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Posts posted by Smith.3472

  1. @Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    I'd rather wait a little longer for quality matches rather than waste 10 minutes playing a complete unfair match. While this balance patch is a good sign of some attention being brought into PVP, the main issue of PVP today is the matchmaking which exacerbates balance issue perception and with the slower pace of PVP gameplay incoming, it is going to be even more frustrating.

    ^^^^ You just won the game.

    Everyone hating eachother over balance when the Ranked/competitive is an actual nightmare to play due to metagaming and one-sided matchmaking.

    Would much rather a PvP-content patch that gets rid of the metagaming, changes how rating is awarded slightly, introduces stricter punishments for idle-players, and adds actual reasonable new content like a separate Solo/Team ladder and maybe some new maps/modes to go along with it.

    This 'big balance patch' is just going to be more of the same. Just go around the PvP section of the forum or look in the PvP-lobby and you'll see that it's just lead to a bunch of arguing and people threatening to quit just like every other balance patch ever, and none of it will matter in like 4-6 weeks anyways when it changes.

    A change that benefits everyone on a bigger scope and more long-term would be great.

    These two understand what's up. Honestly. I could look past the unbalanced nature of PvP, -IF- it meant I was going to play with people who also want to try; against other players who want to try. Just had a guy throw one of my game (Just AFK'd in spawn and began to be toxic) Then guess what? Next game he was on the other team. Lo' and behold guess who stopped showing up to fights and my team won flawlessly.

    All it takes is -one- person to mess your game up. Pretty absurd.

  2. Match making is horrible and you're basically at the whim of four strangers in that they will also play coordinated, or just do as what someone else did...

    "I'm going to keep queuing for dailies!" but proceeds to run around, feed, not play objectives ,etc. Basically ruining the experience for others.

    When told "Hey, could you que unranked in that case?" People pitch a fit and get mad and say it's not my place to say what and what not they play - which sure, is true. But why are you going to be 'that' person. Who just doesn't care about their team.

    At this point. Rank is meaningless in my eyes. It's very clearly poorly designed or innately geared towards casuals. I placed mid-gold, had solid matches. Next two or three days. Almost every 8 out of 10 games I'd lose because of...

    1.) Legitimate bots. (Or so I think) 'Players' who'd run into walls, run in random directions, idle, and do nothing.2.) Don't understand their class.3.) Don't understand the maps & the objectives.4.) Don't understand running in 1v3(4, 5) is guaranteeing death most of the time, and feeding.

    Let's not forget the best kind of player. The one who is super toxic and -also- is one or multiple of the above points.

    It's frustrating. I -want- to play the PvP and enjoy it, but at this point I have to play with my competitiveness in reserve and just treat it like a casual match because again - about 8 out of every 10 matches, I'm basically queued with people who don't care, don't know how to play, or are legitimate bots (or acting like ones).

    Call it abuse but at this point I just report people who do any kind of this stuff. I don't know what else to do. There's no information online on how to deal with this, there is no in-game way to report people properly for some of these things, it's just a mess.

    Lets not forget how MMR works. You lose a game, you lose like double or nearly triple the points you'd get winning. This kind of system is stupid. You should be rewarded with more points for wins - and less for losses. That way when you do manage to carry, or you do manage to get a solid team; you should get that extra boost up in rank. I'm honestly convinced I'm going to drop rank so much just because of the bad queues.

    And if someone says "Well it depends on when you're queueing." I'm queueing at prime times when people would be on during my time EST.

    Also-also, what is with the constant matches where I'm having nothing but spanish players in my game? People lagging, speaking a different language, etc. Not hating on them as a people or their language - but do you know how frustrating it is to have a team who you legitimately can't even speak to, or fighting a team that just lags around.


  3. Sorry, I didn't really see a section related to this but I just wanted to express something that means a lot to me really. Though I wont go on a long winded rant.

    I've been interested in Guild Wars since 2005. Even when I was younger I would play on my brothers account until I finally had got my own. It was probably one of my favorite MMO's - competing with the time I spent on World of Warcraft. Guild Wars really helped me escape into a different world from some issues I had to deal with at one of my parents homes so it REALLY helped me out a lot and it genuinely was just a fantastic game.

    Obviously when Guild Wars 2 news arrived and surfaced about I was super excited for it and found out I got to play as my favorite race, the Charr. They were always pretty awesome in the first series and I was delighted to know that I could finally play them. Though when it released and I played it for the first time I was kind of sad seeing how the two games were almost completely different in the way I played. Now I understand when you develop a new game within a series you have to try new ideas and concepts that you would think improve on what currently exists. For me, that just wasn't it.

    I've played Guild Wars 2 both off and on. Like.. I would FORCE my self to play it in hopes I could just find something I really liked about it. I'd buy each expansion to try out the new content but I just could never ever really get into the game what so ever. It especially bugged me when the game went free to play. But I'm more or less over that now.

    Anyways, my idea is this. I personally don't like Guild Wars 2, and I never ever see my self playing it. I don't think any changes to the game or new content will ever change this fact. The game is just not suited to what I like - and hey, that's perfectly fine! Because there are plenty others who do like it.

    But what I suggest is making the first three guild wars games in the series free to play. This would include Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall. Obviously you'd still have all the cosmetics, EoTN, the PvP and Skill packs, etc. to generate revenue from but currently the game is pretty empty in most parts because a lot of people don't really feel like forking over the cash when Guild Wars 2 is free to play and more 'modern' and highly stylized (Though I personally will always prefer the Guild Wars original look.)

    I mean take two really good examples. Classic WoW and OSRS. I'm not saying Guild Wars had the popularity of these two, but there are a lot of people who probably prefer the original over the new one and it would be SO awesome to see the original series have some life in it.

    I don't really expect much of a response on this thread - but the last time I made something like this was on Reddit and for some reason bots just usually delete it for some odd reason. Probably due to me never posting much on there to begin with. But this is just the wants of one very sincere player about a game he really enjoys and would like to see flourish.

    Thank you for reading.

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