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Posts posted by Felix.7586

  1. Are we gonna see Zojja again in the future season? Don't know if it's a matter of Felicia Day's availability, but we haven't heard from her since the beginning of Season 3, and it's really glaring that she wasn't even mentioned in War Eternal, when she deserved to be in the final fight with Kralkatorrik just as much as Caithe, Rytlock and Logan, if not even more so (not to mention missing out on Snaff's ghost)

  2. What's the reason behind the Skyscale having no lore to it whatsoever? All the mounts beforehand had background tying them as part of the world, even the Warclaw has something very vague but intriguing, but this time the entire Skyscale species...literally just exists now. Is there any reason for this after you said in the previous stream that you went through lengths to make it distinct from other dragon species we've seen before?

    Also please would you consider reducing the amount of LS4 currencies needed for the saddle? Even just leaving it to 150 would suffice. The entire collection thus far has been exhausting but this is pretty much a door slam to the face. You could have at least warned us in advance that we'd need the currencies, instead of making us find out literally the last second. Some of us aren't crawling with alts or have as much time to spend in the game as other players and this comes off as almost punishing

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