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[EU | LFG] Returning player looking for a fractals & raids guild


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Like many others, I found myself retuning to gw2 during the pandemic and now I've started to play very casually.

I was an active player till PoF came out so everything up untill that I'm ok. However with the addition of many new raids and fractals (especially CMs) and LOTs of new kill proofs, I found my sell out of the loop and in a very rough place to tag into raids and fractals.


I've done W1-W4 before and earned 4/6 legendary armor pieces till I ran out of legendary insights and crafted another piece through PVP. 


I mainly play Mesmer, used to play support chrono and chrono tank. Now I also play Revenant and learning my way with Necro and Ele.


Please DM me in-game if you got a nice guild I can join. Thanks ❤️

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