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Posts posted by Thoehn.7460

  1. I am not sure what has happened but since logging in after reset today- Jun 11, 2019, every rare item I loot that is not a "piece of unidentified gear" has the "of the air" suffix. There were at least ten in a row before I stopped for the evening I have not tested the unidentified rare gear to see if the same thing happens when I identify it. I realize that it's entirely possible that this could be random from the loot table, but ten in a row makes that seem highly unlikely.

  2. Most people playing the game now have a good deal of ascended equipment already, so guaranteed rares aren't really all that exciting to most of us. You could TP them or salvage for ectos, which is nice, but I think that, given most of the people doing this bonus event are veteran players, tokens for trade-in instead of obscenely rare RNG drops might have been a better choice. Maybe even some exotics for the few newer people or more casual players who haven't had the time to build up their gear set yet.
    Overall, the fact that the game is made NOT to be a neverending upwards gear treadmill (which is a good thing, IMO, don't get me wrong) means that almost everyone has capped stat gear at this point, so you're going to have to be very creative to make rewards enticing. Cosmetic items are always cool because they let people customize their otherwise "identical-to-everyone-else" gear into something unique. That being said, more cosmetic items available as drops during future events might add incentive? Just a thought.Thank you for trying to make things fresh again and encouraging player feedback.

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