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Posts posted by ScionKai.4907

  1. hellopls make moar vidscheers

    I had 3 videos I was about to release as my Full Reee-tard Trilogy (I was rather proud of how the Rampageaholic video turned out lol) but this patch kinda messed that up... But worry not! A new moronic video is in the works that sets up releasing the other vids afterwards later this year... I would give a hint but it would be too much of a spoiler.

    cheers o/

  2. @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:ANet stated long before the patch went live that they planned to do more frequent balance passes to bring things in line.

    Many people realize this, but we've heard this many times before, only to see balance patches come out which create terrible metas and then we wait 6 months to over a year to see the next balance patch.A few years ago they made a huge promise to do frequent balance patches... they did 2, and then after that? Crickets...Also the most frustrating part about this is people saw the problem with the balance patch preview notes right away and said this was going to be a condi meta that bored everyone out of playing, yet here we are.3 tier WvW will be here by summertime.

  3. If this patch leads to a Plague Doctor condi meta, and your company fails to follow up with subsequent balance patches frequently (this isn't the first time we have been promised more frequent balance patches), whatever temporary gains you get for promoting this massive patch will be quickly lost.

    There is a strong sentiment among players all over WvW who have stuck with the game as large numbers of their friend's accounts go dormant that they too are growing very weary of the game...

    If we are stuck with a condition meta through spring / summer I would wager WvW will have to be reduced to 3 tiers much sooner than you maybe expected. There will be an influx of long MIA players curious about all of these changes, but a dominant condition meta will make it all for naught. For years people have been proclaiming this or that upcoming game will be the death of GW2 WvW, and it hasn't happened yet - but there are still competitors on the horizon and the day when GW2 is one of the only compelling RvR games in town might fizzle out soon.

    Please just do a lot of follow up patches on things that are overtuned very soon and don't abandon the game mode when the job is half done. A massive nerf like this was needed very badly, but I strongly feel the changes here do not account for how damage over time in large group play in this game works and the players are going to suffer because of it.

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