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Posts posted by Dovienya.6597

  1. On 7/23/2023 at 9:50 AM, voltaicbore.8012 said:

    Initially I wasn't going to preorder, but I've wanted to interact with the Wizard's Tower for so long, Anet hooked me and I bought the most basic version of SotO.

    I regret doing this, though. Their handling of relics (which represents a brazen betrayal of one of GW2's core attractions) and the new "fractal" seem to affirm that something is (again) going wrong at the studio, on a similar level of dysfunction that we saw leading up to the layoffs.

    I hear that. I've wanted to know what's in the tower since the Verata quest in Prophecies, and almost bought it on impulse for that reason alone. Unfortunately, upon a deeper look at what's being offered, it's obvious that Arenanet is exclusively catering to dedicated players who will buy no matter what. I'm not trying to shame anyone that bought it, whether they regret it or not. I understand loving a game so much that you're blind to its flaws, I've been there with this game and others before. If people are okay with the current state of their game and consider a pre-order money well-spent regardless of what's delivered, I'm not judging them. We all have different tastes, standards, and opinions.

    In my opinion, it's not worth a pre-order and I don't have high hopes that even the meager content and features promised upon release, won't launch half-baked and then get scrapped or gutted after the fact. Most of the features and content advertised for this "expansion" are coming later, not at launch. EoD was supposed to be delivered piece meal and now it looks like Gyala Delve, plus some voice overs and a fluff episode with no combat, are all we're getting for the to-be-delivered content drops. I have low hopes that bugs and balance problems will ever be addressed. There are still bugs blocking my "Return To" collection progress, bugs that have been around for many years, and are still frequently reported to no avail. They're taking existing features away, re-packaging them, and selling them back to us. The last balance pass is a disaster even by Arenanet standards. Still no WvW alliances. PvP and Raids abandoned. Story quality has plummeted.

    FWIW, I've spent more hours and money on the Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 games than any other game franchise via cash shop purchases, and consider it money well spent. I just don't see myself enjoying this game again, such as it is, so I won't be spending any more money on it unless things change.

    Over the last couple years I keep logging in to GW2, and coming back to the forums in the hopes that something will change my mind and pull me back in. Unless that happens, I guess I'll find out what's in the Wizard's Tower by watching a video.


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  2. I don't agree with OP that we need an improved upvote/downvote system on the GW2 forum. What is the point? The emoji system we have now is worse than useless. Posts are sequential, not ranked by order or type of votes. The emojis are either redundant, ambiguous, or passive-aggressive downvote replacements. Users can't organize posts/comments based on how they are labeled by users, and forum moderation doesn't seem to make use of them. I would prefer they do away with internet points in this forum entirely.

    I would like to see Arenanet using their own website and forums as the main place for disseminating news and updates about the game.

    Twitter and Reddit are becoming less friendly for Arenanet to share information.

    Twitter can't be viewed anymore unless you have an account.

    Reddit has progressively limited how well casual browsers are able to interact with their site.

    Most people are not on Twitter or Reddit, however popular the sites are for their user bases. I'm not interested in signing up for an account to an external social media site and downloading their apps to get information about a video game, when that video game has a dedicated website and forum.

    Arenanet has made an announcement about changing how they disseminate information and interact with users based on recent changes to Twitter:



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  3. I voted wait and see, but I don't think its likely that I will end up buying. Until balance issues are addressed, I will not be making anymore guild wars related purchases.

    All of my guilds that play GW2 as their main game have almost no active players, and my friend group that used to play GW2 every day moved on a long time ago. The social incentive that pulled me back in for EoD is not present for SotO.

    If they can address balance issues, including problems with some weapons (like engineer sword) being so tied to the specialization that they wouldn't work well with other specs, and the content of the expansions looks decent-- then I will consider buying the expansion.



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  4. On 6/13/2023 at 7:21 PM, Duligraws.8214 said:

    [QoL] Indicate on map and in chat-log response when attempting to enter a restricted area.

    The map indicator for when exploring... not fun traveling to fog-area only to find you can't go there.  

    When running all along the edges of an area for a place to enter, it is terribly annoying to find YOU CAN'T.


    Either you're attempting to enter a part of the game that is locked behind an expansion or story step, or there's nothing developed there at all. You'll know when you've reached the edge of a map because there will be no portal to a new map. No chat log indicator  necessary.

    Looking at your other posts, I honestly cannot tell if you're a very subtle troll or just obsessively hung up on aspects of the game that are working as intended and unlikely to be a problem for the vast majority of players.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Dont people play games to escape the real world why would they want to be reminded of their disabilities in game?

    I don't play games to escape real life. I play for the challenge, social aspect, and because some video games are a fun, interactive works of art.

    I can't exactly escape my physical disabilities when I play video games because they require adaptation of gaming peripherals to be able to play at all. I try to maintain the attitude that I'm fortunate to be living in a time when I not only have medical care to lengthen my life and improve its quality, but am even able to play video games with some accessibility modifications. It's fun to play a character that represents some aspects of who I am in real life in a fictional setting. Role play that involves overcoming adversity isn't depressing to me.

    Also GW2 is set in a world with a ton of magical-technology. Some people, whether disabled or not, like designing their characters with body modifications.



    • Like 8
  6. If you mean a hard-mode version of game play, that already exists in the form of challenge modes. I would love to see more optional CM available for more aspects of the game.

    If you mean developing an entire server* with reduced QOL features and perma-death, emphatically no. What's the point of that? You can stream yourself playing with the gimmick that if you die, you delete your character. You can choose to not use mounts, waypoints, tomes of knowledge, and use no resources from previous game play, if that's your cup of tea. No development resources need to go to something like that. If you want to play that way, and attempt to hook an audience making videos or streams of yourself playing that way, more power to you.

    *This game runs on a shared mega-server system, so making a new server for this purpose isn't reasonable.


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  7. 22 hours ago, USMC RavenSaint.6729 said:

    Okay. I had just wanted to know. I have played other games where weapon and armor dyeing was not a thing, but was able to be implemented later in the game's running. These are games older than GW2. My fault that I didn't get any forum posts during my search through the forums. Yes, I know how to use the search bar. I had asked this same question back during Beta, 10 years ago. That, before other games I played had implemented armor changes and weapon matching, dyeing wasn't much of a thing back then. 

    I hope that some day, dyeing of weapons will be implemented. I am sorry for beating a dead horse that I did not know was there after checking the forums for mentions of weapons being part of the dyeing options. 

    Thank you for your answers and posting of past posts and replies. I will not bring this up again. Thank you.

    This forum post can close now. I got my answer.

    Other games have it, including Guild Wars 1. 

    The problem seems to be a lack of documentation on how a lot of their own code works, so things that should be workable become too much work to be worth the effort put in relative to the output. It's a problem with a lot of game development and code in other areas too.

  8. When Fractals were brand new, and WvW was active but not in a pirate-ship meta yet.

    They were a lot of fun despite being high effort/low reward at the time. They're what I keep checking back in to play.


    The poorly balanced classes, overload of flashing lights, and utter neglect of PvP modes make it hard to get back into this game, unfortunately.







  9. I agree with you that the follower panel is weird, and wish Arenanet would just do what almost every other online multiplayer game does and have people either reject or accept friend requests in real time. I don't expect this to change, though. Its been this way since the game launched and doesn't seem to bother most people.


    OP, these followers are just trying to add you to their friends list. Presumably because you encountered each other in game and they thought you were someone they may want to play with in the future. That's it. People casually add each other all the time in MMOs.They probably added you and then never thought about it again.


    Block them if you don't want to interact with the people who added you. Or add them to your friends list. Adding them to your friends list means you are following each other mutually. You can also set yourself to "Offline" if you never want another player to be able to see what you're doing in game. You can still play in "offline"/"invisible" mode but other players that add you to their friends list will see you as offline and not be able to whisper you.


    If someone is actually harassing you report them in-game.



    • Like 2
  10. Same issue. I'm playing with 3 other people who are also having this problem. It tries to put us at a map we weren't anywhere near when attempting to log back in then it crashes.

    There are rollbacks happening when we the client crashes. Armor skins I had just used seconds before the crash were unused in my inventory when I lgot back in. When this happened right at reset my group had to open our log-in chests a second time.

    I'm back in now, but this has been happening on-and-off since the expansion launched for me.

  11. 1 hour ago, Mungrul.9358 said:


    Someone in guild chat asked if anyone wanted to join them for fractals. I said I wouldn't mind having a go, but that I wasn't experienced with them, and was told to at the very least go buy some expensive infusions before they would consider taking me along.


    If you don't have the AR infusions, your character will die from the unavoidable environmental effect (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Agony) in higher tier fractals regardless of how good a player you are. Your guild mates were most likely not trying to make you feel bad, they were just telling you what the game's mechanic requires. That is Arenanet's requirement, not one set by players.

    • Like 5
  12. ^You are maybe correct about publisher pushing changes. I hope this doesn't end up like the community of some other games I've played... toxic and bleeding players over a monetization issue pushed by a foreign publisher without their finger on the pulse of the playerbase.

    I am against this system of monetization, but also against splitting this community into a toxic disaster area over it.

    I'm happy for those who won out and got something nice. I hope that if they choose to roll back this decision they will make an equitable choice for the people who bought and came out on top. (No, I did not buy any.)

  13. @Sir Vincent III.1286 said:

    @troops.8276 said:There seems to be a lot of conflating making profit with by any means necessary. As if being competitive in the market and having ethical business standards are mutually exclusive. This sort of thinking has led to all sorts of problems today and throughout history. This is not radical or unorthodox thinking. Proponents on both the left and the right of the political spectrum have spoken and acted on ethics in business. How they seek to achieve this is very different in approach. I lean to the right on this in many ways but that is by the by. This leads into the idea that if any marketing is 'predatory' then all marketing is. The term 'predatory' though implies there is also 'prey'. The more helpless the 'prey' the more 'predatory' the company or marketing practise appears. Ethics are of course subjective and therefore 'predatory' infers a scale. Are GW2 players 'helpless prey' and Anet 'vicious predators'? I'd say no to both. But I also don't think it would be entirely unfair to say 'somewhat predatory in nature to a lesser degree' for it is hardly a 'highly ethical business decision'. Black and White or Shades of Grey. Little I believe is ever so simple.

    Nothing "predatory" about this at all. That's just an exaggeration by inappropriately labeling something they don't like.

    If we break this down to $15/month, that's 3 skins per month and after 10 months, you get all the skins. Nothing unethical about that when other MMO charges a $15/mo fee to play their game on top of buying a copy of their expansion. $15/mo for 3 skins is very affordable.

    The problem here is that people want everything NOW even though they CAN'T AFFORD IT right now. I prefer it to be 250 gems a piece but I'm not too worked up if they keep the 400 gem price. The randomness is just a fun spin on the process.

    You are making the assumption that the same pack of mounts will remain available for ten months.

  14. I love GW and Tyria and have been a resident of this world for a decade. I bought almost everything on offer from the first game's cash shop. My household owns multiple GW2 with expansions and probably spends more than we should on gems in general. I'm not big on black lion keys AT ALL, but at least you can choose which claim ticket item you want. If they absolutely had to go this lousy route, they could have done something similar with mount skins.

    Either way, I was already unhappy with the class balance issues. Now there's this. Here are some accounts that will be playing less and buying nothing for the time being.

  15. My favorite early line: (though I am paraphrasing and probably screwing this up.)Zojja: “Shut your talk-hole, bookah. Every time it opens, you drip stupid all over my floor.”

    Canach's comments about Caudecus Beetlestone's proclivities toward Logan Thackaray, and his style of dress and decorating... Canach, in general, is well voiced and has fun lines.During the LWS3 episode line re: the ' razor of fate swinging'... and the commander's response: 'fate's razor? No, nevermind.' It was well set-up.

    Excuse my paraphrasing. None of these are direct quotes.

  16. @Benjamin Arnold.3457 said:

    @Greyling.4768 said:This is not working for squads with commanders. I just had my squad, which I was tagged up and commanding, merged with another squad that also had a commander. Neither of us got a confirmation request.

    I am not able to reproduce this internally. If I have 4 clients separated into two squads, both with a commander leader, only the commander can initiate a merge. I also confirmed this to be the case on live thanks to some players testing it for me. There could be an edge case that we missed, if anyone can figure out a way to reproduce this please PM me (Don't post it here) how you did it so I can work on a fix. As of now, without reproducing it I can't fix it.

    Parties merging into parties is getting looked at separately.

    Last night my fractal group and I were doing a CM100, when the WvW commander of a party member (who apparently wasn't paying attention to the fact that he was not only in a group, but in a fractal,) attempted to merge our full party into her squad. Confirmation or no, when you're in the middle of a heated fight, all it takes is one person to mis-click. Why would a 5 person full group in a fractal instance EVER want to merge into a squad? There shouldn't be a confirmation, it just shouldn't happen if you're a party in a party sized instance (or in a full party/squad in any instance).

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