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Posts posted by Scratchpaw.1069

  1. 10 minutes ago, bq pd.2148 said:

    wouldnt it make more sense to offer black lion statuettes on the gem store for slightly less than keys? or would that still be an issue in belgium because you can buy keys from the statuettes?

    I’m no expert on the law but as long as Astral Acclaim stays as an in-game currency I don’t see why it would be an issue to be able to ‘buy’ keys with statuettes for Belgium. Offering BLS’ on the gem store would be a great alternative but you can use real money to convert to gems, thus being a workaround to get keys. This way it probably isn’t legal under the anti-lootbox law. You cannot however exchange real currency for Astral Acclaim so the vault seems like a great way of offering BLS’ to people in these regions. The way for us obtaining these is already very scarce and there are some pretty nice cosmetics and QOL items locked behind them.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Unless you have an exact break down of what the revenue streams behind those other items were compared to keys, you can not know how good or bad the argument is.

    Name a  few items which were previously not available before the Wizard Vault. Then consider how much those items usually might be in relation to the revenue stream for Arenanet. Now consider what Black Lion Keys are for the revenue stream. Obviously important enough that the developers decided to limited key farming way way back.

    If you want to have something implemented which REDUCES the revenue for the studio, your best (and almost only) bet that the idea gets taken seriously is to offer some trade in return. Either explain how this change benefits the developers, or give ideas how it can be implemented in a way that there is an incentive for the change.

    Perhaps make them only available in the Vault of people located in these anti-lootbox regions? I mean, we can’t buy keys either way, so no loss of revenue. It sucks that obtaining Black Lion Statuettes are mostly bound to keys as we have no reliable way of getting these in our region.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Jin.8501 said:

    I would assume the main point of buying bl keys is to get those lion statues. Would be nice to see them in the vault but I very much doubt Anet agrees 

    There are other items in the Vault that were previously only available by spending gems so I don’t think ‘people need to spend gems on this item’ is too good of an argument.

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  4. I’ve made a thread in the past about the availability of Black Lion Statuettes (BLS) for players located in anti-lootbox countries saying that there is almost no surefire way for people to get these. I live in Belgium and unfortunately, yet understandably, we cannot buy Black Lion Keys so the only way for players in our region to get BLS’ is to either:

    - Do weekly keyfarm lvl10 or 40.

    - Map Completion and hope for random Black Lion Key drop

    - Birthday presents from characters that are at least 6 years

    Considering the amount of BLS’ needed for certain items or cosmetics, I find myself often farming for MONTHS on end to accumulate 60 BLS’ for a certain skin I’d like to buy. Now that we have the Wizard’s Vault, it’s perfect to add BLS’ as a reward for Astral Acclaim so that people in these anti-lootbox regions have a fair and consistent way to get more of them.

    Thoughts on adding Black Lion Statuettes to the Wizard’s Vault as a reward?

    Edit: Perhaps a limited amount of 60 BLS’ per Vault reset. With a cost of 30-50 AA per BLS or something along those lines.


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  5. 1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    That's not really that hard to do or believe.

    So now people should get rewarded for logging in and afking? Why not for playing the content? I don't understand what you're trying to reinvent here.

    By caricatures you mean characters, right? 😛

    If you have all in leggies or ascended already then why do you need more leggies? Play the game and get the rewards you want through completing content.

    Stop. Feeding. The. Troll.


    To get back on-topic, I think the Decade armor looks amazing. Don’t really care in what form it will come, might as well just be skins without stats and I’d still be going for them regardless. Looking forward to unlocking them.


    Not sure how I feel about their ‘exclusivity’ seeing as everyone can unlock them, nonetheless GW2 Fashion Wars is so diverse I guess you wont see them around ‘too’ often. I’m guessing the achievements for it are going to be either extremely easy or excessively  grindy. Very curious!

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  6. Ooof, getting big insecurity vibes from OP. Just get the Skyscale mate, it's not that bad of a grind. Do some strikes and exchange ice for map currency. I'm sitting on 2000 of each of the currencies and I'm not even actively farming them... Open a tablet/smartphone/second monitor with all the places you need to visit and you will have the collection done in a few days without even grinding. What a weird post...🤔

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  7. 23 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:


    Third issue, and possibly the hardest and most time consuming reason why they won't: adapting the SEVERAL HUNDRED pieces of armor and outfits sets to fit whatever body types these hypothetical new playable races would have.  Arenanet has stated that it takes them a year to make a new full armor set for the current five, now extrapolate that to the work, time and money to remake each existing one for a new race.

    Its not going to happen.

    Couldn't they just write a script that adapts current armors and their reference points with those of the new race's skeleton? I think a Tengu skeleton would not be that much different compared to the Charr skeleton. Just let the script change the reference points and then have a team do some manual cleanup if certain textures become too stretched or bugged? A new race would definitely be a huge selling point for another expansion so the return on investment might be worthwile.

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  8. 6 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    Plz plz no more of those UI clutter buffs



    Atleast update the UI a bit so that boons/conditions/buffs each get their own row instead of being mixed into one long row that dissapears behind my minimap... how hard can it be?

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

    Supply still increases every week. New sets would just increase demand temporarily. So, yes. Technically it wouldn't drop significantly every single week. But economics say the price trend is downwards over time.

    And also they said unlocking the variants isn't gonna be like crafting another legendary. But rather that it's a journey that isn't as material intensive. Might increase the total necessary amount of A.S.S. But not by 100 per variant. Meaning those bumps ought to be even shorter. 

    That's how I read ANets statements anyway.

    So insta-sell on weekly acquire it is. Thanks!

  10. 50 minutes ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

    Snowcrows have Ritualist breastplate and pants. And Discretize relies on fractal pots to up your boon duration. If you're really trying full viper, you just won't hit that duration.

    Strange, must've recently updated this as it originally showed full vipers. Might do some tweaks with some legendary gear stats to hit a more comfortable BD %

  11. I've been having a lot of fun lately with the Quickness Condi Harbinger. It promises 100% quickness uptime, but I seem to hit a barrier around 75% for the subgroup on average. If I'm right, the only quickness it delivers comes from the Harbinger shroud pulse and Elixer of Anguish, correct? Am I just not timing my shroud/elixer rotation correctly or is there something I'm missing? Maybe not everyone in my subgroup is stacking correctly or I'm misthrowing my Elixer or something?

    Running full Viper as recommended by Snowcrows/Discretize.

  12. 17 hours ago, figloalds.1274 said:

    I'm here to play a game, not to work and make Excel sheets, the game needs to be playable by the wide audience and the wide audience doesn't care for extreme optimization. This is an open world event, it should be doable by random uncoordinated people that's the point of random dynamic events in the first place 


    Why would you exaggerate like that? I've never had the need to use excel sheets for this game. I'm as casual as it gets, but that hasn't stopped me from looking at metabuild or snowcrows to see how a proper build functions. I also take my time to read what skills actually do and how they can affect my playstyle. After failing something I try to at least analyse what went wrong so I can avoid the same mistakes next time. I like to progress in a game, be better than I was yesterday and also have challenging content to apply my new skills. Games SHOULD become more difficult in time instead of serving us the same old cookie-cutter content.


    I understand you don't even want to bother with this very basic stuff, but some people do and actually enjoy the fact that you need to use your brain a bit instead of just pressing 1 while watching Netflix on a second monitor. No one is forcing you to do this content, but you sure are missing out, I can tell you that!


    16 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

    You answered your own question - 


    Yup, clear as day when I saw we had over 6 minutes left on the timer after struggling the other 10+ times. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, figloalds.1274 said:

    Pains me that they refuse to add just 5 more minutes to the dragons end final meta to make it kinda playable 

    Its a completely broken non functional map meta, a total flop 


    Edit: its also bad that they nerfed old specs so much to push the new specs, makes eod feel like a scam 

    So after trying the DE meta 10+ time and failing each time, I was also wondering why they wouldn't just add maybe 2 minutes or so to the event timer to make it more doable. About 4-5 runs would've been succesfull with a little bit of extra time. Failed a few runs with <5% health left. After failing numerous times, I finally decided to just do a DE meta run together with the Hardstuck guild. I joined their map and squad, but didn't join the discord as I've got a pretty good idea of how the meta works by now. We killed the dragon with 6:30 minutes left on the timer... let me repeat that; we had six minutes and thirty seconds left on the timer...


    This is just proof for me that the meta is not hard at all, it's just that the average PUG group is so unorganized and plays their builds so badly, which in turn makes the meta way harder than it really is. The problem isn't with the meta itself, rather than people just refusing to learn and adapt their playstyle for this encounter. 

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