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Posts posted by Madeline.9504

  1. Disappointed With EOD Expansion. Need to Fix Multiple Features


    I played gw1. I loved it. Factions was so exciting with maps that players could change (borders) based on actions of large groups of people in pve , kurzicks and luxons sand an amazing atmosphere. I love gw2 I thought POF was really great , well done and reminded me of the Nightfall.  I was so excited that EOD  would take some inspiration from the GW1 cantha mechanics. Unfortunately EOD is disappointing  in number of sectors



    Map Design

     The EOD maps are poorly designed. Where am I going? What is the purpose of this area?   Big and more vertical is not always better. Shing Jea is nice but why make doors. I wandered around for hours and could not figure out how to get to some waypoints. It was a doorway that only opens if you are close by. Even when I know its there it still takes me a bit to recognize which one opens. Not helpful!


    Players where are they? 

    Where are all the players? I have seen maybe just 5 or 6 consistently on a map....at launch no less? Yet I see players in non EOD Maps.  I kept thinking, next corner, next event, next point of interest, skill point or map....  everybody would certainly  be there.  Nope, there are events everywhere yet no players.   LFG  in EOD should be a supplement, not mandatory to play with others. Most LFG are all full so I can not join even when I want to. The maps become painful  and lonely feeling it is  just a shame. Please fix map population.


    Kaineng City

    I am especially  surprised how repetitive Kaineng  environment is it does not feel like a live city capital  unlike so many maps in GW2 such as Divinity Reach. Why are there so many large empty plazas with nothing there and very few landmarks that visually tell me where I am? (I will say I do like the flying holo fish) . In  Kaineng I don't hear sounds of a city just wind and battery power turning off and on. The concept art on the loading screen is great. I at least expect the sound of a bustling city or more npcs and convo.  Maybe Anet will make improvements.


    Fishing and Skiff

    Fishing hurts my hands. I tried it 3 times and thought if I do this again I will not be able to enjoy the rest of the game as my hands hurt so bad. It is cumbersome and not fun. Maybe there is a way to make it less painful. The skiff is hard to use. There is a miniscule button barely visible. Why hide this?  At least make a shortcut to assign a key to so I can switch quickly. Not just for the fishing menu.



    Guild Wars?

    Moreover, like original post said where is the gameplay that the game is named after...Guld Wars. I thought maybe this time with Canthan expansion  it would be added for sure. Can we at least add canthan theme in  WVW?  Am I missing something? I have not that  seen either. Will it be added in the future?


     Anet Please 

    This expansion should be on par with POF. Currently it is not. It had a model in Cantha, I get it is supposed to be years later and tech develops, and It seems like effort was put in by designers.


      Maybe there were too many new ideas that took up development and design  and then they were poorly executed?  With the lonely maps alone I will be waiting to have that fixed first before I head to the EOD maps again. Please fix some of these issues where you can. I enjoy guild wars 2 please make improvements.


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    Feedback on Theme and Aesthetic with Harbinger


    Hi there, 


    I love the Necromancer and have played necro since the original guild wars (gw1).  From the begining in GW1 there was something satisfying about floating off the ground while stealing the blood out of an enemy to heal you  or bleeding yourself to heal others.  I loved the dark theme, I loved the blood magic vampire build, minion master,  curses and the like. GW2 has built on that base and it is  great. I especially love Reaper specialization and the wonderful Necro themed animations with it to boot. 


    Now for the Harbinger,


    This specialization with the gun and elixirs is not bad idea per se, but the  Harbinger feels like a dark engineer, not a Necro with a new specialization. I know the traits are named after Necro sounding themes, but it does not come across in play. Rather  the  Necromancer profession gets diluted and muddled with the Engineer here. If this is supposed to be a dark arts of alchemy for the Necromancer theme it missed the mark. It looks like someone gave up, ran out of ideas or time while working on the Harbinger and defaulted to Engineer skills.



    The name elixir alone screams Engineer rather than dark potions of a plague doctor or alchemist. Terms used for the Harbinger skills could have been more descriptive or thematic. Better names  for the new necro Harbinger mechanic elixir/skills might have been words like:





    Just not elixer! Something ...you know dark and sinister.


    Skills and Pistol Art 

    In addition, the elixir skill  art was very bland, each bottle looked so similar and the same goes for the pistol skill art. It was hard to keep track visually what skill was what, especially while fighting.



    I think  more unique animations with each elixir would help Harbinger as well. This might help with the feeling of not being an Engineer too.

    Overall,  I was disappointed with Harbinger during  the beta after the Reaper and Scourge were so good.

    I hope there are some major improvements coming to Harbinger before it is released in End of Dragons. 



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