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iwontsay.2593's Achievements

  1. Especially if bugs affect only some players and not everyone - worse if they cannot reproduce it in-house and have to rely on players reporting the bug to find a common factor. So if you run into it, use the in-game report function, even if the bug is already known by large.
  2. This thread would surely be longer if this specific bug is that old. No, I think the one mentioned in the issues list refers to a different one, that stalls progress during the sequence before the dragonflight - that one is said to possibly be bypassed by restarting the episode. Not this one, though 😞
  3. Same here. Tried with restarting the story chapter, logging out and back in, restarting the game client - no dice. Since it is the first character coming that far in the story I'm definitely a bit ticked off.
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