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thc enjoyer.4976

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Posts posted by thc enjoyer.4976

  1. Anet, solo que = ranked with a low population. 


    If your game has a high population, which it does not, then duo q would be more viable. Running solo que at a high rating is rating suicide because there is duoq and you will be matched against a high rated duoq at like 1530+, guaranteed, and because the game is low population the people that will get top spots know that the only way to get rating is to farm the weaker players and the ones that just want to get stoned and game. 

    • Like 2
  2. 24 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    Take a look at Thief Profession traits: Acrobatics, Trickery, Daredevil. Doesn't that fit a clown? You can not have a circus without a clown. Thief Profession is the clown and the entire circus.

    the joke has been on us for 11 consecutive years 🤡

    Lmaooooooo that's some of the best kitten I've read this month so far 

    • Haha 3
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  3. 6 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

    I haven't played since the beta and didn't play for a few months before that. Thought I'd hop in for a change and play some unranked matches. 

    Nope, back to back match of top 25 players, including naru. 

    Have any friends or family checked on these people to make sure they're not chained to their computer desks? I can tell just in the 2 hours I've been logged in the population has drastically shrunk again too. 


    You can't be mad at the players, be mad at the devs and the decisions made that led to a barren wasteland of a pvp lobby. 

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

    Matchmaker would be fine if 2 things were different. The low population across all levels of play needs an increase in playerbase. Once that happens the system doesnt have to try and prioritize finding you a match quicker. Right now if you want perfect matchmaking, you will have to wait 20 mins to an hour just to find a match depending on how high in rank you are.

    Yeah it's the right system rn. I remember playing with my old hs buddies in csgo.. long story short it will force pair you with your rank, the ques would take from 5 -30 mins. No one wants that. 

  5. You see trap, you double dodge (for the memes), you activate the traps without getting hit by the traps, you have knowledge that the trapper now has traps on cooldown with no defensive utilities, you burst the everlasting stank outta the trapper, the trapper dies. If it's a stealth abuser just keep the node neuted and you're in a stalemate which is a net benefit to your team. 

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  6. Yes. I believe it to be the only fair and sensible outcome of yesterday's balance patch. For far too long revenants have been made fun of, called cringelord, emo, and weak. But no longer, now revenant can make its stand and say screw you cata, this is my playground and my lunch money. It is for the best. 

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