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Posts posted by Imperious.4298

  1. I technically have 3 mains, cause I have a problem ;w;But I guess my first/oldest character I chose Thief cause I had a love for assassin-type classes at the time, and as a Sylvari cause I LOVED the idea of a plant-like race instead of the traditional fantasy elves (and now I have 12 sylvari).I rotate between this thief, now a Deadeye (I LOVE the whole sniper aesthetic), my Weaver (I just love how Weaver plays, it's so fun and fast paced) and my Mirage (basically a clone of my FFXIV main) because I always find stuff to do on those characters specifically.I mostly PVP/do openworld/WvW in here, I'm not sure which character I'd pick for RP, of if I'd even do it in GW2 at all... @ -@

  2. Stealth for DE Thieves is not the problem, if you remove or nerf their primary core mechanic to sht, you'd have to take in account Scrappers and Mesmers, who, gasp! Also have stealth! Changing stealth for only Thieves would require a huge rework from the ground up, something they're not gonna do for one gamemode. There's plenty of times where DE Thieves can and WILL eat sht, Heralds, Spellbreakers, and depending on how squishy they are in full Berserkers , you can easily shut down a Thief if you have enough awareness and know what you're doing.

  3. @MELORD.5013 said:

    @Imperious.4298 said:Tbh I'd avoid Mag, they've been hit or miss as of late and just a salt mine mostly in the early hours of the day and even towards the late afternoon, we lose our EBG garri constantly if against FA,SbI or just anyone at this point and apparently can't even keep our own home borderlands at times...

    can't really judge by just that matchup it's FA/SBI the most stacked server atmforming omniblobs and roll over ppl can't really much about that

    I mean considering how they've been responding to said servers, it's not worth it, I put enough with people blaming others for not doing anything when they themselves are just sitting and watching instead of doing anything. Literally.

  4. I don't think nerfing or removing stealth for thieves overall would be the solution, otherwise you'd have other stealth users coming up and ruining stuff too, not to mention it would be unfair for a class built around the use of stealth have it robbed from them but not for others. (Ranger w/ Longbow 3, Mesmers, Scrappers, etc).

    Not to mention there are times where stealth is useless, even as a DE, some keeps/towers with scouting can screw your stealth up, even with your Elite skill.

  5. Tbh I'd avoid Mag, they've been hit or miss as of late and just a salt mine mostly in the early hours of the day and even towards the late afternoon, we lose our EBG garri constantly if against FA,SbI or just anyone at this point and apparently can't even keep our own home borderlands at times...

  6. I like the Ranger idea for Rifle, make it more DPS focused (even name it something like Poacher, or something). Greatsword Rev would be nice too, also a bit more Power dps based rather than a support like Herald. Staff Engineer as a Golemancer is neat, I want that, please. Dagger Mesmer could be neat, but I'd see it more akin to Mirage, in being it might be more assassin-like, or something to further manipulate your Phantasms?.

    • Guardians can't use sword offhand, right? Give them that, if not, then give them a Dagger I guess, call it Gladiator, idk...
    • Thief is already a glass cannon no matter what spec you play as (maybe not much if you do marauder Daredevil), but I'd like to see a Ninja variant of Thief in Gw2, using maybe Mantras or Glyphs as Ninjitsus or as unique skills to that spec. Maybe give them a Focus for that.
    • Elementalist is a bit of an iffy one considering they can already summon certain weapons with their own kits, although restricted to specific elements. So say a Greatsword, Shortbow, Hammer, Axe and Shield, would have to offer skillsets unique from their Conjured variants. Also, how are they still not able to use a Torch??? That could be neat, imagine wielding a torch you can summon Air, Water and so on from!
    • Necro, idk personally, I guess a Sword mainhand could be neat. Bring forth the Alucard Necro from netflix Castlevania!
    • Warrior is a bit iffy, too. I did picture a Staff for them, but figured it might end up too similar to Daredevil, very physical beat-em-up based. But the Scepter idea mentioned could be something promising.
  7. @"lLobo.7960" said:

    WvW: Power Staff Weaver for zergs, support tempest when commander needs more reflects and heals, celestial Sw/d weaver for roaming.

    I've used Staff Weaver for WvW for the longest time, but I've since switched to Cellofrag's all around Weaver build (

    ), offers great self sustain, damage and even good team support and healing! I'm still learning on how to duel with it, bit it's a neat build.
  8. I've never found Basilisk Venom for Daredevil the most useful, personally, Dagger Storm or Thieves Guild helps more when soloing things like bosses or mass pulling, or for the AoE deflect and damage. Bandit's Defense is a good defensive alternative especially for mass pulling mobs. Acrobatics is a good choice for Daredevil cause of the massive amounts of healing you can get from attacking, tied with your Signet of Malice, you're unkillable!

  9. I started with WoW as my first MMO, then went to SWTOR, Gw2 was my third one when I was still in SWTOR and then I moved to FFXIV. Now I just shift from Gw2 and FFXIV. FFXIV is definitely worth trying out, the story is great (despite the vanilla/2.0 story being kind of cliche in the beginning, but I mean it's a FF game, they're all kind of like that to some extent), there's neat mechanics in there and some neat content (except pvp, it kinda sucks, lol). It's not a very alt character friendly game, but it allows you to have literally every class/job on one character, which is neat I guess. The story has ups and downs but the lead up to where it is now is definitely worth it, and it's a pretty easy game to pick up on imo.

  10. @RedShark.9548 said:

    @Imperious.4298 said:Reapers are probably one of the scariest to encounter when roaming. I'm able to kill a Scourge more easily than a Reaper now, part of why I'm avoiding roaming for a bit cause they're just everywhere!!!!

    Scourges are way scarier, cant melee them, aids spread all around them, you see a reaper you attack, he goes into shroud, you run, he comes out of shroud, you go at him again.

    the Reapers I've seen always seem to have full shroud Hp in like 5 seconds, magic or I'm bad, either way they still scare me :'3

  11. There's a daily cap of around 30-40 or so, I haven't fully been able to count these but when I do reach it all other nearby bloodstone crystal nodes disappear. Make sure to reach this cap on multiple characters as doing it on one won't guarantee you'll get everything in one go. Map completion guarantees 5 rubies, so I recommend doing your daily gatherings on a different lvl 80 alt each time to get more rubies out of it. I've been able to get ascended backpacks in like a week doing this with my alts. To get your alts into the map without needing to go through the story I highly recommend buying the Season 3 portal scrolls you can get from the various vendors in the maps, really useful. (This would be the more open world approach if you don't wvw or pvp)

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