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Posts posted by Profanity.6829

  1. So they start the patchnotes with that DE was overnerfed.... and tell us we get compensation


    "Quickness deadeye was significantly overtuned when it was introduced but got brought down a bit too far from that point. This update includes a few tune-ups for the build's damage to hopefully bring it more in line with other options."

    However they decide to completely FUKCING DESTROY Deadeye PvP....


    • Meld with Shadows: Reduced the superspeed duration from 1.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds when the Silent Scope trait is equipped in PvP only.
    • Shadow's Rejuvenation: Reduced the initiative gain on enter from 2 to 1 when the Silent Scope trait is equipped in PvP only.
    • Death's Retreat: Increased the initiative cost from 6 to 7 in PvP only.
    • Death's Advance: Increased the initiative cost from 4 to 5 in PvP only.

    Barely superspeed now to move/kite....

    and COMPLETE initiative starvation with this...

    "YAY my shots now pierce....."

    3 cheers for ANET

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  2. So i see all the good players doing the about face thing fast and perfect and I want to learn to do this as wel.


    so you hold [W] + hold [LMB] + single press [AF] to run back while keeping camera orientation. 

    then single press [RMB] to run back again, keeping your original orientation.

    (and then weave your attacks in ofc)


    However: when i do the [RMB] too fast, the camera turns. This does not happen when i wait for about a second.


    Is this intedend? I have the feeling other people in pvp vids can do this way faster without getting turned around


    (wouldnt it be nice is aboutface would hold your camera position by default? Or if theres a keymapping tool that would always do [LMB] + [AF] and then map it to a single key... but thats probably against the rules...)



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  3. Jagged Mind, it ad a 1 sec low damage bleed... and you need to crit for it...

    Bloodsong? 25% damage on bleed and a whole blade on 5 stack? also kinda hard to stack that through Jagged mind (because of the 1 sec). Only really works with shatter (blade) crits or Pistol?

    Seems like they didn't give it any thought at all.


    What am I missing?

    • Like 2
  4. Like the title claims, my opinion is probably a very unpopular one, but maybe I'm wrong... Just made this to hear what other people think about Stronghold.

    I LOVE stronghold with the moba PvP-style and NO! I don't want to play LoL/HotS/whatever, because i can't stand this whole mouseclick-to-move garbage. I want to be in the action and having direct (keyboard) control.

    Let me get this straight, I think the current 2-lane design is not done very well, but what if:

    1. They updated the current Stronghold map to a better 3-lane map
    2. Add 2/3 other Stronghold maps
    3. Maybe make it a 8v8 or 10v10 player mode (whatever is balanced and works well with the mapsizes)
    4. Make Stronghold a seperate game mode with a ranked and unranked mode. Just like conquest. Meaning you don't HAVE to play it 😄

    I think this could be a awesome competitive environment and the haters/dislikers could still choose to not play it. Maybe this will even attract a broader PvP scene? 

    I don't think this is even that time consuming to implement? You already have all the techniques in the game and in current Stronghold, like summoning bosses/anti fortress bots/anti guard bots. Adding some NPC camps that you can defeat and have fight for you is already in WvW... I mean, you have everything there? Most time would go in adding good designed maps (Should be easy to get some map design inspiration from all the moba's out there) and then testing?

    Ill probably get burned for even mentioning this, but ah well... 😅 

    • Like 3
  5. Surge of the Mists was a very strong multi-utility. It did okay damage, made you evade for a very short window, interupted enemy players if hit, and could be used to engage/disengage. Great design, and not OP when you looked at the cooldown. Nerfing the ability was justified and in line with the rest of the patch I think, but the small self-root they added, kicked this ability into (almost) uselessness...

    Damage:All damage was taken from CC's and that's fine. Its debatable if Surge of the Mists was really a cc, as it was more a interrupt, but sure, removing the damage was fine and seemed fair.

    CC:However: the pre-load time / self-root is just absolutely rediculous. You will never land this on enemy players in PvP if your enemy isn't a complete potato. They don't even need to dodge, merely strafing aside will do...

    Mobility:But of course it's a versatile skill, we have always used it (when needed) as a disengage tool as wel. Well, that's now also gone. The self-root now completely trashed the utility of disengaging, LoS'ing etc, because you see the (dis)engage comming way to easily. Is that bad? Yes it is! Isn't current philisophy that only long CC's have a obvious tells? Why did they added such a huge root/tell to something with such a low CC impact?

    So how to fix? Options:

    • Remove the pre-load and self-root altogether.
    • Remove the self-root that's attached to the pre-load part. So keep the pre-load time, but allow the player to still move and aim.
    • Keeping it as it is now, but drastically lower cooldown.

    Other ideas?

  6. Hello all,

    Just wanted to share my build I'm having alot of fun with in ranked. I really like the playstyle of the hammer and Gyros, but never liked the bunker versions of this build, It's just too boring for me :)

    Disclaimer:This build isn't really new or anything. It's basically a scrapper with every Gyro slapped on, paired with more aggresive amulet/runes. Works great for me up to (only) Gold T3, so I'm definetely not a pro, and this definately will not be Meta. This has not been tested in platinum, and probably won't work well there, as your key weakness will be abused (no stability/stunbreak). For me this build is alot of fun and effective at current ratings. It's great for dishing out good damage and providing awesome team support at the same time. This build is also very forgiving, as it is pretty straightforwards and it's a bit of faceroll... but it can still die in a CC chain. Results may vary.

    Build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASncoCtpidpCGpCEqilKjKMfKmvScZCgwjetj77G-jJh9gAzXAAn9HAKDI/AAAA(Linking from these forums doesn't work for some reason, so just copy-paste the above string in a new tab)It's basically a aggresive take on the scrapper that's on Metabattle. I traded in the amulet for Marauder (because you need the extra bit of HP to not intantly die in 1 stun). All slots are Gyros which all prodide quickness (see rune). We don't have a kit. Yes, a big loss, but there isn't a single kit I like to play with, and I got something else amazing in return: Shredder Gyro. I cant even start to explain how amazing this thing is... More about this in 'playstyle'. Not only does this build provide really good offense... It does good offensive pressure while at the same time providing amazing support for your team.*Note: gw2skills is not reflecting the many changes to Scrapper yet, but i believe I ticked the right positions (1-1-1), but be sure to check in-game (I can't atm).

    Playstyle:You basically whirl and leap throught your fields, and keep doing that ad much as possible while pummeling your target. At some point you will hit all your hammer cooldowns, but once you get to learn the build (lol, it's still kinda faceroll), you learn to rotate your F1's to F5, you have something usefull to press 90% of the time :) I know at first glance most people will think not having a second weapon (kit) set is a no-go, But this build just works fine without, without feeling you need more buttons.

    • Good sustain outside of getting CC'd (many barriers, condi removal(conversion), projectile denial, etc.
    • All gyro's provide quickness!
    • Shredder Gyro: your bread and butter of your entire build. By itself it does only '''okay-ish" damage, but you just activate and forget. You can use your other abilities while it's up. But the most important aspect of this is the whirl-finisher, so you combo this as much as possible with the many other fields you have access to.
    • Medic Gyro: Speaks for itself. Good self healing and decent team support with Shredder Gyro and Hammer 2 (healing bolts).
    • Purge Gyro: Speaks for itself. I can facetank scourges by just popping Purge Gyro and combo'ing it with Shedder Gyro for amazing team cleanse, while doing really good pressure on the scourge at the same time.
    • Bulwark Gyro: Speaks for itself.
    • Sneak Gyro: This is not just a tool for setting up a stealth approach! It way better to use in in a huge teamfight on the actual point! Not for the stealth, but for the aoe blind spamming. You wont be in stealth if you keep attacking so you still contribute to capping. Keep up Shredder Gyro and hammer 2 in it to throw out lots of blinds for your team, a great way to mitigate zerg-burst on your team.
    • Example combo when I want to ambush someone or +1 a teammate: Stealth Gyro to sneak up to someone, pre-pop Shredder Gyro right before going in, throw Hammer 5 on opponent and follow up with Hammer 3 and 2. This usually does 50-70% of enemy HP.


    • Don't chase, your better off playing near a teammate. Don't forget: every wirl/leap/blast finisher your teammates cast through your fields helps them as well.
    • Great at stomping and ressing with the updated F5 by double ressing/stomp by yourself (F5 + the regular stomp/res)! Also Sneak Gyro for stealth.
    • Very strong vs anything projectile based (Hammer 2 and 5 and Defence shield)
    • Works great vs. your average condi builds if you time your reflective abilties and (many) cleanses. The retarded amount of cleansing give you the edge.
    • Drop your Spare capacitator (aoe daze and another lightning field) and your Chemical field (poison to lower enemy healing) in the teamfights! Both are more fields for you and your teammates.


    • No stability. You need to anticipate incomming CC. Warriors will wreck you in a 1v1, they just do. I often survive and fully recover from the first stun(s), but then won't survive the 2nd wave of stuns/interupts/rampage. Skilled holo's can also 90-100% you their CC chain if they catch you off guard. Their skills are very animated though, so if you can anticipate (e.g. dodge or pre-pop your Bullwark gyro) you have a good chance vs them. All Scourges are fairly easy but if you get caught in a double fear without Purge or Medic Gyro up, you might die. Same goes for a Ranger's knock-back and a Shatter Mesmer's interrupt and burst, but most of all this can be pretty easily survived if you stay on your toes and have map/positioning awareness.
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