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Posts posted by Visceroff.7038

  1. Hello and well met!!!! Returning back to thief after taking some time off and either I am rusty or things have changed since last I played. I have a Daredevil running crit/acro/DD p/p/staff and I seem to struggle more then I use to. BTW I mainly PvE just to clarify. If that build no longer works or there is a better one can you fine people please share. Of course it could just be user error and that would not surprise me at all. Thank you in advance for the help!!!

  2. @Samug.6512 said:Your build sounds everything but passive tbh. Why not just go the good ol' flamethrower scrapper with alchemy? Perma quickness, lots of mights and fury, immunity to CC just by holding flamethrower and pressing 1

    What is a good OW flamethrower build? I have looked and there seems to be a debate between power and hybrid.

  3. Hello returning player here. I notice that we can now have two weapon sets so my question is FT Scrapper still viable for PVE or is it a waste of time, if it is still viable do we still need to mix and match our gear for both power and Condi? Thanks for the help!!!

  4. Is Reaper Minion Master still great for PvE soloing? I have never been fond of the minions but looking for an open world and story build that can handle any situation I come across even some champions from time to time.

  5. Hey all i just hit lvl 65 and am looking for a good build to help move forward. Currently I run D/D and Staff at times and have fun but man I die a lot. I am here looking for a good PvE solo build that will also help me survive when I hit lvl 80 and start going for those HP's. Thanks in advance any help will be much appreciated.

  6. You can test either of these elite specs out in the PvP lobby, as long as you own the expansions. In PvP, you can set elite specs before you've unlocked them in PvE, so you can try out the new weapons and traits there on training dummies or even on NPCs in the lobby, without actually needing to play PvP games. A handful of traits might have differences between PvE and PvP, but you should get the gist of it.

    Thanks I did not know that!!!

  7. Hello I just recently rolled a thief and I have a few questions. I am currently lvl 41 with sw/d p/p and I solo almost 100% of the time so I was wondering what build should I be striving for and what elite build is best suited for solo run? I am loving the thief and looking forward to learning a lot more about the class. Thank in advance for the help!!!!

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