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[EU] Tyrian Mental Health Movement [Care]


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Hello all, I am Keppler!  


I'm here to pitch an idea that I've had for a long time and see if it spurs interest in fellow Guild Wars 2 players. Namely, I want to set up a non-rep, social only guild that focuses on creating a mental health safe space within the game at large - a social hub, where people who struggle with mental health or are experienced with supporting mental health issues can support each other.  


I am a mental health peer support counsellor and I also take part in a few local mental health organisations. I use video games daily as a coping mechanism for chronic widespread pains and anxiety and I see so many people turn to video games to manage their mental health issues. The online communities within these games may not be safe or mental health positive and can ultimately lead to more harm than good, since there is no regulation for it. I do see how much social guilds can help with these issues as well though.  


That's why I decided to set up the Tyrian Mental Health Movement [Care] to create such a positive and warm regulated safe space for people with mental health issues where they can find other people who understand or share their experiences and where they can support and be there for each other as needed.  


I do not intend to make this guild one you have to represent. I'd prefer it as a social hub with the guild chat serving the main functions of the guild. Currently I'm casting out a net to see how interested people would be in such a community and then I will see how to move on with things like Guild Halls, Discord, etc.  


Also, if you are someone who has experience with being a mental health specialist and are interested in using your learned experiences and skills within the grouping, let me know, as I feel this may be too big a project to handle alone!  


If you are interested in taking part in this experiment, send me a private message with your account name and I will forward an invite.  


All the best,  

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