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Posts posted by saddlebear.5027

  1. Ok, so I fixed the problem. I deselected then reselected the Death Magic - Flesh of the Master trait and now the minions seem to have much improved health. I was playing with different hero builds and changing between build tabs and I think that trait's characteristics got lost and needed to be reset.

  2. I'm not sure the majority of gamers are actually satisfied with anything including their own lives! I love the game. It's stunningly beautiful. The stories are followable and coherent. It has an awesome foundation. I played PoF and LW4 and I loved both. I got my money and time's worth for sure. I understand great content is a creative process and will ebb and flow, that's just the nature of the process. I do think ArenaNet needs to get away from NCSoft and be a small company with big passions again but I'm not an expert on the Anet/NCSoft relationship. From the outside it appears that NCSoft just wants to wring GW2 for as much cash as it can and if it's not enough it will discard GW2, ANet and the players invested in the game. What kind of relationship is that for a game that depends so heavily on creativity? Lastly, asking the gaming "community" their opinions will just get you savagely beaten and tossed aside like trash. The worst of the worst always seem to speak the loudest. Instead the content and how/how many people are playing it should dictate the creative process.

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