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Posts posted by Gaige.7928

  1. 2 hours ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

    No one said anything about algorithms.

    Needed to be mentioned since people think Anet devs just merge servers based off vibes.


    2 hours ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

    When Relinks were launched they said it was a short term, temporary fix. It is literally right there in the announcement.

    Stopped reading here because you are arguing something completely different. Guess there is a reason I stayed off official forums

    • Confused 4
  2. 2 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

    I think you guys need to be more clear about if you talk about NA or EU.

    Referring to the NA peeps, can't speak for EU since you guys also have language barriers/uneven amount of tiers/larger pop in general and such to worry about. Not gonna act like I know what goes on across the ocean cause I don't

    I do know what is happening in NA, though, and tier 4 has been surprisingly healthy for fights, especially during NA. Don't have to worry about all the drama that seems to perpetually happen in Tier 1, and there is no fear of dropping to anything lower.

  3. 2 minutes ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

    Relinks' intended workings are long past their due date. They did work as intended for as long as the system was intended.

    I would rather you just said you were getting impatient for alliances. Algorithms don't have an expiration date. Have they taken way too long? Yes, sure, definitely. Dunno what complaining about being linked to the same server is gonna do about when the system we had before had you playing with the same people for multiple YEARS.

  4. All the people in here complaining about their server link changes aren't different, as if that isn't the system working exactly as intended. Assuming there isn't a massive migration of transfers and every world's activity stays around the same, the linkings, in theory, shouldn't change. Unsure of why y'all think this is such a big deal when that was how the system was explained to us from the beginning.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Context: Recently came back to the game after a 7-8 month long hiatus. I have always been prone to a packet loss or two every hour or so, which typically meant me lagging out for about 3-5 seconds before rubber banding back into place. Unfortunately, upon my return, I noticed that whenever I get a packet loss I now disconnect indefinitely, no longer able to cast skills and seeing other players just walking into walls. I also apparently go offline in my friends list, only to immediately reconnect. While I am in this state, I can still interact with other players through chat but my game, for all intents in purposes, is "locked out" forcing me to go back to character select and relog back in. This naturally makes the game extremely difficult to play, especially for WvW or PvP

    I am assuming this is an intentional change to combat rubber banding, but I truthfully don't actually know. I have followed the FAQ for lagging/connectivity, including repairing the client and all the base options. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.

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