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Posts posted by MrWagner.8964

  1. Are you using the mechanist elite spec gloves? I had the same issue, the name template moves to my charr's feet when I equip that skin. If I take the gloves off the name moves back to the correct place.
    It's a shame really, because it's a really cool looking skin and this bug is the definition of "mildly infuriating". Hope they fix it soon, because I would like to use my pretty jade tech gauntlets

  2. Hi everyone!

    So I know chrono tank cannot really be outclassed by others because of the boon share utility. But since I love my engineer I would still like to try tanking with him. Do you guys use scrapper tank in your raid groups and if you do, could you share the build and you experiences with it? I'm not really worried about being "meta", because I have a 5 man group to raid with (we fill the other 5 spots from lfg or map chat), so I'm not afraid of being kicked out of the group, but I would still like to be useful to the group and not waste the time of my friends and the time of the people who join us from lfg.

    Any help appreciated!!!

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