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[NA] Raid static LF 2 more for weekly clears +5CM


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Hey all we are currently looking for a dps and quickness to join our clear +5CM raid static. Even though you're applying for a certain role, we would like for you to be able to flex to different roles and classes as it makes our overall flexibility as a group better. We ask that you be experienced in all normal mode raids but do not require CM experience as long as you are able to follow directions and handle the new mechanics. Our main goal every week is to clear all wings plus 5 of the easy CMs, once we have completed that we spend the rest of our raid time working on new CMs.

Raid Times:
Tues, Wed, and Thur from 10pm - 12am EST.

If this sounds like something you are interested into contact Juni.8726 in game or on discord Bird#1768

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