of players per map. However, it is really funny to read so many "git gud" and "ltp" comments from people who claim to be pvp players, while they defend a feature that promotes pve.
  18. Minstrel Firebrands are not even in the Top 3 when all you care for is surviving, they simply lack mobility and burst heals. They have a huge portofolio of support skills, but F1-F3 are hard to use when you are alone, because it blocks you from using your Weapon Skills. There is no way a Firebrand can survive the damage of 2 decent players for long, sooner or later he runs out of defense skills and healing. Scrapper andTempest are much more flexible, but share the weakness of all Minstrel builds, they can't fight back. If you want a good tank build for solo roaming, then Celestial is much better than Minstrel. A well played Weaver or Mesmer (with Inspiration trait line) is a good start for this, but there are others as well. They are hard to kill and can bite back.
  19. lol, as a Spaniard who played in BB for years, if there is something lacking in BB is south american players. Most of the people you see there is from Spain... ofc thats why there are more people playing at 0-5am european time than in the prime time Exactly, because in Spain offices and shops open at 9-9.30am and don't close until 8pm, and spaniards usually have dinner at 9-10pm. How do you expect them to play during european prime time when they are still working/shopping/hanging out with friends... Weird.. Google says offices and shops having normal 9 to 16 working hours and 40hrs weeks like the rest of Europe. Smells like an excuse for the south american karma train. "A typical Spanish working day tends to be from around 8.30am or 9am to around 1.30 pm and then from 4.30pm or 5pm to around 8pm. The famous siesta, whilst declining in the larger cities, is still a major part of the working day in Spain. Siesta is a mid-afternoon break, usually around three hours, which gives employees a break from work during the intense midday heat. Most people tend to go home for lunch, spend time with their family or relax during this time." source: https://businessculture.org/southern-europe/business-culture-in-spain/work-life-balance-in-spain/
  20. Because for many spanish people the working day ends at 7-8pm. It is very hard to play videogames when you are still on your way back to home. And once you are back, most people have to spend some time with cooking, eating, housework and their families before they have time to turn their computers on. That's the reason why they have so few people online during eu prime-time and get a huge influx of people after 10pm.
  21. The keeps buff is only applied to the defender. Your suggestion would put an end to keep fights and would promote hit&run pvd instead. If you want to murder wvw, then this would be even better than simply removing downstate. Really, get yourself a proper zerg build, join an organized squad and try to take a few well defended T3 keeps and you will understand why downstate is healthy for the game (hint: 1 side can almost always return the fight after respawning, the other side usually can't). Roaming is fun, but we are a minoriy and shouldn't expect the balance to revolve around us.
  22. Well, i actually looked it up in a few dictionaries and found the following definition (among other, similar explanations): "(Internet, online gaming, slang) To kill, ambush, or defeat with little effort; used in online games." So apparently you do not need to outnumber someone to gank him, it is enough if the the other side has no chance to win the fight. And this is exactly what usually happens if a zergling gets attacked by a roamer, unless the roamer makes several huge mistakes. But at the end of the day "ganking" is just a word. You are the only person who knows if you gank people to help your server to control the map or if you gank them because you enjoy to grief other players. The former is part of the gamemode, the latter is where the word gets it's bad name from. And while both actions bear the same name, the reasons for them are fundamentally different. Edit:While the first part with the definition was meant for Doug, the rest was more generic and not targeted at someone specific. I also understand that "ganking" was created from the words "gang" and "killing", but that doesn't mean that it is restricted to this meaning. just remember where the term "bug" comes from.
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