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Posts posted by dukenukem.9072

  1. I personally use the power, ferocity, precision and vitality set (don't remember what it's called). Then I use runes of the firebrand for the boon/quickness duration. I mainly use a firebrand build that focuses on quickness uptime and high dps but I switch to DH for some stuff

  2. So I'm returning after almost a year of taking a break. I'd still log in from time to time but not dedicate more than 30 minutes a day. I'm looking to get back into WvW and i was wondering what server is most active between 9am-530p eastern time. I work overnight so i don't do reset night. I'm not really looking for the dominant server or massive zerg fights. I'd just like to be able to join a small havoc group or maybe even a WvW guild. So any recommendations on what server to join?

  3. Just curious if anyone has an idea on when this will return? I saw the wiki and said it was available for black lion statuettes some time ago. Or if anyone could tell me how long ago it was available? I don't care if it costs gems or statuettes but I wouldn't mind a heads up so I know when to grab it.

  4. Hello, I'm coming back to GW2 after a long time of playing on and off. The reason for me leaving in the first place was because I've never really joined a guild. I was more of a solo player and I missed out on almost all group content. I've never set foot inside a raid and I've done like 1-3 fractals. I started playing since the beta weekend with the head start. So I want to join a guild and play the group content I've missed out on and hope I don't get bored of the game if I'm playing with friends.

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