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zaid.2308's Achievements

  1. I can see a lot of assumptions have been made around how i play and some seem to have made an idea around how i usually play with this build. (sarcasm) 90% of the time i'm never on top of tag/melee-ball, I'm wherever the situations calls me to be while still moving in the same motion as melee-ball/tag, and even when pirateshipping happens u usually don't stay on top of tag either. I'm always going in and out of the maximum range of fbs, scrappers and revs. To get the necessary boons/converts frequently. While still maintaining the range (900-1200, u can go higher, not gonna go into that though as i expect it to be basic info on ele) u have as a weaver that constantly sends aoes out at the right time, wherever u can catch the enemy zergs head in spot for 2-5secs. I dont play passively nor defensively, i play offensively and very aggresive. U can even still pick enemy squishies out with this easily. and no u don't necessarily need Piledriver to do so, as Surge tends to hit harder and is even faster which u can combo with other instant/fast skills. I don't see why ppl think it's not possible. Just have good movement + positioning. Sry to say but if u need 2 defensive utilities u shouldn't play ele staff simple as that., even before recent nerf to staff weaver dmg i only ran 1 (twist of fate), and i switched it out for GoS cause i wanted to keep the dmg at an all high consistently. The nerfs to dmg on staff ele over the years has just made it this way. If u take 2 defensive utilities u might as well just go core guardian instead. Cause u either have very high consistent dmg or u don't play as weaver ele. As for ppl saying weavers is a useless resource for a zerg, i would beg to differ, I can agree when we talking about avg eles but good eles are worth the resources as they bring their whole damaging kit with them and make it effective. And lastly I hope ppl can stop assuming and ask instead. Like i still can't get it out of my mind how ppl think i play this anywhere close to a passive or defensive playstyle. And before ppl go on even further, no i don't go downstate frequently. I go down-state every 8th-10th fight and rarely when i do go down-state cause of once-in-a-while shit movement/positioning, I'm most of the time in a safe spot where i can mist-form and get a quick ress or even be rallied by that point already as, I most likely have tagged majority of enemies by then.
  2. Link build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAYZlJwQYUMP2JO+KbvNA-zVZYBh7YIIQxoChNIRDhIVQlEQ1BIg9wbZizI-wThis is a build that is built around ele's that have experienced movement and positioning, as it is very important to part to have with this build.If u are not a very experienced ele, i would still recommend u go ahead and give it a go with this build, as it can pressure u to learn the movement, positioning and dps rotation of a staff weaver in WvW. -HP = 15.6k-Base Power = 2.9k power (in fire)-Power with 25x might + 200power food on kill (30secs) = 4.2k power-Crit dmg = 242-260% crit-dmg (depending on the fire and air variants)-Crit chance = 100% crit-chance-When u don't have Minor BB (30point stats) just switch backpiece valkyrie to either berserker (15k hp) or marauder (15.3k hp) You can change rune to Scholar as 2nd variant of this build, I won't bother changing the mind on those that are deadstuck on Scholar, I used to use it as well though personally, I found Strength to be more effective for with this build.Been running this on WSR (Whiteside Ridge) for a while (curent above build since recent changes to ele) now in pug + organized squad comp's in WvW, and it could easily be seen how effective it was. I don't really know why but I've seen a lot of servers not really accept staff weavers, atleast from my POV when I've fought against pretty much all servers' zergs, and most of the times i don't see as many ele's as i do on WSR for instance. I'm not sure if it's just a wrong idea ppl have around weavers in zergs or if it's just a server thing. I've seen like only 1-2 other servers beside WSR which uses staff weavers properly in their zergs. I think ppl forgetting that ele's with core guard are currently the highest dps'ers that do the most/highest consistent dmg over-time in a fight. Enjoy the build :)
  3. Ranger is not nerfed but balanced. You are probably using a bad build or using your skills badly cause rangers can still hit hard, very hard.
  4. What do you mean meta is more popularity than potential or efficiency? lmaoDo you even know what meta stands for?Meta = Most effiecient/effective tactic available Who in their right mind wouldn't bring the best on the table in a competitive environment?I only play outside the meta when it comes to roaming cause you can but in a zerg environment you play as a squad so you have to bring what's most efficient to synchronize with the whole squad. You can play meta in a smallscale environment or in a largescale environment but both metas shift with balance changes and we've gotten several balance patches since fb and scourges came out, has the meta shifted from just those 2 being essential to a squad? no.Like how is it fine when 2 classes control the outcome in a gamemode. Now i agree with you on some point and like i've said in the main topic, which i guess most didn't read, I said they should focus on balancing scourges big shade and now 10 target cap cause the balance team wanted to nerf it as they made it sound but they did the exact opposite of what they said and what majority of wvw players wanted. The only decent balance was the barrier change to scourge. On top of that the bigger target cap on big shade now has made the already bad lag in WvW even worse.As for FB, let's be honest the recent "nerf" to it won't change how it has been performing so far.
  5. Sounds like most of you like how scourges and fbs perform in WvW atm and dont want them nerfed lmao. The current zergplay balance is literally being balanced around how much support a fb can output and how much dps/corrupts a scourge can output (If you are playing condi scourge dont even say anything tbh, I can't believe some necros are still living in the HoT era. WvW Balance should not be done around just 2 class roles, if balance is done around just 2 classes it talks for itself how big of a problem WvW zerg balance has atm. I dont want to talk about gank/roam balance cause the mode isn't made for those 2 playstyle, I play other playstyles than zerging but let's focus on WvW zerg balance yeah, cause that's what the modes main playstyle is, zergplay.What gamemode are you playing exactly?And for the rev+ele dps discussion how can you even compare the 2. Both are very different mechanically and cd-wise. Rev can output constant high burst (hammer 2+3, both low cds. Hammer 2 can still do dmg it's just bugged currently on certain terrain so it doesn't hit anything 75% of the times when terrain isn't flat. As for eles their highest burst is only meteor which has a big cd.
  6. @Warlord.9074 When did i ever say the 2 runes acted the same way?Like can most of you guys not read?Instead of acting like you know try and read, ye. I never said they were on the same scale or worked the same way lolI linked the damn wiki for the rune for a reason.
  7. @CutesySylveon.8290 Please elaborate, I dont get how i was condescending? And for the talk between me and hunk.I've tested it and if it's not enough believe it or not but a lot of guilds are trying trooper runes out on the new support spellbreaker, I dont want to hide this cause i dont want another repeat of what anti-toxin was.
  8. @hunkamania.7561 Either you joking or know lol.Or the NA meta maybe just haven't tried it out yet afterall most of the times the broken stuff come from Eu WvW ;)
  9. @Strider Pj.2193 The topic on trooper is up again cause the support rune meta has changed with recent patch where anti-toxin is dead now. So people will go to the best thing available now that was somewhat close to what anti-toxin could if possible. I never said other classes shouldn't have a role, I just said there needs to be a balance.I actually encourage this recent patch cause it tried to shift the meta so FB and Scourge are less focus of the keyroles in a zerg but the changes to scourge had the opposite effect like i said and FB's nerfs won't effect it much if not at all. Like do you think the current powercreeping we have is good for the gamemode? seriously?
  10. @"ventusthunder.5067" Erm so I encourage you to read what i said again.I never was complaining about scrapper being able to use the trooper runes lol and guardians won't take it. Guardians will still use Monk.I seriously don't know what you are on about. Please dont add anything if you dont have basic knowledge about what i talked about, thank you.
  11. @sephiroth.4217 I tested trooper runes on tempest and tested it on warrior support and know how strong it is. It's even a lot stronger on warrior. They can either change how the rune works or rework the cleansing ability on warrior and tempest. Tempest is the top cleanser now as scrapper isn't carried by anti-toxin anyore but even before, tempest was only a bit behind scrapper. We shouldn't be bias around balance, all classes/elite-specs/builds needs balancing need to be balanced. The rune has a VERY high chance of becoming the new anti-toxin rune and it's already slowly becoming it on warrior.We shoudn't repeat a mistake we just fixed after so long finally... Supports cleansing ability need to be on par with how much ca. corruption/condi spikes can be put out, one of either shouldn't top the other.
  12. So first of all hello, The recent "nerfs" on certain classes has been nice, as i personally hate the current amount of powercreep, corruption and cleansing going around. I had still hoped you would've nerfed most of the meta classes/builds we use in wvw zergplay a lot more still though. I hope we one day get a good balance of power-creeping, corruptions, cleansing and sustain in general in WvW. So to kick it off, I hope you guys will look into Rune of the Tropper (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Trooper), because this rune can easily become the new anti-toxin rune which u just recently changed (a very good change which was needed).I also hope you guys can take a relook at Rune of the Monk (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Monk) cause it really makes scrappers healing output even more insane with how low the cds (cooldowns) are on scrappers support kit. I also believe a lot of players will tell u to look into scourges big shades and the recent target cap u guys changed to 10, I've got to say if u guys had a plan on nerfing scourge as you made it sound in the patch notes, I have to unfortunately tell u that the recent change was anything from a nerf from what I and others have experienced the last couple days. Like how is it balanced when 5 scourges can hit 50 players, I believe you guys are underestimating the amount of dmg a organized spike can do. I hope you guys can also look into the amount of corruptions scourges can now do, as you guys buffed the amount with the recent patch. You guys should also still look into fb (firebrand), as it seriously still needs nerfs on the boon output. To give you guys some ideas, I would say look into the mantras, tomes and mace weapon. I know u recently nerfed it but it's still very strong as you didn't really nerf the core things that makes it the strongest support still. Making the tomes have higher cd's won't help much you guys should instead focus on each skill of the tomes. The amount of cleanses/conversions a scrapper can do now has fallen by a lot and it was a very good decision by you guys to nerf the anti-toxin rune hard. Now i hope you guys can focus on the amount of healing a scrapper can give to it's allies. If the balance team has not experienced it yet, I need to tell you that scrappers are actually the top healers in WvW. The amount a scrapper can do is so big that FB and tempest can't even compare to it. I hope you guys will look into the Med-kit and its meta support traits. Now the new warrior with the changed Tactic specialization is interesting but you guys need to be very careful cause at the moment it's pretty strong on heals and cleanses (even more with rune of the trooper). After the recent patch, I and others tried support spellbreaker in several situations (15's, 20's, 30+ and 50's) and I've got to tell you guys the balance team that you powercreeped yet again unfortunately. I hope you look again at the new Tactic traits, warhorn skills and shout utilities.The warrior's Winds of Enchantment should also be looked at again as it cannot be countered/stopped either at the moment, if warriors run defiant stance + balanced stance. Recently if not for a while, the immobile bombs has become more and more popular and that together with an unstoppable winds of enchantment is very unbalanced for the mode. The recent changes to revenant hammer was nice, I'm glad you guys are hearing when a lot of WvW players tell you that the revenant hammer is very strong. Now the nerf on hammer skill 2 CoR (Coalescence of Ruin) is nice but you guys forgot that CoR is not the only skill that makes revenant hammer VERY strong. You guys also need to look at the skill again btw as it currently bugs with the terrain. You see it's both hammer skill 2 CoR AND hammer skill 3 PS (Phase Smash) that make it so strong. So i hope you guys will look into hammer revenant again. The dmg modifer traits of revenant also need a serious look again from you guys and the the condition output a condition revenant can output also need to be looked at. Now i'm not telling you guys to kill a whole specialization like you did to chronomancer for instance in WvW, I just hope you guys can reach a point of good balance all around in general in WvW without having to focus on just powercreeping, corruptions, cleansing, sustain. Now i can say a lot more of things that need a serious relook but i post this with a focus on the recent patch that gave us new stuff to play around with + a few other stuff that needs to be looked at again.Now all I can say is that i hope you guys try to test this stuff more before implementing it officially. You guys could also give WvW players a chance to test a WvW-focused balance so we can give you guys good feedback before you officially implement it. I've really liked how you guys are trying to focus more on WvW-balance recently and I hope you guys keep it up as new balance patches that try to shift the current meta is always fun and refreshing even though i had hoped for a bigger nerfs/changes :smile: Could you guys btw also look into making the new Lance ability on Warclaw unblockable, cause of right now guardians have an advantage over all other classes on mount. I get it won't be a HUGE difference as some of the other classes can just teleport 1.2k range right away being lanced but this small change can still help. @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048
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