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Mighty Favazz.1546

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Posts posted by Mighty Favazz.1546

  1. @XenesisII.1540 said:So you want them to spend time to develop tech to organize players randomly or previously into the three colored sides to start a 2 hour match in order to force players on a map they don't want to play on to hardcore ppt during the most important 2 hour start of a matchup in which most players are playing in order to figure out their color placement for the week in which they'll then have to reset wvw again under the new colors after the 2 hours.

    That sound like a reasonable request to waste development time on? time they barely even have to spend on important stuff for regular wvw like alliance system? Or maybe instead of killing off reset night entirely we just let players determine their placement in the week long match as they currently do and as it was intended.

    Sorry bud. I'm just a guy offering an idea. Didn't know I was expected to know the code and development time that would be needed to support it.Anyway you sound pretty closed-minded. I'll leave you to it.

  2. Yes, tech would need to be in place to make this work. Your server color for prior week could be your starting color for next EOTM matchup or it could be randomized. And there would need to be tech to keep people in their respective colors for the match.And there is some underlying code to support this with the supply in citadel linked to placement.Honestly guys, there’s no reason to debate the tech. Any idea will need supporting tech. I’d prefer to discuss the idea on its merits.

    Additionally, I know reset is important, but have you ever asked yourself why it was important?For my server, it used to be about population and fights. Having a singular map ( albeit instanced) should prevent the issue with hopping maps or the inability to do so on reset.The biggest pain point would be the alienation of those who just want to pvp and those who want to pve and being stuck on a map with the wrong groups.I don’t know. I still like the idea. Just need to work out the intricacies.

  3. What if the first 2 hours of reset night were to begin in EOTM and the outcome of that 2 hour match determined your server placement for the week? IE place first, your server is green for the week.Not a big fan of EOTM but I hate to see WvW resources sit unused. Plus I think it might add some variety back into the game-mode.Not sure about the fairness of the map or how pop would play with multiple queued maps. Might need some handicapping to make it fair.Could also see the sea and ocx pops getting butthurt over timing. Probably lots of other issues I'm not thinking about but I'd love to see something change on the mode to change it up a bit.

  4. Now that Anet has taken the time to rewrite Scrapper twice (and still can't get it right), can we now turn our attention to core? Can we do something with Turrets like give them the ammo business??Also, can you fix it so at least scrapper gets barrier from turrets, or would THAT still be too powerful for turrets? 87 from a rifle turret sounds a bit much, granted.

  5. Thanks everyone!I've played around with the build. I think the dueling line helped. I went to pickup the perplexity runes but oh man they've changed. Didn't they use to add confusion on interupt?Using adventure for now. Been better of late.I know cele is not great but I prefer more sustain and I've always romanticized about power staff.Thanks again for your inputs.

  6. Hey guys,I am pretty much dedicated to wvw and would like to pick up and dust off my mesmer again. Not much for one-shot builds and i like to keep a good balance. I've dressed my mes up in cele gear and prefer to run with staff and shield. I prefer small skirmish mixed with some ppt.Currently running with Insp, chaos and chono lines and I do ok, but I've never had a great feel for the trait lines.Can you offer up the trait lines that you feel complement this gear best?Much appreciated

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