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[EU] [MERC] is recruiting Blacktide WvWers and PvE raiders! Socials welcome!


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Hello all!
We are the Blacktide Anarchists, an international EU guild with a unique blend of PvE and WvW in our schedule.

We've had a static raid for a while and are now reviving it. Our Monday goal will be to either clear W1-4 and beyond or go for CMs. We currently need flexible DPS players.

We're still rebuilding our WvW team. Our focus will initially be on roaming, then on PPT. We currently need flexible DPS players, but we are open for supports, too!

Proficiency is in our blood, though toxicity isn't. With us, you'll find a chill group that likes to get things done while being cordial towards each other. Some of our most dedicated members joined as newbies and then became beasts when we ran them through our (typical) gruelling T4 Fractal gauntlet. Veterans, newbies, and socials welcome!

Our schedule is as follows:
  • Monday PvE Raid -- 19:00-22:00 CEST
  • Thursday WvW raid -- 19:00-22:00 CEST
Our rules are simple:
  1. Be 18+.
  2. Attend at least one raid a week. One event, if you are a social.
  3. Have fun!
If you are interested, contact Karl Ludo in-game!
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