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Can't test boon generation in the testing area any more

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So the recent reset change made it very annoying to test in the special forces training area as swapping any traits or weapons would clear your buffs from the console.


To fix this, the console now re-applies the boons/buffs that you set up on an interval. However, if any boons are applied it will strip any other boon currently on you at the same time.

For players that want to test self-generation of boons such as quickness or might for their group, it is common to apply alacrity to yourself as this boon will usually be assumed in an organised setting. Of course, this now means that every few seconds you will lose the boons you apply yourself, making it impossible to actually test unless you bring a friend along to apply alacrity for you!


If every version of this reset change breaks something and needs some weird hacked-together solution, maybe it wasn't such a good idea in the first place?

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