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Everything posted by Monarch.7241

  1. I dont like this new fractal at all, the silent surf is still filled with bugs and anet introduces a new one that is atleast twicely more broken and set it on frequent shedule to disrupt our happy fractal plays. People like me play the game for the fractals and by forcing us in such way will just make us leave the mode or the entire game. If I was in the dev team I would definately be reworking that entire fractal.
  2. They should be stats changeable, its treated as underwater helmet after all.
  3. I still dont know what exactly the dark circle well alike is used for. I only know that stepping on this usually kills my party, why? Dont know, and from the 3 videos I watched, nobody explains exactly this. I also cant find the name of the mechanic in gw2wiki, which is sad. Atleast after watching the videos now I know what I have to know about the tethering. Killing the archers on the platforms is not that hard, even with heal scourge, you unload all your kitten pistol and torch skills on the target and the add is gone. Usually when im about to go on platforms, I start with dagger warhorn for the small but keyish cc and the small damage burst, its small, but important to kill that thing as a healer. Thank god im full harrier, atleast my power is awesome.
  4. Im against any type of nerfs, I believe enough is enough. Some of the nerfs were so severe that some of the builds completely disapeared and others were crippled for life. Now we have to punish our keyboard over keeping that extra one burning stack with 2 seconds duration with viper gear, this is unsane, let it be as it is and let us the normal players enjoy the game... The damage numbers are not just theoretical but fictional, atleast half of these professions cant hold their damage constant...
  5. Trolls found another way to enjoy themselves, by blaming others for a loss they have initiated on purpose, inflating a raging conversation with a cherrypicked player just enough so they can screenshot and report the poor guy that they have chosen to victimize and make him suffer even more by eating a 14 days ban, and then giggle about it knowing what they have done. Literally happened to me twice, not fun at all. I should stop doing sPvP, doesnt worth playing that mode anymore, its either bots, afkers, or trolls and in just a random ocasions a players that came to win. With those players some real engaging fights can happen, but nothing good comes from toxic afkers that came just to ruin your ingame experience. Some of those players are really crafty in their cherrypicked words and can really make even the chillest person to go out of his skin and start with the offensive language. I understand that the view point of anet is that this is not cool behaviour, but intentionally ruining games and blaming whoever those people want is not cool either. I give money for the game too, do my money smells bad or something? Why those players are not getting touched for anything but I am getting punished? Thats the opposite of healthy environment and im more than motivated to use my 20tb seagate exo hard drive to start filming whats going on in ranked and how some players are only joining to ruin ranked matches. Its pretty obvious actually, those players either stay at the start not moving an inch or intentionally collide in the enemies to test their toughness and when those people see that their enemy is too strong for them, the dirty tricks come into play.
  6. And this person would be virgin, happily married, proud mother of 4 and loves her husband. Thats like C programming language level of confusion.
  7. This will just lead to hell alot more wintrades in ranked, and this is the main issue. Then you have bots, then you have people that simply dont wanna try playing the game mode and just intentionally ruining the match with odd behaviour types, blaming it on a guy just to inflate arguing and on the first sharper word they put reports to that guy to get banned, casual trolling. You might be the main horse power doing 60% of the entire team kills and 70% of the entire team damage and still to be blamed for not being good enough and being the main reason for the loss. The mentality of some of the players that join spvp is just awful, the exact same attitude I see in fractals, but usually there people are alot more straightforward and simply put the requirement in the chat that you should be carrying the entire team on your shoulders no matter what and regardless of how bad the people perform, you must single handedly kill the entire fractal solo. I love very much doing both modes, but sometimes its really hard to enjoy playing them and truly enjoying the game.
  8. Hello ANET, I would like to recommend that virtuoso daggers get their custom skin from your mainhand weapon or atleast mainhand dagger if such weapon is equipped.
  9. I dont run staff on dps revenant, no matter who wants what. If anet was so concerned about the cc they should never killed the double mace double axe bannerslave build from relevance. I run vindicator as triple sword, as it should be run, this is supposed to be the power house for the revenant, and apart from core revenant nothing else can do that, and im not counting the herald as power dps because its not, just look at its traits... one trait for damage doesnt make it viable dps class, shiro on the other hand is completely different story. I also believe all those regen supportive things should be removed from both vindicator forms, his spells look like this is designed to be another boon support which is kinda boring. Its one thing to be limited to do dodges (to perform forced movement) its completely different story to have to do that and to not have substantial elite, heal skill and utility skills. Boons are a good thing, but they should be given by the specs for that.
  10. Id like to make suggestion about the guildwars 2 guilds slots expansion, I know this has probably been suggested way too many times but I truly believe this is a very nice quality of life thing that we, the players should have, expecially now in the era of having so many new things to explore, strikes, dungeons, fractals, new areas, wvw, pvp, raids...
  11. I managed to fix it for now, the check didnt found any errors of any kind, dont know why this happened, the game is running smooth now, no other errors have occured since the command was written. Did it help ? Yes, but I dont know why since I did only that, I havent preinstalled the game at all, I did repair of the game client before writting the command and I didnt do it after that. After that repair it was running smooth, regardless of not finding any errors on the disc or bad sectors. My HDD is very ancient and I will definately buy a new one when I buy a new computer, I have the money now im just waiting the prices to go a bit more down to Earth. now for 750 euros I can buy a semi decent computer, but since im a greedy person when it comes to tech, I want the top AMD dog and nothing less, and the top AMD dog with additional HDD (20TB SATA III for 4k movies and coding exercises) costs around 3600-3700 euros. Its not much, but since I live in a poor country it will definately costs me all my money in the pocket just for this awesome piece of machinery. I like to tinker alot so the top dog will wait a little to gain some more money so I dont bankrupt just right after I buy it. Im constantly bankrupt ingame when I target something for buying and I usually walk the path of shame with 30 silver in my wallet, I dont wanna do that in real life too.
  12. I got my full refund yesterday, but I will wait a discount before buying EoD. Looking it from the perspective of euros and payments by european standarts, 30 euros isnt much but translated to my currency (60 leva) its a bit hard to swallow at the moment, im poor af. xD
  13. I definately have access to elon, im not sure about the glider. I dont own EoD yet so this is out of the picture.
  14. Hello there, I always wondered how I can check which deluxe editions I have bought ingame? I cant remember for a way to check that so my question is can I somehow check this from ingame or the site? When I type deluxe edition in the diamond shop it only shows the one for expansion 4 secrets of obscure or whatever the exact name is (im very bad with names), and the other 3 expansion deluxe editions are absent. Does this indicates that I have bought the deluxe editions for hot and pof or just the deluxe editions for hot and pof are no longer present for buying?
  15. Fml im screwed. Thanks for answering this quick. Edit : I managed to get a refund, im not sure is it a full refund with the fee or not, but I atleast restored the main amount. I wont try such endeavours again and I will strictly shop from the site shops and not try my luck for a better offer from a retailer site. Its also too risky... after dlgamer closed its doors for guildwars I no longer trust retailers. Those folks was giving me 24 months money back guarantee, its sad to see they no longer provide their services for guild wars. 🤔😒😔 Also what is going on with steam? Why I cant just link my game there, but I have to download it all over? Cant we just play together with the steam players? What is the point of having a steam connection and not being able to play with the main account? This is sad.
  16. Hello there, I just bought my third expansion (forgot the name) but I did it tru retailer but by mistake I did it tru selecting valve instead of guildwars2. I did not receive a key to my email to upgrade my account to the expansion. What should I do now? Request refund tru valve or I will be able to receive a key later on when I download the game again tru their platform? Its pretty deceiving that I will be able to play the game normally but on their terms. I did not intend doing this intentionally but after proceeding tru the steps I was thinking this doesnt rly matter and I will be able to receive the key to my email. Now im in this weird uncertain situation where Im not sure will I be able to play that expansion or I just burned my amount of money for nothing. Thanks in advance for the answers I will get. Please dont burn me on stake in the comments down bellow, I know I did something wrong.
  17. It was an old article (from 2020) and there was no option to write comments.
  18. Hello there, ive read stuff about guild wars 2 being able to be played on mobile devices, may I ask someone eho knows about this how can we do that? Do I need to download the client on my phone and what are the steps into doing this? From what ive seen online I can do that with the nvidia driver, but they want monthly fee for it, and im not entirely sure that this will allow me to play the game from my phone. Also this will require the machine where I have the game installed to be up and running and as far as I understood this, connected to the internet, and if I do that I can simply play it on my computer. This method also requires me to have keyboard and a mouse and im not very sure how I can connect those to my phone. Thanks in advance!
  19. I found a workaround, I simply finished another part of the achievement first (Mithril Daysword Blade Requisition) and then the weaponmaster allowed me to continue with The Art of Forging: Daysword Blade Edition.
  20. Hello, I have issues proceeding to the second element of the achievement, my first item gone missing from my warrior (Basic Mithril Daysword Requisition), it counted in the achievement, but when I try to give the items to the weapon master for the second part of sunrise II (the blades - The Art of Forging: Daysword Blade Edition) I have no visible dialogue option to proceed it. Tried this in lion arch because my warrior is human. Now I wonder do I have to craft new 250 swords to try to obtain it again or not? Im gonna test it tomorrow.
  21. I have issues proceeding to the second part, my first item gone missing from my warrior (Basic Mithril Daysword Requisition), it counted in the achievement, but when I try to give the items to the weapon master for the second part of sunrise II (the blades - The Art of Forging: Daysword Blade Edition) I have no visible dialogue option to proceed it. Tried this in lion arch because my warrior is human. Now I wonder do I have to craft new 250 swords to try to obtain it again or not? Im gonna test it tomorrow.
  22. This was no problem until now and im not very sure in that I can actually disable or remove it. Im thinking its a HDD issue because I tried the shortcut -repair thingie and it dropped the exact same error. Im not sure what to do to fix this, maybe I should do a full reinstall of the gw2, but first I should probably do the HDD broken/bad sectors fix which I dont know how to do yet and then I should try to install the game. I will first archive it just in case. Can someone guide me to where I can find information about how to fix those bad sectors? Im not very ok with the idea to buy a new computer right now from purely financial reasons.
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