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Posts posted by Tunacarp.9723

  1. I was disappointed to learn that strikes no longer have a public option.  I don't have ten friends or trusted players that I feel good about 'wasting their time' while learning a strike, or that are just willing to altruistically carry me.  I never had trouble in the public strikes, though I read a lot of people did.  I probably only played each strike once, though.  I thought they were reasonably well paced.. but:


     ... they are NOT what I originally purchased and like to play guild wars 2 for.  I don't enjoy raiding, I've done it extensively with friends on other mmos, its "fine" so long as I'm doing it with friends.  Like how if friends want to play cribbage, go bowling or something, sure, I'll do that with friends, even though.. not my favorite games.


    For me, what shines about Guild Wars 2 is the exploratory and open world content.  Just stumbling upon an event with a bunch of random folks and saving the day.  Finding a treasure chest behind a waterfall.  That's fun to me, and a unique experience from other mmo offerings.


    I'm a little disturbed about the turtle collection requiring a strike to complete.  Even moreso now that strikes no longer seem to have that faceless public option.  The turtle seemed to be sold as a feature of the expansion, so I purchased in with the expectation that it would be obtainable through my ordinary play patterns.  There was never any indication that it would take any great skill or effort to obtain it.  It being GW2 I did expect a grind and traveling the world picking up random do dads from random events and climbing the highest mountain, and completing the story mission. (It was a very good story.)


    As I've managed to succeed in getting the dragon end's meta done, and that horrible maw fiasco, too.. to discover I need to form a group for a strike probably means that while if I put my mind to it I'm capable of doing the strike.. but it isn't something I look forward to.  I don't follow the meta, changing the builds I run on my main for open world play would be dangerous as I have learned that I'm slow to learn new builds, and thus would be sub optimal either way.  No one likes being "that guy" in a group of strangers who are all counting on you not to be a complete screw up so they can get their turtle bit and move on.


    I'm going to do everything else I can first, and sit on it and see if Anet doesn't provide a more open world player friendly method of turtle collection completion.  Just because I probably can do something, doesn't mean I want to for fun on my day off. 


    Anyhow, I play GW2 for the open world content.  I'd like a turtle for my buddy and I to ride to and from open world content on.  Not interested in instanced play.  Thanks for reading.

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