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Posts posted by Emprer.7256

  1. @CutesySylveon.8290 said:

    @Emprer.7256 said:You are saying it like most rangers in WvW know this. 90% of the rangers I see don't do jack kitten when they can take out ac's where other classes can't.Also, you call barrage cheesy as if camping AC's/siege isn't. Go out and fight. Stop complaining about things that don't need changing.

    Yes, go outside when a Zerg comes to our outnumbered map and fight them head on. Smart idea, really. 10/10 Would never have thought about that.

    Siege is how you defend against groups way larger than you that you have no chance of stopping. This isn’t a Ktrain in EotM.

    Go ahead and take my words out of context. There are spots where barrage can't hit bc Barrage is still restricted by skill range. If you fail at taking that into consideration you aren't ready to defend against large group of enemy anyway. Up your siege game.

  2. You are saying it like most rangers in WvW know this. 90% of the rangers I see don't do jack shit when they can take out ac's where other classes can't.Also, you call barrage cheesy as if camping AC's/siege isn't. Go out and fight. Stop complaining about things that don't need changing.

  3. @SkyShroud.2865 said:I have a number of asia players complaining about lag spike on NA server, basically stop playing wvw due to this.There is also some asia players who play on EU server and claim there is no lag spike and find it puzzling why NA has lag spike despite slightly lower ping.

    Wow and I thought it was just me. I started having very frequent lag spikes on NA since I moved from the US to Asia a year ago. It was this March when it has become unplayable for me because no skills will respond so I moved to EU and surprisingly I don't experience lag half as much as I did on NA server. Transferred back to NA because all my friends are on NA but unfortunately the problem persists. Don't know exactly why that is but I can no longer play on NA due to high ping (400-600 avg, 1k-3k spikes) anymore. I also don't expect Anet to care about their SEA/OCX players so it's whatever. If EU ping becomes unstable then that'll be it for me.

  4. I started playing this game since HoT and bc of HoT I stayed. The maps and meta took some time getting used to, but now navigating the maps is a piece of cake. Things you listed as annoyance, are what keep many people playing. I like that I had to figure everything out instead of having them handed to me. They are also different in nature, but in a coherent way so all things do eventually connect. It's a shame that's a "grind" to you. On the bright side, you can still enjoy the game like you had, as your enjoyment never involved HoT anyway.

    Even if I didn't like HoT I wouldn't bother opening a thread saying I hate it because chances are, you aren't going to change anything if that's the direction Anet has decided taking. The game has changed a lot since you left, and it will continue evolving. But I guess posting on forum saying that you will tell your friend to never come back is more liberating.

  5. Okay but I’ve been disconnected from the game for at least 5 times a day, every day since a month ago. My internet is FINE. Can they really look into what’s going on with their servers because it’s one step away for me to just quit the game having been dc’d from wvw with lonnnnnnng queues all the time. Not to mention you’ve got ppl who dc from raid fractals and instances with no check points.

  6. @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:PingPlotter is not a fix and will do nothing to stabilize your connection, it's a tool to identify where the issue actually is. It is far more likely the issue is with either your ISP or one of the many hops between your home and the GW2 server. Your asking them to fix the server, when the problem is probably with the network connecting you to the server (it has happened many times before and will happen again and again).

    so you mean it's possible that most people who are experiencing this are having issues bc their ISP's are all having trouble connecting to the GW2 server? Correct?

    I'm also experiencing constant disconnect as of just past hours. I can login to other games and browse the internet just fine so how exactly do I use Pingplotter to identify if my isp is fucking up the connection to GW2 server?

  7. Got it. Well I can only speak for myself but that's not what I do. I do that with or without the numbers. I just think pretty much 1. it's usually a big tell if someone plans on pulling 2. if anyone gets pulled out of the wall/to the edge, they should have enough defensive utilities to get back in before they die. They are also spots that prevent you from getting pulled out completely and vets pretty much know how not to get pulled when they are on siege. People I get are always noobs. If they think focus 4 needs a nerf then I can only agree to disagree.

  8. @sorudo.9054 said:since i see so many ppl still asking for this, let me be the kitten that points out why Anet will never even release cantha unless things change political.

    1. China doesn't like their architecture to be mixed with other Asian architecture, cantha is exactly that.
    2. If an any time Anet does decide to release GW2 with cantha, they need to exclude china from this expansion which is against their own MO.
    3. Cantha is closed down completely and all non-human races are banned from there, this expansion would be filled with human-only cities and and non-human race would be heavily discriminated.

    so if you really want cantha, you better be prepared for a crapload of problems coming from it, something Anet doesn't want to risk.

    I am from China and now live in the States. Tbh I don't think point 1 is exclusive to only China. Most Asian countries do not like their architecture or what not to be mixed with that of another country. That didn't stop gaming companies from creating architectures with mixed styles. There's also not been a case where a game is prohibited from doing so just because one country decides the architectures in a game do not fully represent their architectures in real life. If there is, please enlighten me.

    Having played so many Asian oriented MMORPG's since I was little, I notice they all have a variety of mixed cultures from different eastern countries-many of which include Ancient Chinese, Japanese, and Korean architectures. There has never been a problem. If there ever was an actual case that supports your assumption that things will become political, please do kindly link them. Btw what is MO? Why does China have to be excluded from this expansion? What exactly do you mean by excluding them, like not adding Chinese aesthetics into the game or not allowing people from China to buy the expansion? What makes you think any of these solutions you listed can combat what problems are to come as you described if Anet decides to make Cantha?

    Edit: just wanted to add that I find your comment incredibly vague yet it seems you wanted to point out there'd be many problems and risks involved in adding Cantha into the game, which I do not see. Do you mind telling me what kind of risks are you talking about?

  9. The griffon is the most fun for me but that is if I manage to get to a really high ground. who would bother wasting time and trying to get to a high ground then glide down with a griffon when you can reach your destination much faster with a raptor. The limit to not able to gain more height is enough as it makes it comparatively less effective than other mounts most times.

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