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Posts posted by Velho.8594

  1. Catalyst feedback from elementalist main, I have 10k~ hours and 80% of that is on elementalist.


    Tuning probably isn't the goal of this beta but I will start with that. At the moment the skill3 orbs deal 3 to 4 times more damage on huge hitbox compared to small. If you nerf them to hit the same amount on big as on small then the damage will be abysmal. Tune the orbs so that total damage is somewhere in the middle. Move more damage in the the other weapon skills? Also in personal opinion, make the orbs rotate closer to the player.

    The rotation feels very intensive because of the orbs, if you lose even one you end up with a huge damage loss, especially with air or fire orb. It feels like you're constantly trying to finish weave self on weaver. With alacrity and quickness on the golem the rotation felt pretty smooth and enjoyable, in open world not so much, the orbs are hard to keep up and you feel like kitten if you lose even one. My idea would be to make the orbs more about the buffs than the damage. Makee the damage portion minimal, keep the buffs they give, maybe give us a trait that gives us a stack of elemental empowerement or empowering auras per orb? Again, make them rotate closer to the character, I feel very deatched from them when they are that far, also they don't hit small targets close to the character atm.

    More finishers? Air and Earth 2 feel like prime whirl finishers.

    The hammer feels very glassy, I feel like I don't have any defensives because if I steer from the rotation I will lose my orbs.

    I like auto chains, gief more.

    Jade Sphere

    Gief more quality of life. It working like a moving aoe like gyros feels appropiate.

    A trait that leaves the orb in the same attunement as you cast it in but drains more of the energy?


    Make augment effects small Jade Sphere's instead of random colored orbs?

    It would be nice to see something new on Earth auto for hammer instead of the age old ring of earth effect that's already used in many places.

    • Like 4
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  2. I play ele almost exclusively. I have a legendary for every slot and weapon type I can. And legendary runes and sigils. Im also a semi hc player. That means In something like fractals im constantly swapping a weapon for a situational, staff for a trash pack or a focus for a skip.

    With gear templates and legendary weapons that is basically impossible atm since everytime I switch a single weapon that is bound onto a template it will reset the Upgrades on those weapons meaning I need to put all my sigils in again and that is basically impossible when trying to do a fast run, especially with legendary sigils.

    I am very happy that these templates exist. Trait templates are fine other than that there are too few slots for some people and that they save every change you make. They should be a template you save and that when you load it it's always the same. This point also applies to build templates which I feel are the main issue with this update.

    I want to have a fractal template that has impact and force sigils by default. Not a template that has what ever sigils I needed for the fractal I did last yesterday.

    Also especially for gear templates there are too few slots. For traits I can manage because trait switching is just couple of clicks. But gear stat switching is a major pain in the ass, need more templates. I dont even need keybinds for all of them, just the ability to 1 click them.

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