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Posts posted by AfroMetal.5394

  1. Both daredevil and deadeye felt kind of power dmg focused (looking at elite weapon), so maybe sth more in line with condi dmg? Weren't they saying that they want to do sth bold and out of class convention? Maybe thief would get sth like torch offhand and with it would loose access to stealth (stealth skill would either be swapped with some new mechanics or used to get 'revealed' state for some possible buffs or sth). Sth like focus offhand to make it more of a ninja/warlock flavour with either some ritualistic magic or some japanese shinto elementalist.

  2. At first I thought that introducing mounts into gw2 would not be a good idea, and well... if it was implemented like in most mmos - just increased movement speed with cash shop purchase to get faster/shinier mount, then it would prove me right. But anet showed that they can make it fun and in some way meaningful. When I hear housing, again I think that it wouldn't be too good of an idea to implement it as a main feature of an expack, but if anet makes it own spin on it they may again prove me wrong, so I won't be entirely negative if they say they are going to do it. I'll be more like 'come at me bro!' or 'show me what you got'. But personally I think with how a lot of playerbase is (with either solo playing mmo, or being in very loosely connected communities), the conventional way of implementing housing would either be disappointing or kind of redundant (we already have guild halls, if you are determined you can get some decos from NPC, activities/achievements or even throw tons of gold into scribing and make some yourself).
    I think that the interesting way of implementing 'housing-like' system would be to allow either groups/guilds/squads to control a part of open world (either by some kind of bidding system that could be a goldsink or by filling progress bar by completing some events around map, or even connect wvw alliance system where getting part of a zone dependant on win/score in wvw - each housing-like zone could have its own requirements so it would not be hogged by just one part of community). Those open zones could be a way to allow players to create content - sth like community based events, race competitons, jumping puzzles etc. It would allow guilds to better promote themselves and to easier connect ppl into communities, allow roleplayers/content creators to channel their positive energy and express themselves (why hide their creations in some obscure home instances, let us all enjoy it and give them some bragging opportunity as well). Groups organizing events could get some benefits based on amount of ppl and time they spend in the zone participating in activities (either hard gold, buffs - sth like magic find boost/gathering/karma etc, some currencies, maybe special decos for guild halls). If studio has reduced amount of ppl after layoffs, why not 'outsorce' some eager players and let them work for free like slav... well... you know 😉
    Maybe instead of strict housing-like zone make it into 'stronghold-like' sth like wvw, but in pve spin (going further with drizzlewood coast idea). Either all players or groups clear events around map, earn some curency they can spend on improving strongholds, hiring NPCs etc. It could be either sort of competitive (no pvp) idea or full coop. In competitive spin - player joining map would be added to one side of conflict, players in that  group would need to split into 'attacking group' and into 'defending group' (by defending I mean gathering currency for repairs and improvement). There could be reward for participating, holding your stronghold longest, by reaching some stage of completion etc. In cooperative spin - completing events around map could give players sieges, maybe lower stronghold defenses (or improve them and by having increased difficulty you get better rewards), open way to some hidden bosses, spawn NPC with some better loot. Well at the moment the cooperative sounds more like an idea for a map meta xD

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