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Posts posted by Lahm.7056

  1. Believe it or not, I never lost to a condi rev on my dual scepter core signet mesmer build. The worst case scenario they just kite away since we're not hot in mobility but just to say it can be countered, but its definitely one of the strongest builds around.

  2. Just to add some more info on Druid after playing it as a pure support:

    A full minstrels Druid probably has the highest raw healing numbers given you are in range of your allies so that they get affected by your heal glyph and utility glyph that also heals, these two will put out around 16-17k heal in around 2 seconds.

    Building celestial gauge is a breeze if you are in a group of 2 or more players, specially if using traited warhorn, the regeneration alone will top it quite easily. Most of the fights I had celestial avatar ready before the CD was up due to the sheer amount healing you can put out and it was constantly available before the CD was up.

    Druid also excels in mobility, this is a big advantage that other supports lack, it will be very hard to pin you down. Adding to staff, running sword/warhorn as a secondary set will make nigh uncatchable and very mobile during fights.

    The weakest link of playing Druid is definitely the pet, choices for pure support pets are very few and do not feel impactful, the pet related traits for support can also feel lackluster so that makes the pet feel more as a bonus rather than a mechanic. I recommend the Red and Blue Moas.

  3. Condi core mesmer is currently very strong in this meta, specially while running Signets as they heavily synergize with distortion related traits.

    This is what I'm currently running: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABsqt/lVwQYXsE2IeqT7rfA-zVRYcRPjM4CJnQo3Co7Mw7DSQsHeLTKtB-w

    Full dire works too if trailblazers is out of budget.

    You can survive any condi build, including condi rev and the amount of boonrip allows to beat most of them, against really good condi revs its normally a stalemate until one gives up.

  4. Condi rev was already ridiculous in the right hands, now it's outright unplayable, good luck if you're going against a duo and the rev has a minimal amount of support and peel, just jump off a cliff and do yourself a favor.

    Regading core necro, I'm playing it and I have to say it only works against those who completely disregard its strengths, they see a core necro profession icon and they rub their hands thinking it's an easy lootbag ready to cash out. It could be the case if you're not going for a battle of attrition, which is the core necro specialty and if you're going for that then you will get your ass handed to any semi competent core necro every single time, even if you're outnumbering it 2 to 1. Use range, burst, CC, core necro is a complete sponge devoid of any blocks, evades or stealth, the only juke potential it can pull off is with flesh wurm (which can be unpredictable because of pathing issues) and that recall spectral mist if you fall for it.

    Those complaining about core necros, should review their knowledge of the game and professions.

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