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Master Childman.2135

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Posts posted by Master Childman.2135

  1. From the wiki: [...] When you disable an enemy that is afflicted by 5 or more stacks of confusion or torment, inflict confusion and torment on enemies around the target. (Cooldown: 10 Seconds) [...]. My question is: confusion and torment are inflicted only to the enemies around the target or also to the target? I looked this relic is raccomanded for some build (scourge/mirage condi) used in RAID but normally here I have just one boss / target without other mobs around it. Thanks in advance.

  2. During the first beta, support intervention to reset the beta was almost immediate. Today, however, after 1 hour of beta, no intervention by the support. Apparently it means that we are the only ones who cannot participate in WvW, or who are on servers without players. A further justification is that all support is on vacation for this weekend :classic_sad: I continue to be on server 12,111 and cannot join WvW :classic_huh:

    • Haha 1
  3. The old Shiverpeak Mountains was also targeted by botting players. Today I found some necromancers farming AFK in Timberline Falls ... Timberline Falls? but what resources are recovered here? once again I just found a bunch of losers.

  4. Today I took a tour of Domain of Kourna and, hidden in a cave, I found a small group of rangers engaged in setting traps for AFK farming. Farming what? experience? karma? materials? I just felt sad for them, after reporting them.

    This afternoon, however, I took a tour of Jahai Bluffs and found this map not very popular with AFK players. In fact, I found a poor loser necromancer with his minions farming AFK, hidden among the barracks. I was almost tempted to give him a donation to reward him for his activity, but I preferred to continue exploring the map and the living story.

  5. Today I took a tour of Domain of Istan and it was fun to find players here too intent on farming AFK (Modri ​​Caverns area). I found rengers intent on setting all kinds of traps on the ground, but the funniest character was a necromancer so busy using all of her skills, that she has continued and continues to use them even though there are no creatures to kill ( there are the minions that continue to move around in vain waiting for a victim). And let's not forget the usual groups of Engineers also busy putting all the turrets at their disposal on the ground.

  6. @Tuna Bandit.3786 said:I indeed got it after update.Finally finished frenzy.

    To be honest, the fact this ahs been an issue and still is an issue for so long, years, really doesn't give me convidence in doing more older achievements.

    Don't be so negative. Fortunately, there are few bugs that make it difficult, but not impossible, to complete the old achievements. Don't let the inefficiencies of others block your desire to do old achievements. I wish you to be able to complete anything you want, of course with a good dose of patience and luck.

  7. @mercury ranique.2170 said:

    @"kharmin.7683" said:Players may want to read and understand the official policy on this topic which can be found here:

    I think your answer can very clearly and simply make it clear to what extent a player who uses autoattack can be considered afk or not. [...] As a general policy, any form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2. This includes: the use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game. [...]

    [...] Note that this does not mean that you cannot be away from your computer (AFK) while you are online. Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer. [...]

    So if you want to do laundry or cook or watch Netflix, please avoid farming, even using in-game the autoattack.

    Not really, It is prohibited when you use it while being away from keyboard. This has been stated in your own linked quote as well as many other times by support. Please stop misspreading information.

    To explain why this matters to me.There is a lot of confusion in this matter and some people are very fierce against farmers. Everyone is entitled to their opinion in the matter (see mine down below), but it is often based on wrong information. This is leading to frustration to both sides and rather flamatory behaviour by those against this kind of farming in general towards those who do it. Flamatory behaviour towards other players is bad as well and should be avoided.

    And now my personal opinion. -Meh. I have no interest in AFK-farming at all (I dislike any kind of numbless farming to be honest), but I do not mind people doing it within the set rules by GW2 as they do not bother me in enjoying my life in GW2. What I am against is the monetisation of RTM and goldsellers who are behind real farmbots. They are harmfull as they use stolen accounts, stolen credit cards and as they are often used by North Korean regime to bypass blockade

    I have no problem with players "abandoning" their inert and inactive characters in the game to remain AFK and engage in other real-world activities; the presence of these characters has no impact on the game and its economy; after a certain period of inactivity of the character, the system itself warns him and closes the connection (a character who does not perform any action in the game does not get any kind of reward from events). On the contrary, what I contest is that players "abandon" their characters by activating precise mechanisms to farm and gather resources in the game while they are AFK. This type of activity damages the game and its economy.

    Aside from the fact that the use of in-game macros for farming is clearly prohibited, the use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game, is also prohibited. This is what I read in the link proposed by the user. I've read wrong? is the link wrong or old?

    If you decide to leave your character stationary anywhere on the map and remain AFK, I will not contest it. If you decide to leave your character anywhere on the map and activate farming mechanics (for example, your character performs actions) and remain AFK, I will contest it.

    It is difficult for me to think that all of this could be considered a spread of incorrect information. But I'm always ready to step back and acknowledge my mistakes, if I've made them.

  8. @Linken.6345 said:

    @ragnarock.4592 said:Is legal farming this way (afk and use pets&torrets)

    could you kindly explain to me how an Engineer can place all the types of turrets that he can put in his skills while in AFK? in game you have the possibility to put the autoattack on only one skill. I am not aware that there is the option of being able to autoattack multiple skills at the same time? or did I miss this update?

    it is not how are you sure they are afk?

    They could speak another language or ignore msg from normal players only answering gms.

    Let a GM decide if they are afk or not ... in the meantime I will report them; not hastily, but I give him enough time to try and respond.

  9. @"kharmin.7683" said:Players may want to read and understand the official policy on this topic which can be found here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay

    I think your answer can very clearly and simply make it clear to what extent a player who uses autoattack can be considered afk or not. [...] As a general policy, any form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2. This includes: the use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game. [...]

    [...] Note that this does not mean that you cannot be away from your computer (AFK) while you are online. Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer. [...]

    So if you want to do laundry or cook or watch Netflix, please avoid farming, even using in-game the autoattack.

  10. @ragnarock.4592 said:Is legal farming this way (afk and use pets&torrets)

    could you kindly explain to me how an Engineer can place all the types of turrets that he can put in his skills while in AFK? in game you have the possibility to put the autoattack on only one skill. I am not aware that there is the option of being able to autoattack multiple skills at the same time? or did I miss this update?

  11. I visited Southsun Cove today and found it free of these botting players. Then I decided to visit Iron Marches, in the Bloodfin Lake area (known area where you can find these "afk players") and it was fun to find Engineers who were constantly placing all the different turrets. So I proceeded to send a PM to the players to ask if and what they were to farm and I did not receive any response (10 minutes wait) (too busy placing the turrets to write?) Then I sent the report.

  12. It really annoys me to see groups of players abandoning their characters somewhere in the game to do farming activities using blatantly botting systems. If these players don't feel like playing, please ditch GW2 immediately and go elsewhere. The real victim of this illegal system is the profession itself. At this moment almost all botting players are using the necromancer (minions master version) for their unlawful farming activities. Sooner or later ArenaNet will intervene to block this lousy activity by altering the skills of the necromancer profession. We've all seen what happened to the Engineer turrets (the first profession used for farming in botting mode).This anger arises after seeing a group of losers (because this is the only kind term I can think of to define them) engaged in farming at Southsun Cove.

  13. 20th November 2020: tonight it was really fun to play on the Thunderhead Peaks map. The lag was so strongly present that the two big events simply and miserably failed over and over again. As for the Hydra event, it was simply ridiculous: due to lag, the Hydra simply teleported into the map. We are close to the end of 2020 and this map is simply unplayable. If you want to try to play in this map, arm yourself with patience and great luck to be able to log into a map with "low" lag.

  14. @DeanBB.4268 said:3rd is from Cooking 500. Contact support to see if they will refund.

    I'm surprised it can be bought if you already own two, most things don't let you.

    Today I completed the cooking profession bringing it to level 500 by receiving the third Garden Plot Deed. I have already asked support for a refund of the 1000 gems used in the Black Lion Market, as I believe that a bug has allowed me to purchase something that I cannot use. Thanks for your help.

  15. I currently have 2 Garden Plot Deeds active in my home instance. The Black Lion Market indicated that I could still purchase 1 Garden Plot Deed. So I proceeded to buy the third Garden Plot Deed. If I click on "use" I get the message "You already have that content unlocked". If and how can I activate the third Garden Plot Deed?... I am still waiting for the solution to my problem from the support.

  16. Lag in several GW2 maps is killing the game itself. It is not possible that in 2020 we can die in game due to lag ... not of an occational lag, but of a persistent lag.

    The connection seems satisfactory (120Mb / s in download and 32 Mb / s in upload), no download activity in progress, graphical parameters setting in game "best performance" ... yet you still manage to die in all the map of LW4.

    If I have any lag in the whole world of GW2, then I might think that the problem is mine and my connection and my pc, but it is not. In WvW, during world bosses and in the latest maps full of players for farming they do not have these lag problems.

    Maps created during the LW4, now little used today, however, are in constant lag.

    Why am I complaining just now? because after a few years I decided to tackle the living story with all my secondary characters and I am realizing how widespread the problem of lag is in GW2.

    Who knows if with the release of GW2 on STEAM, these things will improve? we can only hope.

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