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Posts posted by Cronos.5940

  1. Ah yeah, I could see that being the case lol. So far, I haven't seen any issues with the button layout compared to other MMO's for PvP just the way Guild Wars seems to do it. But that's easily something to play around with.

    I'd like to think this layout is simple for set switching since it's only one set and only if you go into combat. It also shows which set your switching to on screen when you click the button luckily, so it's a bit harder to lose track. With Xpadder I got confused all the time lol. but if your in WvW or PvP, there's no set switching, just one mode shift. the only things using long press are very basic things, like interact, or putting your sword away. Nothing you'd have to use during combat or in a tough situation. The only double press is for the dodge, which you just gotta button mash essentially lol.

    The more I use the Steam Overlay, the more I fall in love with the little things it does, like the on screen prompts and different activators (especially the radial menus). If anyone has any tips for other layouts, put them up for sure :) Or any that you've posted in Steam, definitely share those! This game plays so well on a controller, if you enjoy or prefer playing with a controller more, like I do lol.

  2. @Taygus.4571 said:^just some other tips/advice..its harder to control direction of your jump or dodge, if your thumb has to leave the thumbsticks. I would suggest having those on trigger buttons if you pvp.

    (assuming you have direction on one stick and camera on the other stick, that is.)

    Or the elite/steam controller to put them on the back too. But you could definitely put dodge and jump on the triggers or bumpers for sure. I've just got so used to hitting the button quick and bouncing back to the joystick cuz of dark souls, warframe and cod lol.

  3. @"alchemist.6851" said:i always wanted to try it but never had the chance or see the option to do it.. would you share? i have the xbox 360 controller with pc adaptor as well as steam controller

    it would be awesome to use controller for action rpg like this

    Sorry for the late reply, was making some final tweaks to my setup. This should be a good starting point for everyone wanting to get into using a controller who uses the Steam Overlay and an Xbox One controller. I can’t say it’s for everyone but hopefully it can give some tips or tricks for some people.

    The main tip would be, you don’t need to use every button on the controller! Adding too much to one layout can easily confuse you in the middle of combat or in a situation where you gotta think fast. I used games like Skyrim, ESO and FF14 for a few buttons I’m just used to using. Look at games you play a lot and copy basic controls like jump, camera control, dodge, maybe even combat buttons.

    With this setup, you have two different Sets to switch between. I use select on the Xbox One controller to switch between Default and Combat. It’s easy for me to hit. They both have right bumper using a Camera Action Layer that will let you zoom in and out using your right joystick when you hold it down. I also put “toggle action cam” on the default Camera right stick click. Left Trigger for both sets is always my mode shift.

    A few buttons and settings you need to change to make this configuration work would be keybinding the action cam, snap to ground target, and turning off double tap to dodge. I also unbind the 1st attack (since its your left click anyways) so I only have 4 attack buttons to bind.

    DEFAULT:On the Default Set, this will let you use your Radial Menus. Left stick radial is for mounts and Right stick has all your main menus you need for this game. Luckily they’re aren’t very many. The mode for my d-pad just lets me adjust the volume. It came in handy lol. I didn't map them, but adding a mute or push to talk button on the same d-pad as volume would work pretty well (I just haven't needed them yet). The rest of the buttons are labeled to make it simple. Any with two buttons are long press activators.

    COMBAT:You’ll see on the Combat layout, I only use 3 buttons on the main A,B,X,Y for attacks. I found the jump button felt weird if it had any other buttons on it and for me, Y was the best option for jump. I used the double press activator on B for dodge, so you just double tap. The 4th attack is on the mode shift with A, while the 3 main Utilities are X,Y,B. The fourth Utility (Ultimate/Elite) and Heal are always on right bumper (regular press to heal and long press for Ult). Your profession skills are the d-pad, with right having a long press for professions skill 5. Your Targeting is right stick click with nearest target and mode shifted for next enemy. Left stick can call a target or alert for mode shifting. I don’t really use any of the Raiding targets, or player targeting, but there are definitely options for them with mode shifting the D-Pad, or long pressing button clicks etc… this is just a layout that works really well for me, being pretty user friendly compared to a lot of layouts that have all the buttons crammed on one set. I play PvP, and PVE with this layout. I’m sure WvW would be fun too.

    I hope this helps anyone looking for a fun layout, or at least gets you thinking outside the box with mapping your own setup. I threw together a small video of what the radial menus are like, how quick it is to use them and some simple combat stuff.

    Steam Controller Configuration: (copy and paste into new tab)steam://controllerconfig/gw2-64/1578268839

    Video: Controller Quick Viewhttps://youtu.be/piU-IvNLqAA

  4. @alchemist.6851 said:i always wanted to try it but never had the chance or see the option to do it.. would you share? i have the xbox 360 controller with pc adaptor as well as steam controller

    it would be awesome to use controller for action rpg like this

    I for sure will :) I'll try and explain as much as I can using what I know you have, so the Steam configuration and at least the Xbox 360 controller setup. I'll make sure to export my layout as well, so I can share it with you on Steam. I'll get back to you tonight once I've got everything sorted.

    The main thing is, sure you can look at different layouts and try them out, but unless you customize one and learn what you need as a player, it might not feel right. Using a joystick as a mouse takes some time to get used too as well, but the more you play around with the configuration, the easier it is to understand.

    The beauty part about the Steam config is you can set up Radial menus. So all your mounts and menus don't need to take up any buttons. It's one the main reasons I like using Steam over Xpadder right now, but Xpadder is still a very good program to check out.

  5. I've played Guild Wars 2 with a controller for years now. Tried out as many programs and controller setups I could get my hands on and I finally think I have something I can share with others who may be interested in trying this out or looking for some new tips and tricks on making this work. With Action Cam, I honestly don't know why the dev's havent made controller support a thing yet. This MMO is one of the best for controller due to the small amount of abilities used.

    The programs I use are Xpadder and the Steam Overlay controller support with an Xbox One controller. I've also set up a layout using an actual Steam controller as well.From all the discussions I've read about controller support, I've seen some good ones, but they all seem to be lacking in one or two things still. If anyone shows interest in learning my setup or giving it a shot, I'll post more detailed information about what sets I use in Xpadder, along with button layout's and extra functions, etc...

    Either inbox me or leave a comment on here.

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