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LF Progression Raid Static (Good with w1-4, somewhat new to W5-7)


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Hello, I'm a Veteran GW player who recently came back from a 3,5 year hiatus. I want to get back into raiding more, git gud at W1-4 again, improve at W5-7 and other things (Raid CM, Fractal CM, Dungeon Tours, etc) as well. I used to run W1-4 a shitton back in the day, even sold them a bit (my kp should be much higher since I often ran the same encounter multiple times a week), so I'm mostly fine on those, if maybe just a bit rusty, but I'm already getting rid of the rust with pugs.

As for W5-7, I'm less experienced. I've done training runs for all but Dhuum, but I'm confident in my abilities and the fact I'm a quick learner that it wouldn't take me many kills to get comfortable with encounters. I've actually already done a few kills on W7 (Still a bit wonky when it comes to Sabir, Adina and QTP I'm fine at though), so only W5+6 are really where my experience is a bit lacking, but from my training runs it seems W6 (other than Q1) is quite easy and same goes for W5 (except Dhuum, can't judge that one yet).


Timezone: Brussels.

My schedule is quite open for the moment and shouldn't drastically change any time soon, so I should able to adapt to the static's schedule.


I used to main Chrono and condi BS back in the W1-4 days, but back then I honestly played every meta build except Ele (at least when given the chance, considering I was in Chrono Jail for the most part).

Currently I've been playing mostly Scourge and DH and slowly trying to get back into chronotanking as well (Q1 tanking training made me want to KMS though so that one I'm gonna put on hold for a while when it comes to tanking).

Working on gearing HFB and Alacren. Have viper's medium gear ready as well but not yet sure what build i want to use that for


Would love to join a friendly, fun static that likes to laugh and not take things TOO seriously, but still wants to look for progressing and becoming better at raids and the game as a whole!



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