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Posts posted by Arekai.5698

  1. Why don't you address things ppl have been saying since you introduced wvw mounts?

    Make the Warclaw have 1k hp, or make it demount on contact / battle.

    Generally, make it so roaming as one or two persons is fun again.The only good thing in all of this is the hammer rev nerf.

  2. @Shao.7236 said:Remember when it was possible to headshot or blind them? But for most, can still use a wall to stop the skill altogether? Why is it that everything have to gain evade even when it makes the least sense.

    It honestly just encourages nothing but power creep when you give skills the must absolutely use because evade frames. Bull's Charge at first was still a great skill when not stupidly used, but now it can be stupidly used rather than consciously having in mind that you're literally charging in a straight line at your target as an unstoppable force, but what would it be like if it was actually an unstoppable force and not some ninja shenanigans, because in my honest opinion I think Stability should have been the buff this skill deserve. In all the following contexts that it can be basically stopped by another AoE of denial while being such an oppressive tool combined but the rest of the CC chain.

    Coming from what it used to be, it just feels annoying how tables have turned for something that was good to simply plain meta. It would be nice to keep some counter play in place considering that with the current things Warrior (Mostly Spellbreaker anyway.) have, it would still make the skill great to use, just not braindead to the point where nothing but evades mitigates the huge clunky hitbox that drags around walls, pillars and through some thin obstacles.

    I can see why there is an evade, but it still doesn't really feel like it belongs there when the skill could be used in the same fashion with different benefits. Some professions could benefit from the ability to counter play it too with more than just evades, a lot of them already being at the bottom of the current meta anyway.

    Tell me your class and I will point out an OP skill of it.

  3. @sinsrock.1702 said:most people that are running the perma stealth backstab are all in 1 thing, dmg.... if you have a class with reveal itll make your life alot easier

    Ill never understand ppl that forget about elite removing revealed.Theres nothing you can do against perma stealth builds.stun -> shadowstepreveal -> remove revealcounter burst -> gets dodged into stealth

    A proper DE with patience will always win, unless the target is too tanky, then it's simply a stalemate.

  4. Why, after years of pressing "Remind me later" am I still being asked about my phone number?I don't want your two factor authentication and I certainly don't want to give you something as personal as my phone number for some mini.I set the "autologin" parameter to the gw2.exe and this sh*t keeps me from starting the client with a single click.Add an option "No. Leave me alone." and stop asking me about the same fucking thing for years that I'm not going to give you.

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