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[NA][PVE] Victims of Serenity [VoS] End-game PVE Guild Looking for Friendly Raiders


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Recruitment is currently [CLOSED].

Victims of Serenity [VoS] is a small tight-knit PvE guild focused mainly on end-game content (Raids, Fractals, Strikes, etc.). We provide transparent leadership, chill vibes, lots of memes, and a good bridge to high-end content. We are a smaller guild, but for the members of our guild we consistently provide events and help members gain the knowledge to tackle the harder corners of the game. We're looking for a few additional members who have at least low to moderate end-game experience to help flesh out our squad.


What we offer:
-A friendly and tight knit community
-Near-daily guild events
          -Monday clear runs (Reset-1)
          -Tuesday progression runs (Reset-1)
          -Wednesday ad-hoc training / progression runs (Reset)
          -Fractals + Strikes + Seasonal events on off days
-Discord with API integration for communication and event management
-Mentoring / coaching available on request for classes and raid encounters (class and role specific)
-Lost Precipice Guild hall with room to grow


What we ask:
-An easy-going friendly attitude
-Discord participation for events (speaking is not required however banter is always encouraged)
-A willingness to learn and improve
-At least one practiced raid-ready class (we don't strictly enforce specific "meta" builds, however willingness to align to the meta is a big plus in order to help overall clear efficiency)
- Some prior raiding knowledge


VoS was established in January of 2021 and now consists of ~20 active members with most folks playing during and around reset time (we keep a fairly strict roster of only active members).  We are primarily English-speaking and have members from Canada, the US, and the UK.  The average age of our members is between 20 and 30.  Many of the core members in VoS started with no prior raid experience and very minimal end-game experience overall. Over the past few months the guild has consistently raided together and can now clear most bosses with ease.  We are currently working to polish our clears, give members the chance to learn new roles, and practice the harder bosses (Dhuum, Q1).  Our ultimate goal is to have fun and enjoy the company while working to being able to efficiently clear all bosses and CMs.


If you're interested in joining, send us a mail in game or in Discord.
IGN: Decantate.5690
Discord: Decantate#8794

Edited by Decantate.5690
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