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[EU] [Raids] Quitical Fail [qF] is looking for members to fill our roster


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Hello! [qF] is a hardcore raiding guild which participates in the Raiding League. You should be experienced in every raid wing. As we compete with several guilds on a high level we cannot accept people that are new to Raids - sorry for that.
We raid a minimum of 3 days a week but try to expand to 4 days to have more training time for the upcoming Raiding League Splits. We accept you to be available at least for 2 of these days (Mon, Wed, Sun).

Our raid days are as follows: (at 20:00 CEST/CET)

Monday, Wednesday & we want to expand to Sunday as well.

On Thursday we usually do our full clear - in grind weeks however we use this day for an additional practise day!


In our team we develop comps together and do experiments on any ideas we have to test whether they have potential or can be well executed. You don't need a special amount of classes, but you should have a good variation of some meta classes so we can get the best use out of it! We want you to have at least 95% benchmark (see snowcrows.com for a good benchmark collection) on these classes. If you are interested or have any questions feel free to PM me ingame or on Discord: Rakir#2910

Edited by Rakir.7894
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