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Posts posted by Hamfast.8719

  1. I play mostly for "Fashion Wars", I guess... mixing and matching armor pieces to create new looks.  I learned long ago to keep Transmutation Charges UNconsumed in my Inventory, only adding what I needed when I was ready to actually use them.  Otherwise sure enough, I would accidentally apply one now and again and change something that I didn't intend to change.  Keeping them in storage unconsumed is my safety net.

    As I approached 1300 Astral Acclaim, the game forced me to buy something, so I went to look at the rewards.  (BAD DESIGN here, by the way.  Maybe it's my screen resolution combined with my chosen screen element size, but I thought there were only a couple of things currently available and that maybe you were planning on rotating offerings weekly.  Only rolling my mouse wheel by chance revealed to me that there were a lot MORE rewards "hidden" below what turned out to be just the top row of many).

    Anyway, Transmutation Charges were right on top.  So I bought them.  It took my Astral Acclaim points, but I still didn't have enough free space in my "wallet" to claim the new ones I had earned.  So I gobbled up a bunch more Transmutation charges until I could accept my new reward.

    Then I looked at my new Transmutation Charge total, and it hadn't changed!  Still the same number that I had before making my purchases!  I had to ask around in chat... I figured perhaps I needed to go to an NPC somewhere to pick them up.  We finally figured out that I DID get them, but they were being AUTOMATICALLY CONSUMED instead of adding to the stack in my Inventory.

    As I mentioned at the start, this is NOT something I like... it leads to accidents.  PLEASE don't sell Transmutation Charges to me pre-consumed!  I'm not a baby bird, devouring what mama has pre-consumed.  And I don't want to begin transmuting stuff by accident again.

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  2. Need.  More.  Options.

    I hate PvP, so I always did the PvE Dailies and the non-PvPish World vs World selections (Kill the Veteran Creature, Capture the Ruins, Stop the Caravan, Kill the Sentry, etc.) to gradually earn reward track items.  So when the new system came along I selected PvE and WvW, only to find that I am being assigned much-disliked PvP stuff for the World vs World portion.

    NO CHOICES!  Where are the OPTIONS to choose what I WANT to do?  I should be able to select 3 things to do out of at least 6 different options.  Telling people what they must do is an excellent way to get them to hate doing it.

    I have already switched my options to remove WvW for next week (we have to wait a week?!?), but then having no more CHOICES,  I don't see myself going back to WvW regularly anymore to work on reward tracks.

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  3. I have an Asura Virtuoso.  If I have more than one dagger up when I activate a light source, it will shed no light.  Have tested with the Mad Memories backpack item, the Flames of Kryta "toy", and the Cobalt greatsword, which had been my go-to weapon for years at least partly because it shed so much white light for me.


    Now I'm left in the dark unless I use Bladesong skill 3 or 4 to wipe out my daggers first, before I activate my light source.  (This is a lousy workaround if relying on Cobalt, since I need to repeat the process every time I sheath my weapon.  Fortunately, MOST of the pitch black areas of the game don't contain enemies).

  4. 7 hours ago, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

    i DO wonder if the Player Character Model Quality setting affects this though. (I use DX11, and i notice that the lighting artifacts appear less often with lower settings.)

     Hmm... my graphics settings are maxed out, and I'm also using DX11.  You can see in my picture link (a few posts back) what a "faded" turtle looks like to me.  Just faded, not invisible.  Are other people experiencing different?


    Dirty glasses bug me.  This is much worse.  I could live with the "invisible ally" look of "rippling air".

  5. 18 hours ago, Tazer.2157 said:

    I am sorry, but are you telling me that the turtle is a problem when we already cannot see anything during metas? The game is already full of shiny nonsense. There is no "visual clarity" to begin with and taking or limiting the use of the turtle mount will not change that. Let people have their fun with their mount. I for one love watching those turtles around. It is way better than having floating orbs, or rainbows coming out of every character. 


    Yes, obviously people are having a problem with it (hence the post and the replies that concur with the issue).  Just because you are okay with it, doesn't mean everyone else is.  As I mentioned in my initial statement, this has made me seriously consider throwing in the towel due to unplayability in some battles.  (I've been a big contributor to their gem store purchases, and have been with the franchise since the GW1 Betas.  I've got 17+ years under my belt.  So, yeah.  It means a lot to me).  And yes, even without turtles things have always been cluttered in combat.


    I DON'T WANT to stop people from having fun with their mount.  You wouldn't say that if you'd fully read what I've posted.  I very specifically said just the opposite.  I'm looking for a solution for everybody here.  As things are currently, the TURTLES are reducing fun for OTHER PEOPLE.  What I am asking for (a drop-down box to choose the level of true mount invisibility you want to display) will not reduce the fun anybody is having with their Turtle in any way.  If you like seeing the turtles, you can see the turtles.  If you don't like seeing them, you can make them invisible.  Everybody wins.


    As you said, our vision has always been problematic.  We have had to strain to peer through the bushes to see our targets.  Now there are whole TREES in the way.  The solution is NOT to learn to live with the trees since we've been forced to get used to the bushes.  The real solution is to chop them BOTH down to a custom level of our choosing.


    We need:

    - A Turtle Invisibility level drop-down choice box.

    - A Visual F/X level slider (asked for many times probably since launch).

    ...or whatever other clever solutions you folks can come up with.  I like the idea someone mentioned of being in Combat Mode as a possible trigger for Turtle invisibility.


    Or if a slider is too hard to implement, I'm fine with an extensive item-by-item checklist (other player's spell effects / other player's item effects / Legendary footprints / etc.)  And fewer effects will result in less lag.  It's high time to do something about all of this.

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  6. Here's a sample of the "fading"... this is not in combat.  It is just my character standing around (in the dashed yellow oval) and a "fully faded" turtle.  I can barely see my character at all, much less anything else on the screen.  Imagine this in the thick of combat.  We need true "invisibility" (as per the standard game effect for invisible allies), and we need an option to have the invisibility "Never", "In Combat Only", or "Always".



    (Crossing my fingers... I used to post tons of pics, but haven't done so on the new forum yet).

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  7. One time while waiting on the World Boss I asked very politely in-game if Turtle riders would please hang back and use RANGED, since (from what I read on the Forum) that's what they're best at.  I explained that the rest of us have troubles seeing the target and timing dodges, etc.  This immediately resulted in an explosion of Turtles being mounted and running around in an orgy of defiance and laughter at little ol' me.  I didn't say another word, not wanting to make it worse, but I did see other players agreeing with me in chat.  (I personally LOL offline whenever the Golem Mark II puts up his electric fields, or Tequatl's Fingers launch their poison, which pretty quickly accomplishes what I want anyway.  Turtles die or flee the zerg and I can see again).


    I know "change" fixes take awhile in this game.  I've been hanging in there, trying to find ways to live with this since Turtles aren't going to go away.  From what I read in the Forums, people understand that for the most part Turtles aren't particularly useful in non-Cantha open world, especially in melee and with no gunner.  So I'm hoping the novelty will wear off before I completely give up on the game.  There will always be new Turtle riders testing their mount, and there will often be trolls looking to stir up trouble, so this has to be an ANet fix.


    Any other thoughts on how to fix this without nerfing the Turtle riders' enjoyment?


    I really want a "Make other players' Turtles invisible" drop-box with choices for "Never/When in Combat/Always".  (My preference would be ALWAYS, because they block vision in town just as much as in combat).  This needs to be TRUE INVISIBILITY as per the effect, not the "object collision" invisibility.  You know... where the Turtle and rider appear as a wavy disturbance in the air, like the movie Predator.  Currently, the Turtle fade takes a second or two, which is way too long to be blinded in combat.  It's very disturbing, especially now when they're new and running all over the place.


    What about a "Down In Front!" solution?  If someone tall sits in front of me at the movie theater, it would be just as effective if they were shorter instead of invisible.  Would it be better if we had a drop-down choice for Turtles to appear smaller instead of invisible?  No bigger than a Norn or a Charr?  I often throw AoE healing at people when enemy AoE targeting effects appear underneath them.  I'm more likely to help a Turtle this way if I can actually see him.  Besides, it'd be good for a laugh.  The Teeny-Tiny Turtle Toggle!  THE TORDIS (Half Tortoise, half TARDIS - bigger on the inside than on the outside).

    • Like 3
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  8. The addition of mounts put new life into GW2 for me, and significantly increased my game’s lifespan.   I haven’t tried End of Dragons yet, but what I do know is that the new Turtle mount is having the exact opposite effect for me.  Their appearance in the game is making me want to quit.


    My problem?  Unlike all other mounts, Turtles apparently don’t disappear in combat the way all other mounts do, and they are just to darned BIG to see past.  I get the impression they’re supposed to be artillery, but I just spent a miserable evening being totally unable to see my targets past turtles clustering in the middle of  melee.  I mostly play ranged characters, and need to be able to pick out the most efficient center spot for my AoE attacks.  I often can’t see any bad guys at all now, since the turtles are bigger than most enemies.  I’m even getting temporarily blinded by the ones who aren’t in melee, as one tramples over my position.  I can very well imagine that melee characters would also be seriously hampered from being constantly buried underneath turtles.


    This is a major, fundamental flaw in the way the Turtles seem to have been designed, and allowing them to remain on the field during combat should never have been implemented in the first place.  It’s game breaking for the rest of us ground-pounders.  I can’t select targets anymore, and I can’t see visual “tells” when an enemy is getting ready to release his big attack.  Something MUST be done about this.  They SHOULD disappear when the player enters combat mode, but I fear they were designed otherwise.


    I don’t want to spoil the fun for the Turtle players, but their sheer bulk is a hinderance for everyone else.  I don’t want to complain in-game, because for every Turtle rider who says “OMG!  I’m so sorry… I didn’t realize!”, there’ll be one who thinks it’s an awesome trolling opportunity.


    So those of you with turtles… will it totally ruin their functionality if they disappear when you enter combat mode like all the other mounts?  Are they supposed to be GW2’s first combat mount instead of merely transportation with a one-shot first attack?  If so, what might be done to keep them playable for you, while not making the fight harder for everyone else?  Restrict turtles to Cantha?  (Ouch, I know!).  What about adding a check-box if you want to make other people’s turtles Invisible to you when they’re in combat mode?  Perhaps only allow them to remain active on the battlefield in instances, and not in the open world?  Or maybe just make it obvious that they really suck at melee combat, so even a beginner will keep their turtle distant?


    Like I said, I don’t know anything about the Turtles.  Those of you who do will have to figure out the solution.  I’m just pointing out what I find to be a major, major problem.  I hope a solution can be found, because if this continues much longer I’m afraid I’ll finally have to call it quits.  It’s way too stressful being constantly blocked out of the combat by my own comrades.  And if not disappearing in combat the way all other mounts do is supposed to be “working as intended”, then I fear they’ve made a fundamental mistake that will be hard to rectify to everyone’s satisfaction.

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  9. Filled a bank tab with Zhaitaffy... now what? Any suggestions how to "get something" out of it?


    This is 7500 Zhaitaffy. At the current price, I could make around 42 gold by instant-trade on the TP.

    I could trade it in for 7 Jorbreakers (with some taffy left over), but there really isn't anything available at the Jorbreaker merchants that I want/need. (I'd consider putting some towards a Hologram Projector for my Guild Hall, but my guildmates migrated away from the game before I could secure the Hall that I paid 100 gold to start :/ ). Has anyone found a way to turn Jorbreakers into more gold than I would get just by selling the Zhaitaffy straight up?

    Is there anything else interesting I can do with the stuff aside from cashing it in, or trading for Jorbreakers?

  10. Maybe it's always been like this, and I just never noticed...

    The Tequatl battle is broken down into 4 stages: he arrives at 100% health. When taken down to 75%, he flies off and we protect the grounds until the Asura gun is ready to take him down. Then it repeats again when he's down to 50% health, and again at 25% health.

    What I only recently noticed, is that when he lands, he is 5% weaker than when he took off. (He comes back at 70% health, 45%, and 20%). So over the course of the battle, 15% of his health disappears. Is it assumed that he loses 5% health when the gun knocks him out of the sky?

    Has it always been this way? Or isn't he giving us 100% effort? Or is he bugged?

  11. Heroes in GW2 could be an interesting money sink. You'd have to level them, and equip them, and set them up almost like another character. More time and money spent. (Maybe we could use Tomes of Knowledge on them, giving those items new value?) Good for ANet as well. It adds whole new possibilities to the Gem Store.

    Heroes would not be part of PvP or WvW for obvious reasons.

    The only way I can see Heroes in Open-World PvE content is in a situation where they operate like minipets. They'd be there for low population World Boss events until enough "real" help arrives to make them disappear. Then when all's clear, they pop up again). But no, I don't really see that as a viable possibility.

    Heroes for storyline instances would be fine, I suppose. Right now they assign Personal Story, Destiny's Edge, or Dragon's Watch "Henchmen" to your various storyline instances as required. I wouldn't object to being given a CHOICE of which pre-defined henchmen or player-created heroes to bring with me to compliment my play style and profession, but I'm sure certain Heroes would still be ASSIGNED for plot reasons. And some Instances wouldn't allow ANY Heroes. Party size would still be limited to 5, so you can mix and match Heroes/Henchmen/Players, but not exceed that limit. I don't really want to equip and maintain my own PERSONAL Heroes for each character like we did in GW1 though.

    More than any other area I can think of, Dungeons and Fractals could maybe benefit from the addition of Heroes. On my server, the LFG is usually pretty quiet there. As in GW1 though, you must expect that Heroes are a poor substitute for real people. Helpful, certainly, if for nothing more than acting as meat shields. And don't forget, they can be aggro magnets as well. I'm sure they'd never pass muster in Raids.

    If Heroes DID get added, I would hope for only ONE per character, and they'd be called "Sidekicks" or something like that. Then have pre-defined "Henchmen" to round out a short Dungeon or Fractals party.

  12. The World Boss Portal Device could use a small modification to make it better than it already is.

    In the Guild Screen, our weekly Guild Missions show a Treasure Chest icon next to them.

    • If the chest is closed, hovering your pointer over it brings up a tool tip that says "You are eligible for rewards from this mission."
    • If the chest is open, hovering your pointer over it brings up a tool tip that says "You have already received rewards from this mission."

    I suggest the same thing be done with the WBPD (changing "mission" in the tool tips to read "World Boss", of course).


    This is just a simple visual notification. Nothing prevents the player from fighting the boss again if he likes, even though he's already received a reward chest once. No other prompts are needed.

    (PLEASE don't even consider a stinkin' popup that says "You have already received a reward chest from this World Boss since the last server reset. Only one chest is awarded during each 24-hour server period. Are you sure you wish to continue?" Confirmation prompts generally suck unless they're for deleting valuable stuff.)

    What do you think? For me, reset occurs pretty much in the middle of my at-home free time. Sometimes I do stuff before reset, and sometimes after. I'd like to pick up tomorrow wherever I left off today, but I don't always remember which ones I've completed. And I'd just as soon be off doing OTHER game tasks than fighting a World Boss that isn't going to give me a chest. Is this something you guys would appreciate?

  13. I just noticed the Great Lodge Chair for the first time. Guess I gotta get that now, to fit the character. I hope it doesn't take long to return to the Trading Post. (I imagine my character will have a stupid expression on her face, or something else that makes me regret the purchase). Anyone have a screen shot of a female Norn in the chair? Or do all chairs use the same character pose?


  14. Since it's a FESTIVAL now instead of an April Fool's Day thingy, then maybe they could still use SAB for April Fools... figure out a way to "pixelize" our characters!

    Just like this year, give out potions to everyone. When imbibed, it makes all the characters appear low-res for a given amount of time. (Monsters too, perhaps? Like the Bobblehead Lab?) Then later on, they can sell a "Pixelation Lab" in the TP for folks who want to do that at other times of the year just for kicks.

    And nobody is forced to experience it if they think it's childish and stupid.

  15. The larger races - Charr and Norn - can have difficulty sometimes on various jumping puzzles or other places where getting too close to the ceiling messes with your camera. They also tend to look like they're too large for their mounts most of the time. They also SEEM as if they're moving slower (they aren't). Conversely, your Asura's camera can occasionally dip underwater in shallow swamps, and get lost in the tall grass where the other races' visibility is just fine. They also SEEM to be moving like a little bat outta hell (I LOVE their feet when swimming! They rival a propeller or a hummingbird's wings!)

    Other than that, from an RP standpoint Charr and Asura would be more common as Engineers than the other races, being more technically inclined. Sylvari would be nice Druids. The Norn would be Warriors or Rangers. Humans are the most obvious Guardians. But they all cross over just fine. You can create your own personal back story for any race to fit any profession.

    From a gaming standpoint, the only real differences are the cultural elite skills. And ANet made certain that they are poopy enough that hardly anyone ever uses them.

  16. I've been binge watching VIKINGS. It's not bad if you need to fill some of the void left inside of you when Game of Thrones ended. (Plenty of rough violence, main characters can die off, sneaky and vicious machinations to achieve power, etc.) So when I found myself playing my Norn Dragonhunter (Guardian) more and more often, I said to myself "Hey, I'm sure I can Viking-ize her!" I already had her set up as a Valkyrie, as you can see below:

    JUDfcgt.jpg(And yes, I have the Golden Wings glider, and a raven mini).

    To fashion a Viking, I just needed to tone down the glitz, and increase the "road warrior". I kinda like the result!


    And as any shield maiden knows, most hairstyles do NOT agree with a shield when carried on the back. The hair generally clips through. (In Valkyrie mode, I've been stuck with the front braids style for years). But the Viking-like shield I'm using sits farther out from my body than my Valkyrie shield, giving me leeway to use many more hairstyles now! (Some still clip when I'm moving, but all the ones here look good when at a standstill).


    I may expand this theme a little further. I'm having fun with it, and the TV show is good inspiration. Very simple-looking, but made mostly of parts from different sets. And although it's dark and basic, I think it's far more eye-catching than having six different neon special effects shooting out from my body!

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