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[EU][WvW], Ministry Of Invaders [MoI] is Recruiting!!

fero busaie.4076

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Hi all,

About us:

Ministry of Invaders [MoI] are a new WvW guild that are starting up on WSR. With the upcoming expansion on the horizon and the birth of new Alliances, elite specialisations and more we're looking to bridge the gap between new players and veterans to make a fun WvW enviroment. We aim to learn from one another as well as train those interested in getting into WvW but never knew how.  


What we're looking for:


Experienced Players - Those that are willing to teach a newer generation of WvW players, and look to be great pillars of the community we wish to build.
New Players - Keen interested players that are looking to get into WvW but never knew how.
Commanders - An experienced Commander that has tagged up and is up for commander training.



What is expected of you:


Raids at present are happening when we have numbers for it. Eventually these will be happening twice a week at various times, one attendance is appreciated.

Guild missions are key to building the guild up so we can purchase our hall.

Join our discord Community and support us on voice. You do not need to speak not everyone is up for talking - But it's great to hear everyone talking strategy.





Overall building a great community within the assigned teams in WvW, supporting Commanders, experienced players or new.
Build strong relationships within the guild to make a great team that works well to conquer victory against enemy teams.
Provide guidance for those wishing to learn, aiding them to adapt and improve.
Overnight raids for those who are in much different timezones. 
Guild Hall - EoD Map version!
so so much more!


If you've made it down this far, thank you!

We're excited, and the members we've gathered so far are lovely.


To join the guild, please send a message here or send me a message at Discord @ FERO32#6291, we are looking forward to see you guys with us!

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As Zeike said we are still recruiting and waiting for the people who'll join us in excitement!

I'm going to be the commander as he said too!

And yes we are concentrating on searching for Scourges now more then any class but you can still join us if you had other classes, the guild has lot of place for everyone!

We have some great people who joined on the past month and we're looking to see more people.

As mentioned in the post, we will try to get the new EoD guild hall!! So if you want to see the new guild hall and discover it we will the right choice to join!

Also we will be focusing on leveling up the guild by doing guild raids starting from 4th.Nov.2021 and in the same time we will try to train people and make them ready for the new WvW system, so that means when the new WvW system starts anyone from any server could join us!

So don't miss the chance on joining us!!!


[MoI] Minister, Flasher.

Edited by fero busaie.4076
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