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Posts posted by Gildrick.5096

  1. I can't agree. I truly appreciate the philosophy that others should have a chance to obtain things for the effort they've put in, equally do I understand the burden of wanting something that's unobtainable. For Hero of Lion's Arch to be made obtainable again, the weight of it's meaning would be erased.

    The Battle of Lion's Arch was quite literally one of my earliest moments of PC gaming, I was sixteen at the time. To this day when I walk around our current Lion's Arch, I sometimes reflect on just how impactful that singular event was. That event made me feel sorrowful, truly. I remember the uncountable number of people outside the city gates as people prepared to run back in, I remember hearing civilian's screaming in the distance as some made it to safety while others didn't during each vista I gathered. If you needed to catch your breath, the only way was to find cover and pray one of the MANY wandering patrols didn't notice you. It always felt as though everything you accomplished there was never enough. Irrergardless of how many people you saved, there were always more. 

    My point is: I wouldn't of ever learned to appreciate just what was presented to us had it been made repeatable content. It HAD to be for that time only, it has to be a race. Otherwise there would be no reason to reflect, no reason to look at the title on someone and go, "So, you were there when everything began to burn?"

    Truly do I understand it's an event in a video game. While there's nothing I can do about them bringing the event back, what I ask is that title remains unobtainable. It serves to mark whose who were there, those who watched everything fall, and those who remained until it was finished. By all rights, they were heroes. Don't take that away.

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  2. Please don't do this. Sure, there's some imbalance when it comes to WvW population, however I enjoy seeing the same people every day. It gives a sense of community. I don't want to start seeing randoms that I'll never see again. I like where the server system is; the only thing I could think of changing is balancing out the stats similar to PvP. Or, alternatively, make it where gear matters yet even a level 10 has access to all abilities similar to PvP. As WvW is an endgame piece of the game, I think gear should be something to shoot for.

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