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Posts posted by Warlyx.6732

  1. thanks for the explanations @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870"

    i wanted a build for open world content when i want to relax , not being afraid of dying = good , dps is "ok" at best and thats fine.

    just last question , i want to add a ranged dps option to this build for world bosses to avoid being restricted to melee (not always an option) , any advice?

  2. @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:Well, I included a link for this reason. The [basic version]. I was using Explosives 2/2/1, Alchemy 1/2/1, Scrapper 2/3/3

    But, over the past weeks, I have made a few adjustments. Since ANet enabled Gyors/Wells for underwater-combat, I decided to improve it a little.

    [modified Scrapper PVE build]

    In order to get as many might stacks as possible (asap) I decided to run the Sanguine Array synergy again. So for the underwater-combat, you actually have two sources of might:

    • Superior Sigil of Strength: 10 s might on critical hit (1 s cooldown)
    • Sanguine Array: 6 1/4 s might for every bleed I cause. Bleed sources: Sharpshooter & Superior Sigil of Earth.

    For underwater-combat I mostly use the grenade-kit, but you can pretty much use whatever you like. You will not get to 25 might stacks with this configuration permanently, but you will maintain the 10+ without any trouble = permanent quickness.

    In addition I noticed, that my dps is actually higher when I trait Firearms with 2/1/3 instead of Explosives 2/2/1. If you run this setup on land, you can maintain your might-stacks easier = more freedom for yourself. You are for example not forced to camp the auto-attack of the hammer as long as normal.

    Why Pinpoint Distribution?

    • Most of the encounters I have are trashmobs, so I need the damage now and not in a few seconds.
    • It helps your party or the people around you instantly, because almost everyone dishes out a few conditions nowadays.

    You are not forced to run Pinpoint Distribution. If you intend to fight NPCs with larger HP pools (solo), Thermal Vision might be a better option. Even No Scope has its uses. It mostly depends on your personal preferences.

    so let me get this straight once u gain might 26 (1 over stack ) u gain quickness right?sigil of strength needed (crit proc +1might) and bleed = might , crits 33% chance for bleed + skills

    ,how fast u gain 25 might? , 820 concentration is the min required? no food needed?

    ....guess if u solo u can go No scope instead of pinpoint

  3. the theme could have been amazing but alas it failed

    lack of weapons : because we have tons of other options , granades , flamethrower , ect

    having to juggle multiple cooldowns that u cant even see.

    if Engineer is all about tech why dont create something cool and awesome , hell look at asura , always creating cool things that made u go woahh, but engin cant have that because?

    not flashy enough , when u have proffs like Ele , Mesmer , guardian that are all about cool effects , ice , lightning , buttlerflies , blue fire , tomes , hell even warrior the most "simple" class ever , smash / crush / slash things around and looks badass .

    There is no point in playing Eng , when u can play something more fun and rewarding.

    there has been games that added Engineers and were tons of fun (Warhammer engineer , Dragon nest (tinkerer - gear master or alchemist both tons of fun) , and maybe even FFXIV machinist)

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