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Posts posted by Davros.9823

  1. I'm confused, Ele, engineer, rev (also you missed guardian) can and still will be able to do what you want to do.


    I admit heal cata is hard to play, and doesn't reward you that well for playing it, should be better now.

    People forget that you can easily heal alac willbender, some raid fights i would not recomend.

    Heal engi's still looking very fine.

    Rev should be easier now with herald changes. Just git gud.

    Wait to see, but you may be able to do heal untamed with the nature magic changes.

    Necro won't work, harb no healing

    Warrior will be close, some fights it is realy strong heals on, others it is pants.

    Theif won't work either.

    Heal mesmer is meme tier. Fights with low burst healing requirementa but large condi clear it can work though.


    This gives 6/9 specs where you should be able to do what you ask.

    • Like 1
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  2. Re-releasing LS1 is litteraly the best thing for me in the game atm.


    I missed these chapters, sure i watched the compliation movie and have played all the fractals which a lot of ls1 had been turned into, but neither of those things let you get the ap, or the skins. Or actually PLAY THE GAME.


    Maybe it isn't as exiting and a whole new story but it is patching a gapeing wound that has been in gw2 for way to long, and the release cadence has been pretty good.


    GW2 isn't an mmo that only the most recent content is valid for end game, litteraly everything from orr onwards is lvl 80 content. Go out and get achieves. Open the side story section of the achievement panel and look at doing those questlines.


    Or worst case senario, play another game. Nothing is lost not playing gw2 and logging back when the new release is.

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    • Confused 3
  3. Lets start this by saying the content i mainly play is raids, the rewards for raids is a radom exotic per boss and cm. If you clear the bosses and cm's on one char you get so many unique unstackable items in your inventory. 2 per boss because of the chest. Yes there is a bank in the aerodrome and yes you could just salvage/sell everytime you get one but hear me out.


    Unidentified Exotic Gear.


    Suddely you have a reward that is exactly the same as what the bosses drop, as well as some meta's and ot stacks.


    Less inventory clutter and a better reward than an unidentified rare, which seems to be the go-to reward anet hands out. If a meta needs a better reward instead of just giving another unid rare, swap it to an unid exotic. This seems so simple to me, why do we not have it?

    • Confused 1
  4. I have seen alot of negitve coments in this thread and a lot of them are not waranted.


    One of the big ones is complaining about self boon access, but you can self upkeep 100% regen, prot, 25might, vigor, resistance and resolution. And the might, prot, regen and vigor are permanant on 5 targets. This is just by taking boon estention dodge and a couple of other traits. No concemtration required. You also have tge ability to give 5 man stab in aliance stance along with 5 man stun break. And also able to give some 5 man resolution and resistance.


    The boon extention dodge is so powerful, it extends boons by 8 seconds every 20 sec if you have energy sigil, and improved vigor. This is enough that your hybrid supports don't need to take any boon duration. This is so powerfull.



    My biggest complaint is found underwater. Anet compleatly forgot the rev can use trident. Perhaps the coolest designed weapon in the game, giving different condi's depending on what legend you channel. Not only did you not get a trident im your weapon box, but if you use alliance stance you do no condi's. No extra effect to trident at all.


    At least all the skills work underwater.


    3 other things i feel need to change to make the class work and feel a bit better.


     FIRST: the flip over. It doesn't feel great to flip a skill and then have the next one go on cooldown for 10 sec, basicaly the time you are in that legend. You shouldn't be able to double tap, but having the full cooldown feels so puniahing. If there was a 1-2sec icd on flip to be able to use the next skill and upped the base cd of each to 15-20 sec it would flow alot better. You have the energy cost of the skills to limit how they can be spammed.


    SECOND: the F2. It just doesn't feel great to use in other legends. There are a couple of ways to make this feel better one is that it also triggers on legend swap traits, as everything in vindicator that triggers on legend swap also triggers on F2. The other one is the traits, Leviathan Strength resetting the cooldowns is very strong, but does nothing when used in another legend, if this reset to cooldown of all utilities when in other legends it would be less feel bad, maybe up the added cd to 30 to acomodate foe this increase in utility, but with the 25 energy cost this gives more agency to the player as when the best time to use the skill is. Amnesty of Shing Jea should augment the f2 to give boons depending on what legend you are currently channeling. Leaning more into the boon share aspect that is really strong already in vindicator. (Also wouldn't hurt if you changed the 1 might stack to 1/2sec of fury sounds small but would be so much better, would need to look at the icd on the trait that gives might on fury but small cost imo) This is a trait i feel is sorely missing, just like herald has a trait to augment facet of nature on each legend.


    THIRD: The URN!! This skill just feels bad to use, the cast time on smashing the urn kills the skill. You try to cancel it, get inturupted, run out of energy have chill on you or numourous other things and it just wiffs. No boons, no heal, nothing. The aoe heal is medium, if it pulsed sone boons like resistance, resolution or prot or maybe a little barrier or even gave ticking revive speed increase would make the skill much more useable.


    Overall am having fun with the spec and love the design. Just missing a touch of polish.


    Also please i'm begging ignore the calls to give this guy alac or quickness share. Not something it needs as it can nearly upkeep all defensive boons in the game, and pairs so well with other specs doing alac or quickness that it isn't needed at all.

    • Like 1
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  5. A Condi quickbrand and a heal ren should be able to do it easy.

    Or if you look up mightyteapot, he did a duo on a strike with a condi ren build that build would also work for cairn as well.

    You could also look up pylon kite scourge build and 2 of those should be able to do it as well, they take the trait to heal on condi dmg.

    Basicly anything that can output a decent amount of condi pressure with good sustain should work for you.

  6. It depends map to map, Bitterfrost frontier is really good because you can do tge berry farm quickly and with as many chars as you like a day.

    Dragonfall also is a realy easy map to get the currency for.

    Season 3 vs 4 doesn't really matter, unless you struggle with unbound magic, Volitile is probably a little easier to get as you get it in icebrood as well.

  7. Skyscale can look daunting when you first hear about the map currency requirements.

    But once you look into it and understand how each currency is given out it makes it so much easier.

    My last currency to get was branded mass, and i couldn't get a thunderhead meta to succeed for the life of me. Then realized just how easy it is to farm 2 of the hearts (fishing and motivate the crowd) got my alts to the map and farmed out over 100 branded mass in an hour or so.

    One thing to realize is that you can do the meta muliple times a day, as long as you are on a different char each time that meta fires.

    Hope this helps.

    Also download Taco, it makes the map completes so much faster.

  8. You need the hero points for map compleation. Which you need to have to make legendary weapons (end game goals).

    You also nees hero points to unlock both your specializations. Good thing is the hero points in hot and pof award 10 points each. Again there are way more hero points available than you can spend on a character.

    But to get more mastery points check out your achievement tab and have a look at the wiki to see which points you want to go for.

    • Like 1
  9. Dungeons are best looked at in two ways, story and explorable.

    The story mode is to compliment the core personal story, so the interactions of the characters and the lore makes a bit more sence.

    The exploarable paths where ment to be the original end game content of the game, the story of each path deals with what happened after the story mission. each path will award you 20 tokens with a bonus 80 tokens the first time you compleate it for the day. They also award a little bit of gold, the other thing is each time you complete 8 different paths you get 5g and 150 tokens of your choice.

    There is a bit of a grind per armour set or rune set.

  10. As you mentioned, you currently have hit a little wall with Mastery points and unlocking new masteries.

    How the mastery system works is you have 4 different Mastery pages (one fore core, HoT, PoF and icebrood) these pages all get xp seperatly. Each one has multiple mastery lines. And it is all account bound.

    To unlock a mastery first you have to get enough xp to fill the bar (lvl up) then you can use your mastery points to unlock it permanantly on all of your characters.

    If you fill up a bar and don't have enough mastery points to unlock it you can't progress further in that line, so your xp bar stays full.

    Luckily there are several mastery lines, so if one is capped just swap to another and fill up that bar. Then look up what you nees to do to get the mastery points. There are way more mastery points available than you can actually use.

    Hope this helps

  11. Guardian tank works really well, yes you loose distort, but you have better ageis share.

    You take the roll of second healer, so monk runes and minstrels. Still provide 100% quick uptime to your squad and alot of heals and mitigation.

    Depending on boss depends on your weapons, swap between staff, axe and mace as required.

    Tanks SH a lot better than chrono, and a couple of other bosses as well.

    W3 is the only wing where chrono tank really outshines fb tank.

  12. The other addon that you might like is ArcDPS, is handy if you are looking at doing raids and want to get better by understanding what dmg you are doing.

    TacO is great, helps alot to get some things done. Worth it to install to see if you like it.

  13. I'll point out again this is the FIRST mount skin that is 100% Obtainable without touching the Gem Store.

    This is a great thing for people that want a reward for playing the game. Isn't that what people really want? Incentive to play the game? A REAL reward?

    All this complaining is doing is stopping anet from releasing more mount skins obtainable ingame without the gemstore.

  14. You do realize this is the FIRST mount skin available outside of the Gem store?

    How is this WvW being neglected. Take your 200g and convert it to gems - it is 500gems right this minute, that is enough to get a random skin. RANDOM as in not going to get the one you want.

    This is exactally the sort of content anet should look to add to the game. More ways to get mount skins to show people are playing the content and not just paying for the content.

    Would love open world skin collections/quests that rewarded mount skins, wound't care if part of the collection was gated behind similar gold totals. It gives investment and a sence of compleation.

    Yes 200g is a bit of liquid gold, but it is less than the commander tag which is more important imo.

    • Like 2
  15. The most common tank is Chrono (mesmer), but firebrand (guardian) is starting to gain more popularity and imo is the better tank.

    Other classes can tank, scrapper (engineer) or Herald (revanent). But due to the makeup of a 10man raid squad won't generally be taken.

  16. I agree that the gearing aspect of this game is a bit backwards, and strikes have had the complaint that the loot isn't that rewarding.

    But they where introduced to get people involved in 10 man content, to learn what an effective 10 man squad looked like and how to handle some mechanics that could apear in raids.

    The stratagey of ignoring mechanics and just stack healers can be true for some raid bosses as well. VG comes to mind as the enrage timer is pretty loose and one of the mechanics (greens) are litterally healed through for most groups.

  17. Instead of just shooting down people giving you the information that you need to succeed, let us know what you are working with (classes) and i'm sure someone will post a budget build that wpuld help you carry dps through.

    Best classes that can carry are, Necro, Guardian, Ren, ele and engi (left off ranger as you said you don't have one.)

    Each one of those classes can stack magi gear with a heal build and just carry with raw hps. Strikes are not at the point where you need 100% boon uptime to compleate, hell raids aren't even in a spot where you need 100% uptime to compleate.

    Boon uptime is only important for speed clears and maximising dps (faster kills do make the encounter easier as you will see less mechanics but not required to finish it)

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