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Everything posted by darcek.6758

  1. This is just Art. You described exactlly how I feel! thank you
  2. Good Idea haven't thought of that.. It works.. seem the skin is what causing the issue.. Is there some solution to this? (That skin costed thousands of gems) Can I get a refund?
  3. Finally got my SkyScale after extreme requirements, it was one of the hardest things I had to achieve in GW2. Proud to own one I bought it a skin etc. and then I realized it has a problem. I have all the mounts in the game. When I start the game with Skyscale it has a delay like 2 min until I can move or you can see the Skyscale. At first I thought this was network or graphical bug ,but today by mistake I started on the water mount.. To my surprise it came up without any issues, so I switched to my skyscale ,and the same effect happened, I had to wait like 2 min until it materlized and I could move. Same goes to all my mounts, all of them work fine without any issues, but the Skyskale doesn't work each time I zone to a different place. Anyone know what to do or is this just a bug and I should stick with the Griffin for flying cause its really impossible to play like this.
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