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Posts posted by Sykper.6583

  1. There's no one answer, there have been significant banner suggestions made over years in the forum or on reddit, and nothing has stuck. In fact one of the only suggestions made that made it into the game was allowing banners to recharge cooldown if picked up early. That's the singular instance where the Devs might have seen our feedback and acted on it.


    Current banners are the worst iteration of banners ever seen, banners were the lifeline in Warrior PvE on a high end that was woefully removed. It's more depressing if anything. If there's any consultation, any hanging thread of hope, it is that someone might pay attention now to Warrior changes once the profession participation drops in game, whether it be word of mouth or people actively not bringing Warriors to instanced content. When it starts becoming a social issue, the next miracle would be praying that a Warrior Rework happens.


    But really that's all Copium from me.

    • Like 1
  2. A refreshing post! While it might be on less than ideal terms, it's pretty nice to see and I'm sure everyone here appreciates it.

    May you always crit your bursts where-ever you go, and keep in mind GW2 is likely to stick around still for years to come. Despite the changes I'm eager for the WvW rework, I'm a pretty patient person myself lol.

  3. I can understand that unique buffs provide challenges across the board for balancing. Multiple other MMOs face these issues to certain degrees, some may opt for public test servers to get a customer facing side opinion and data on the changes, others might opt to spend a lot of time internally testing to see if the changes make the balancing neutral, a loss or a gain as intended.


    I did not think Warrior was in need of a nerf, this is by all accounts a objective nerf when you get down to it. If Anet wanted to get rid of banners, they needed to bring up other common skills in PvE that Warriors would use in tandem with these changes, so the net result is that Warriors are more selfishly damaging as compensation.


    I do not believe this happened to as far of an extent as needed. It could even be things that allow for skillful gameplay, such as making Axe 5 ramp up in damage per hit as you channel it without interruption or dodging. Just a casual thought.


    This is certainly a new low for Warriors without a major gain. I think everyone should be aware of how this will play out in serious content.

    • Like 2
  4. 12 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    I was thinking about this very thing. Perhaps if the bullets stored in dragon trigger do not disappear when dragon trigger is interrupted or cancelled? That way, yes, you don’t get to have the damage payoff and have to deal with being CC’d, but you have more potential next time. Just kind of a though I had when dueling (haven’t done spvp, mostly duels and roaming). What do you think?

    that's...another idea I kind of like. I'll have to think on it some more where you can use Flow to precharge bullets, maybe up to a limit and shift out of stance.

    I feel like that might break the idea of the charge your blade concept Anet envisioned but it would help Bladesworn SPvP a lot.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:


    Simple solution to it would be to make the stab from flow stabilizer last longer + give at least 4 stacks for its duration. That way we'd have stab while charging and can still use aegis to block. 


    Maybe. Going into dragon trigger with the root should be punishment enough, where you can be damaged as you leave yourself vulnerable.

    That all said, Flow does need to stop degenerating out of combat with the changes. Flow is a much larger bar to fill being 100 ticks compared to other specs, and it generates slowly.

    • Like 3
  6. Quick tallies, from an SPvP perspective:


    - This spec has undeniable potential, which is precisely why the SPvP side of numbers is so bad for it. Dragon Trigger hits like a wet noodle. I don't want it to hit for 100% on a heavy armor target, but it shouldn't be chunking at full capacity for a few thousand on a non-crit.

    - Also, it can be interrupted. I would give stability to the 4 skill on top of Aegis. There are several sources of unblockable CCs, Dragon Trigger is unviable at this moment.

    That said, I think there's great potential for a shout support spec with that elite skill, but playing with it feels like I'm missing a lot, it feels unfinished.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Thus, like a Kit it should have a 1s ICD from swapping into/out of instead of the 10s base weapon swap CD.


    That could be a matter of balance. Tomorrow will be the day feedback should matter.

    For example, it might take more resources but we should be able to do something about the looks of the gunsaber...imho.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Vennyhedgie.5369 said:

    I gotta say...I feel like the weapon swap lock is kind of unnecessary. You already lose access to burst skills entirely, that feels like a big enough drawback in and of itself. It would've feel pretty cool on the weapon master class to have 3 active weapon sets. It's still less than ele or engineer, and engie even got an extra one with photon forge. 


    I think the biggest reason is that Gunsaber is two weapons in one, you get the regular skills and then Dragon Trigger gives you a pseudo bar, mainly to defensives that allow you to land what you choose as your dragon slash.


    Gunsaber is probably the *best* weapon in a Warrior's arsenal given what we saw. It probably was a good cost to take as it removes some of the bloat that a triple weapon Bladesworn could have had. There's a bit of skill working with scarcity after all. 

    • Like 5
  9. The no weapon swap is a pretty big cost. The Gunsaber weapon should be loaded (heh), maybe even the strongest weapon in our arsenal if the spec is chosen then but we would have to see today what we are looking at.


    I am curious if the spec also gives us something of an edge we don't normally have, mainly a means to handle if we get kited. ...at least better than what we have issues in SPvP now.

  10. What's with these takes?

    Core Warrior and Berserker effectively cover most of the regular staples for our martial class.

    Spellbreaker covers a mystical aspect, and Bladesworn is looking to cover a more tech-like aspect for our profession. It fits.

    I love it, and using a gun to ignite an opening slash sounds very in-line for a warrior. "How can I improve my draw? I know, I'll use a gun! BOOM-CUT!"

    I swear everyone's got their own perfect version for a spec (in general, I've seen the other professions feedback) that they specifically want, nothing else matters.

    Without bias, Bladesworn is easily the best looking trailer so far. I can't wait till next week.

    • Like 6
    • Confused 2
  11. Dumb question, what's stopping guilds from forming naming themselves say, 'Guild of Magumma' or so on with the new system and making that alliance? I think Server identities could still be retained to an extent.

    Heck, we could get some feisty stuff where guilds in an alliance divide due to some drama. The key point idea is that WvW does become something more fluid and guilds matter more than they do now.

    If Anet has the right idea for rewards, it's probably hopeless optimism but I would love a resurgence of WvW.

    • Like 1
  12. T4 Fractals, there are I think effectively 2 classes that optionally get some support for the 4 other players, which helps make the runs a cakewalk. You can go in with the offensive options and some CC regardless and if played well should wipe the floor with everything.

    Raids is where the talk of builds takes off, largely due to what you would want to bring in. As a Mesmer you can play the tank, which is never NOT needed, or provide the offensive support from your class specific buffs.

    There are a few classes that only bring damage to the table but that's their intent, and when synergized with you, and everyone else, the squad as a whole topples raid bosses rather easily.

  13. I'm just throwing out the most likely option for Arenanet if they were to pursue this path. I 100% agree a full-loaded Matchmaking that takes into account every variable is absolutely not going to happen, not with the resources they allocate to instanced content anyways.

    Bluntly, there's zero chance that Raids or Strikes will see anything robust unless development actually changes their stance on PvE as a whole.

  14. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @Sykper.6583 said:The only way I can conceivably see Matchmaking work, would be for Arenanet to add individual queues for what you are going in as, and it'll check for your gear.

    Like, you'll need a higher toughness (1300+) if you want to join the Tank Queue.You'll need a higher healing power (I dunno, 1300+) if you want to join the Healer Queue.And DPS can
    have either of the above mentioned healing and tank stats.What about non-heal support? What about special roles, like secondary tank for desmina, hand kiter for Deimos, etc? How would the matchmaker deal with situations where the group setup needs to change between bosses? How about potential alternate strats/group setups for bosses? A workable matchmaking system needs to be able to cover for all that, because if it's going to cause more problems than it solves, noone's going to use it.

    Yep these are all specific issues, I think whatever 'Beta' matchmaking this would be wouldn't cover Wing 5 without more code. I'm more or less looking at this from a first 3 wings perspective. But it helps to keep in mind the original intent of the encounters, groups for Gorseval now would find enough DPS to skip gliding but in these pug raids which I fully expect to be un-optimal the check might not be reached with the imbalanced 'DPS' folks not having all the boons needed.

    So when you talk about Wing 4 for Hand Kiting, the hand-kite build was eventually developed and molded when in reality the kiter would be constantly swapped in the OG days. I imagine whoever queues up for Wing 4 might consider bringing along hand-kite gear during the run, or it was discussed by the time the pug group miraculously killed Samarog. But that's my point in all of this, having the general pug population realize just how bad it is in a matchmaking system, and realizing that with another system that makes it easier on them to queue into raiding not giving them what they want, they should realize the issue isn't with the raids but their own builds and what they can bring. Optimistic but very unlikely.

    Matchmaking should only cover the very basics, let the folks inside work out the rest. After all now they are 10 folks in a squad matched, they got a tank, they got a healer or two, probably two. Figure it out from there, sink or swim!

    If successful, maybe have a unique tech for Wing 5 to include a secondary tank slot or something. Start small, expand later.

  15. The only way I can conceivably see Matchmaking work, would be for Arenanet to add individual queues for what you are going in as, and it'll check for your gear.

    Like, you'll need a higher toughness (1300+) if you want to join the Tank Queue.You'll need a higher healing power (I dunno, 1300+) if you want to join the Healer Queue.And DPS can NOT have either of the above mentioned healing and tank stats.

    And everything else goes from there on out.

    Yep, that's the minimum. Things like traits could still tick up and ruin stat allocations (oh look your trait made you the tank, wow you should really learn not to run that...).

    Toss in a mandatory 10 minute (5 minute if I really wanted to reduce the toxic levels building up) timer before anyone could vote to kick another squad member out, and you get pug raids. People will mercilessly question what everyone is running, there will be wipe after wipes due to the imbalanced DPS not filling all the roles, or having sub-optimal gear.


    It could bring in the vets who maybe like that masochistic angle, and find new talent in pubs, looking out for randoms who actually do well and bring them into the guilds they are running raids with.

    Just my initial thoughts.

  16. I'm more thinking of EDs changing their forms out of practicality or personal motive.

    Primmy I think is a good example, from GW1 to GW2 his appearance changed to something far more bloated and massive, at least his face indicates he went through an eating phase. But he's been dormant mostly, so I assume his appearance changed for practicality, growing massive for storing more Magic.

    I don't think Aurene is a good example right now of appearance changes, her appearance might be the more natural growth of an ED. Who knows, maybe down the line she changes forms to fit the occasion.

  17. It might be weird for me to say, but is it really odd that Elder Dragons might appear differently over time? Perhaps Jormag did originally have teeth and not tusks but opted to grow the tusks, one of which was his broken tooth as a show of strength to recover from whatever efforts Aesgeir did back then, to show they were fruitless.

    Elder Dragons are powerful, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they could alter their appearance, especially out of spite.

  18. @Magnedeus.4713 said:That's one of my biggest gripes with this game. If your profession and build isn't meta then you don't get to raid

    Other mmos: All classes can raid as long as you're well geared, have good dps/heals.

    GW2: Can only raid if your class and build are part of the meta.

    Other MMOs have classes hard-locked into a particular Role.FF14 for example has classes that are literally unable to queue for a position they aren't, a Bard cannot be a 'Tank' it has to be a 'DPS'.And the stats are normalized so that you can't get 'Tank' stats on Bard gear, it's nigh impossible to mess up stats or role.

    GW2 at least allows you to attempt to build something that's off-meta, and as others have said you got to prove it works, and you have to prove to 9 others that you are worth to take along, it's a team effort.

  19. I can't help but feel this is yet another blow to GW2 as a whole. Another 'system' being shuddered, someone earlier put it best when describing the 'mounting cost' of the game.

    Thinking back to HoT announcement and release I can't help but wonder if Arenanet 'baited' the veterans of the community, people who sought a challenge and were speedrunning Arah with something different. Raids might have been their answer, and having an expansion bring about all these features from Elite Specs, Gliding, post-leveling introduction of masteries, general difficulty spike and so forth were an initial drive for Anet.

    My speculation now that Bobby's made it clear (or at least as clear as non-announcements are)? I think Arenanet didn't expect Raids to be so well-liked by a good participation, after the initial Forsaken Thicket Wings 1 to 3. They put themselves into a bind because they underestimated the investment into Raid development, and I suppose the Reputation of 'Raiding' in an MMO might have muddled their game's focuses in PvE which is odd since there wasn't anything outside of Open World other than Fractals.

    100% believe that Arenanet can and should still try to make Raids. Because once they showed they know how to make such encounters, it opened a Pandora's box where they underestimated the number of players wanting it, and overestimated their capacity to deliver. And since there's no development the players in the game who aren't getting raids, whole guilds, whole segments of the population lost interest in GW2 as a whole.

    And not for a lack of trying, the Community had definitely done everything we could to foster raiding but they won't spend anymore resources on it. This is something Arenanet did to themselves.

  20. Warrior OP? Nah.Warrior UP? Possibly, even in the last Teapot Tourney Warrior Representation was uh...cough depressing.

    Issue is that Warrior still suffers from essentially years of everyone knowing precisely the animations they use, wind-ups, etc. Warriors don't have subtle attacks, and anything they had that might have been outperforming was given a swift nerf such as OG Headbutt (I get it, no one likes how fast it came out but cmon, you could bait it with the range on it...).

    I think they need more love, not too much. If anything Arenanet can still use Warrior as the balance for other builds on other classes that are certainly over-performing still.

    Also, trust me, if Warrior was OP this forum would let you know.

  21. Hm, that's a fun wall of text brimming with inaccuracies and assumptions about my nature. I definitely know it's bait but I can't help seeing what happens next!

    @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

    Can =/= will.Troll posts and other off-topic, like interpreting my comments into math terms, will hereby be left unanswered.

    And here I was saving generous text space using commonly known math terms as to avoid hitting the character limit. I thought at least one could understand the meaning of such common math terms into their equal literary counterparts. Everyone's stubborn these days.

    Can equals can, nothing else.

    I corrected your statement to reflect the new discussion rules you have burdened us with.

    Again, you put words in another's mouth, because you're too desperate hating to make up your lack of arguments. Might also explain your pathetically embarassing hold to others' posts, as you keep falling short of making even remotely relevant posts yourself.

    Wow! Golly you sure showed me by completely missing my point about how while one might have the capacity to do that threshold of damage most players definitely won't in this game. Your insistence on asking questions about already commonly known player issues in this forum of all places is approaching troll-levels. You can see this happen literally any time you want, if you want to put on gear that can let you hit that damage number easily versus gear that won't let you.

    Furthermore you seem to imply that any normal player hits that
    Eight Thousand
    mark pretty easily as you put it. If that were the case I'm almost certain any strike or raid would be going much smoother.Alright, let's try oneliners for your level of understanding:

    And I'll provide you with more details since you need the extra help.

    One. I replied to MindClown's troll comment, where it insisted eight thousand was "fake numbers to support arguments without logic or basis in reality".

    Already starting with a lie. His original comment was quoting a defamatory statement by a sully member of our community a full two days prior to you even mentioning that number! Something about "Post-HoT, fractals, raids and WvW have simply become gathering points for the very worst parts of the community."

    And for whatever reason, you presumed he was talking about you. Very interesting.

    Two. You went ahead to defend it with "this random number generated by you can be interpreted differently by someone playing a class known to do probably Ten Thousand through simple auto-attacks" dps.

    I mean, that's facts, it's sort of how things work?

    Three. Still can't admit defeat, you now hit cringe level One Thousand by indirectly asking how on bloody earth it's possible for the average player to learn the rotation of an auto-attack?

    Whoa whoa hold on partner, I know you are going for story-telling embellishment here but 'Still can't admit defeat' phrase only really hits the mark when you actually counter my logic before. And it seems like your illiteracy is showing again, which makes sense you mentioned it before. I said as a response: Depends entirely on the context, but this random number generated by you can be interpreted differently by someone playing a class known to do probably Ten Thousand through simple auto-attacks. Whereas someone built to endure a lot of punishment without the right weapon will never hit this number. This wasn't insisting an auto-attack rotation is complicated, it's saying Toughness-main stat Hammer Warrior auto-attacking is never hitting that damage number.

    Do you even know what you're typing?


    Blah blah blah, yet more hysterical nonsense. Again: You don't have to know your colleagues to understand the job, which you argued for.

    Of which this entire conversation piece was a non sequitur due to your simple lack of trying to rephrase the still absurd question:

    What logically says one person's experience is worth more than the same person plus his/her friends (or, as for not offending you, a random number of randomized known people) together?

    Of which going by your track-record of dismissal in this thread, I'm not going to get a clearer question.

    Sorry, time-waster, but it's not my job to guide you through deliberate misinterpretation and lack of understanding. You obviously read what you want to read, then make completely irrelevant statements about things that have already been discussed, or are One-Hundred Percent out of context. Mindclown cited me who did a few runs, not Zero runs, not a single boss, not a single enemy and not something else of your personal opinion. Is it really that hard to understand?

    Again still stuck on that whole 'him' calling you out.

    Ever heard of trial and error? It's perfectly fine to learn from others' mistakes. As well as your own. People will be wrong throughout your entire life, believe it or not, and it's better to be wrong than never getting any knowledge about anything at all.

    Trial and error doesn't quite work when you aren't allowed to make an error in some extreme deadly cases. Thankfully we are in a video game and the only misinformation we get going on is when people are told completely wrong builds or traits and find an opposing party telling them they are wrong. Except, people are also very stubborn, and prone to latching onto misinformation out of sheer belief. Thus we see IRL examples of Anti-Vax, Five-G causes COVID, etc still going DESPITE being told otherwise.

    It is exceedingly difficult to get rid of misinformation, I would rather NO information first and people getting the RIGHT information from the RIGHT people.

    Is the alternative any better? Being short-sighted to the brim, use others' arguments like their own, and at "best", ultimately managing to succeed as a troll?

    Arguably better, leaves room for flexibility, less stubborn, less of an ego and capable of admitting when they don't know.

    Listen, aberrant debate noob.

    You know it's a good start when 'noob' comes out.

    I'm getting immenesly tired of your evasive attempts to justify some cringy butthurtcy on others' behalves. MindClown is an independent and free debater here on GWTwo forums, and your obsession of him as well as me and one specific comment is getting seriously alarming. Do you happen to suffer a mental illness or what is exactly your problem?

    Problem? No that's not it, it's way more simple than that. I'll let you assume this one.

    No matter how much you're crying, whining and trolling, you won't ever manage to silence me or anybody else on this forum. As we're arguing freely, on equal terms, then there is a part of us who manage to argue well, and people then start to listen.

    I'm thinking this is probably the most agreed upon statement across all forums hopefully.

    “Freedom of speech doesn't protect speech that you like, freedom of speech protects speech that you hate.” — Ron Jeremy

    Very wholesome man.

    ^^ That's exactly how freedom of speech works. If it doesn't suit you, Psycho Per, just kitten off. Freedom of speech are for grown ups, not naive, feeble-minded children or whatever you now strive to be.

    Busts out the American Flag, fireworks go off, cheers from the crowd roar as the national anthem plays.

    I'm going to be harsh regardless.
    now that you've mentioned you aren't a native English speaker and you might get stuff wrong. That furthers my point before about some of these responses are nonsense or deflections.See? You totally believe I'm not a native English speaker, yet there is no data to back this up. But when we speak dps, friends, or even being a real player, then suddenly, you need an entire datacentre plus the Hell frozen to ice before even cogitating about it. Your ignorance is mindblowing.

    Given the entire conversation we've had, I'm more convinced that you don't just have issues with the English language in that manner, you also have issues reading. It's ok though, I'm willing to slog through this discussion with you to the very end!

  22. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @Astralporing.1957 said:That's because the core systems of this game create a situation where such a solution simply cannot exist.

    Fully closing the gap probably not. But a player with a proper build will out-dps using only auto-attacks will out-dps a player with a terrible build using "made up" rotations. A "baseline" for performance, only using auto-attacks, could be established, requiring no rotations at all. There are things that the game can do to close the gap, it's just that the developers don't want to do anything.Ah, but you touch upon one of the problems even with that: namely, what constitutes a "proper build"? The game
    does not know that

    I think it's a matter of if the developers wanted to, even at the starting locations, have in-game lore describing attributes, baseline things.

    I agree with your entire discourse earlier when you brought it up, the game is extremely free-form and open-ended. The feature became a curse.

    Even things like having a Norn in Hoelbrak talking with another Norn about his gear, bringing up things like sigils, how this piece of gear gives him the hide of Bear, or that this sword bites like Wolf!

    Putting all this information in a stat window is just pointless. But imagine if they had NPCs in the Raid Lounge that you can interact with, each one describing what they do for their squad, giving hints to what they run?

    We just need more clarification, really. Maybe the DPS one brings you to a solo instance where they outfit you with different gear sets and try certain weapons, without traits (though they might refer to traits in general).

  23. @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:Which, if anything, verifies my point that any player can do 8,000 dps pretty easily. So no reason not to believe that if not genuinely trolling.

    Can =/= will. Furthermore you seem to imply that any normal player hits that 8000 mark pretty easily as you put it. If that were the case I'm almost certain any strike or raid would be going much smoother.

    • What logically says one person's experience is worth more than the same person plus his/her friends (or, as for not offending you, a random number of randomized known people) together?
      What a silly statement, if you are being sincere I assume you might have erred, as 1 < 1+x in any logical sense.
      If you want further replies, step up your game matey.

    Game's rigged chief. "One Person's Experience" (1) "is worth more" (>?) "than the same person plus her/her friends together?" (1+x)

    Try rephrasing your statement so it's not nonsense thanks!

    • What logically says one must have a specific amount of experience of one specific subject, before forming a personal opinion; and that every subject similar or equal is irrelevant?
      This is where I'm going to borrow Cyninja's term of one having a 'qualified opinion' versus just an 'opinion'. Knowing how to be a fisherman does not give you a qualified opinion on how to do an electrician's job. Society absolutely puts more faith in people who
      what they are talking about.
      This if anything verifies my previous point. You don't necessarily have to know your job (raids/WvW) to know your colleagues (pseudo-elitists).

    I'm going to operate under the presumption that your previous statement isn't incoherent and is a jab at one person thinking they know more than everyone else. They absolutely do need to understand the job to comprehend the actions of the colleague's attitude. It's entirely how you interpret what they are saying as being constructive or destructive information. How can YOU know that they didn't have a good point about what you were doing as a job.

    • How high is that experience level, and what logically says it makes you experienced enough for your own personal opinion?
      I'm actually going to provide a very specific answer to this one, mainly because it's pretty general. The experience level is literally getting your first raid kill I would argue, the bare minimum. Which seems to be an excessively,
      task according to the forum complaints.
      Okay. Then you've already forgotten what "Circus" said in the comment you're defending:
      The worst parts of this community make blanket statements about content they have never/barely accessed
      "A few runs" are not enough for him, yet one kill is enough for you...? How'd you want it?

    My interpretation of that statement is circus talking about the range within 'never' which is a blunt 0 runs, and barely accessed which I could interpret as either haven't killed a boss, killed a boss, or maybe a full clear. I would be more open to opinions from players who have had success killing a raid boss compared to the literal players who haven't even gone in, I find that to be a more qualified opinion.

    Other players have more stricter requirements for opinions, luckily we have a forum to discuss the varied ranges of these experience levels.

    • What logically says you, out of millions of players, are the only right to judge the above?
      And this is where you attempt to twist back to Mindcircus, the statements he is saying aren't a 'him' thing. This is a blatant deflection.
      So that's a no on Mindcircus' behalf? Hahaha man, let him speak for himself.


    • And if so, why would you logically reply to something you've already predetermined as fake?
      Because misinformation is the bane of logic.
      Misinformation is better than no information. And if you knew logic, you could simply use your brain, and see that it's not all that hard to have a friend or do 8,000 dps in Guild Wars 2.

    We are going to have to disagree on a fatal level with misinformation being better than no information. That's an entirely other discussion that's going to take a lot more than single coffee to cover, but that's grossly irresponsible in this age to pursue especially if spreading it intentionally.

    I'm getting the impression that you honestly believe you're the only physical person playing this game. Every player and every thing you haven't seen hasn't happen. There are no friends because there are no players. Neither can't there be any dps. And, most importantly, as the combined value of opinion decrease with the amount of people agreeing, your opinion is worth more than the entire world's together. Either that, or you're extremely biased towards your personal preconception (which is fully understandable; as we human beings have a natural tendency/bias to agree with everything that's in our own favor). Alternatively, which is actually pretty obvious, you're trolling.
    Yep, you certainly aren't being direct, it's just difficult not pointing out when
    someone pulls out a strange liquid to pour into a well
    ."I'm getting the impression" is not a definite statement."Either that, or" is not a definite statement."Alternatively" is not a definite statement.

    You're too blinded by your own hate to manage a logical conversation.

    You aren't being clever here, it's fundamentally clear to anyone the statements while not direct intentionally set up a definite statement hurting someone's character.

    I 100% agree you should defend yourself. I'm entirely aware that my points before were completely aggressive. What I find most telling, and logically insufficient, from your reasoning is easily how you already believe I have no authority on the matter and my view is irrelevant. I definitely am no mod, I certainly do possess the equal rights as you to post on the forums, maintain a discussion or throw a fit or talk about cats. But to insist views from users are irrelevant? That blows away the entire purpose of these forums, where people provide varied levels of stances on things. And as mentioned before, where discourse becomes more important is
    who has the more qualified opinion?
    Of course your opinion about the defensiveness of my post is irrelevant. Give me one single reason to care? I didn't talk about the thread, or I would have mentioned that while quoting a completely different chunk of text. I'm very sorry for that part being unclear.

    As a side note to you, and everyone else in this thread, please quit taking the context of every word for granted. I'm not even a native English speaker, sometimes stuff might get wrong.

    I'm going to be harsh regardless. Especially now that you've mentioned you aren't a native English speaker and you might get stuff wrong. That furthers my point before about some of these responses are nonsense or deflections.

    Refer to above quote from you setting up Circus as egotistical, naive, and/or a troll which I can only assume you think is constructive?Again, there are no definite statements. I'm questioning the absurdity of the reply, and whether it's even possible to have such a lop-sided view of reality (or in this case, not even reality, but a game community)

    You find it hard to believe someone would be cynical of the typical player without a qualified opinion, making blatant opinions about a kind of content they aren't at all familiar with? Is it really so hard to believe that someone who actually knows something would take offense to a pretender spreading misinformation around?

    I've seen on these forums players who formerly weren't all that acquainted with raiding actually go through and adjust their opinions after a lot of time. They still might be critical, but it's fundamentally clear night and day that they are not making wild inaccurate claims like before. The reality here is that we still have players who straight up do not want to take that initiative to become informed and would rather make baseless opinions about things that they think they could get changed to their favor at the expense of other players who enjoy that content currently. And then we have individuals who seek to defend the ill-informed as if it's constructive criticism that should be considered.

    Thanks for verifying our prejudications. Time to step up from this nonsense.

    Thank you for providing statements that potentially render those prejudications moot.

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