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[NA][PvE] Peu Research Center [PRC] - Open World, Research, Unique Trains, and Choyas!


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Herro everyone!

My name is Peu and I'm the creator of Peu Research Center. My website's goal is to always provide insight to open world trains, metas, events, and QoL tools to the general player base. I want to encourage gameplay across maps that may be underused or farm maps in a unique and fun way! An example would be a Tangled Depths event train that includes all the outpost events and the meta. How about a Draconis Mons train that can spawn upwards of 50+ champions in less than an hour that also includes events that you need for your Aurora collection? Not to mention, all of these unique farms having an abundance of loot! I don't shy way from a good Dragonfall or Auric Basin shiny bauble train either.

With all that said, I can't do everything alone anymore. My greatest weakness of my website is the amount of data I can provide. Trains take a long time and a large amount of effort to produce a substantial sample size, especially for farms that are never done by other commander (Crystal Oasis, Desolation..the list goes on). This also includes other data such as champion bags, containers, drop rates, etc.

================= The Future, The Goal =================

I want to build a community who also feel the same passion of open world trains and events. Ask yourself these questions:

- Do you love to make gold, but would like to see more than Dragonfall or Drizzlewood trains?

- Do you feel some maps are underused and have the potential to be exciting, fun, and still make a decent amount of gold per hour?

- Do you like choyas and shiny baubles?

If you don't like choyas, you can't join the community (JK JK). If you feel any of these questions resonates with you, I highly encourage you to join the community! Let's build a space where both casual, veteran, and hardcore players alike to enjoy unique open world spaces. Let's build a space where we can help each other with gaining more knowledge, experience, and provide more insight to the general GW2 community of how fun other places can be!

================= Bonus Community Events =================

Once in a while, I like to host random social open world events as well! Things to make either trains more exciting or to show unique ways to play GW2 mini-games.

CHOBINGO - This is where we play Bingo while doing a train! It is as crazy as it sounds. During the train, we check out boxes like, "10 Players go down from the boss at the same time" or "X person gets an exotic gear drop" etc

CHOYA STAMPEDE - Everyone has no armor and becomes a choya (specifically the dance tonic one). Because this tonic does not allow you to regen health, it makes a fun game of survival! We march through dangerous open world areas and see who's the last choya standing

SURVIVAL OF THE CHOYA - Everyone becomes a choya and goes into an arena (or some area) and I summon a Legendary or evil bounty on them. Top 5 lasting choyas wins!

================= How to Join =================

Public discord: https://discord.gg/QXuW42Nrk6

Please read the rules and you can start your journey with the rest of us! A TLDR; of the rules are:

- Be respectful to each other

- Be kind and have good vibes

- Be polite during the train if a commander is hosting

- No Elitism, help one another

This community is extremely new so it's a tad-bit small right now, but I'm hoping in the near future it can grow! Become one with the choya!

Edited by Peureki.3647
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