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Posts posted by ArCoo.1580

  1. Can confirm that this is bugged. It's happening to both Harrowing Storm (Axe/Dagger 3) and Orchestrated Assault (Axe/Pistol 3). Seems like sometimes when you use them, rather than adding malice, it *subtracts* malice/resets you to 0 or 2 and then acts like the skill hit normally. It seems to only happen *after* executing a stealth attack first, and only on the first time you try to use Axe/X 3 after using a stealth attack - using it a second time after a stealth attack will cause it to behave normally, but after executing another stealth attack it goes back to being bugged. I have had it take me from 2 malice down to zero and then act like it hit as per normal and take me back up to two; and had it take me down from 4, 6, and 7 malice back to 2 and then again act like a normal hit and put me back up at 4.

    EDIT: oh, also, can confirm that sometimes these skills reveal you - inconsistent at best, haven't found a pattern per se in when it reveals you vs. when it doesn't, because it's not always happening.

    EDIT 2: Got a video of it happening; uploaded to youtube. Also, apparently edit 1 was wrong, because watching that video I'm getting revealed *every* time I hit the 3 - although that might be something specific about the conditions that are causing the bug/related to whatever's causing the malice bug.

  2. Just now, Stelawrat.6589 said:

    Out of curiosity, tried just now & I'm able to log in & there are lots of others around me in Divinity's Reach. I'm NA so I'm guessing that those of you who can't are EU? 

    Can confirm all the people I know affected are NA servers. It only seems to be a small percentage of players who are being affected. Likely it's some kind of localized server breakdown that's affecting certain clusters of accounts or people in particular geographic regions, maybe

    • Like 2
  3. Not affecting me, but I'm in voice with a friend being affected by this issue, and have heard from at least two others in discord text chat being affected. Started approximately 30 minutes ago, I believe. 

    EDIT: Can confirm that traditional troubleshooting methods (restarting client, restarting computer, flushing DNS, using different computer, etc.) are not working. 

    EDIT2: Now one of those friends is reporting that they *also* can't access the forum or the wiki. 

  4. 48 minutes ago, Chammorine.2517 said:

    I'm somewhat surprised/confused that the CD listed in the tooltip apparently isn't some type of pass-through "link" to the CDs base value in the code, cause the tooltip is correct but the actual value in the code somehow clearly isn't...

    There are actually a few skills in the game where this is an issue. Heck, one of my favorites is the druid elite glyph (glyph of the stars) where it still has the old casting time and cooldown (7 sec cast, 60 sec cooldown) listed in the skill-selection panel tooltip, but has the correct casting time and cooldown (1 sec cast, 48 sec cooldown) listed when you hover the tooltip while it's on your bar. Yeah. Apparently those are separate data entries as well. 

  5. 1: can confirm that the pages don't reset with, nor are the skills affected by, the mistlock singularity in fractals. 

    2: It looks like a lot more page bugs seem to happen in low-level areas, as if the page maximums and regen rates are both scaling with effective level. Or something. 


    To add some other stuff: the page regen rate is really weird even at level 80. Theoretically, if I pull out one of my books and use a 2-page-cost skill with full pages, and then immediately drop the tome, it will take 16 seconds for those two pages to regenerate - the exact same amount of time a 20-second-recharge skill will take with alacrity. However, I'm regularly finding that when my two pages come back, that skill is still on cooldown. As near as I can tell, the pages are using some sort of internal 8-second repeating timer, and every time it rolls over you get a page back if you're missing any - I've actually had it happen where I had full pages, used a skill that cost 2 pages and dropped the tome, and then about 2 seconds later was back up to missing only one page.


    Also vaguely unrelated but: swift scholar is also very bugged. It gives quickness when you take a book out, yes, and refunds a page properly, but its internal cooldown is not working properly. It seems to be coded so that the trait still thinks it's proc'ing on tome equip and tome stow (even though it only proc's on tome equip now), because the ICD doesn't seem to start counting until you stow your tome. 

  6. Re: your first bug, the ally doesn't even need to be kneeling or on a thief/deadeye. Friend and I tested this a few hours ago and I was on my necro just blithely wiggling back and forth over their Sniper's Cover AoE. They got to shadow step I think 3 to 4 times with Death's Advance off that one cast of  Sniper's Cover before their AoE disappeared. 

  7. Having the same issue - tactical reload is not refunding spent ammo to the following gunsaber skills: dragon's roar (pistol 5), trigger guard (dragon trigger 4), flicker step (dragon trigger 5), blooming fire (gunsaber 2), cyclone trigger (gunsaber 4), break step (gunsaber 5), combat stimulant (heal), flow stabilizer (utility), overcharged cartridges (utility), or electric fence (utility). Happens both in and out of combat (observed first out of combat, tested in combat to make sure that wasn't the problem). The only thing it's giving ammo back to is artillery slash (gunsaber 3). 

    It is, however, still increasing the charge rate of dragon trigger, so that part of the skill still works. 

  8. For both Perfect Inscriptions and Mech Core: J-Drive, signet passives are supposed to be retained when the signets are on cooldown. However, if you activate signets, mount up, then dismount, any signet still on cooldown at the time of dismounting will not re-grant its passive effect. This seems to happen with these two and not with Written In Stone on Elementalist because Written In Stone applies a unique buff when signets are activated that mimics the effects of each signet, lasts for the cooldown duration, and persists even when mounting up (which, weird, but okay if that's your solution). However, the signet effects applied by Perfect Inscriptions and J-Drive when the signets are activated do not seem to persist when mounting up, and the game doesn't check for the trait again when dismounting to reapply them, so they're just...gone until the signet fully recharges. 

    Kind of a niche case, I know, but it can be annoying in certain situations - mostly in open world. 

  9. @"Loke.1429" said:Edit: also still removed when mounting

    The above was referring to elementals and I want to second this. Given that the main benefit of elementals in this patch was that they last longer and you can summon multiple lesser elementals from a single skill, their utility is completely removed if the player has- and takes the option to mount up to, say, get somewhere faster. It doesn't matter that they last longer, because, unless someone is in a boss fight, they won't be surviving between encounters. If possible, they should use the same sort of respawn-on-dismount mechanic necromancer minions use, though preferably one that's not as bugged (necromancer minions will die instead of respawning on dismount if you dismount and then re-mount too quickly--usually, it seems, before their "summoning" animation is complete)

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