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Idea: In-Game Guild Finder!


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Hey y'all,

I'm sure this has been suggested numerous times before, but in case it hasn't, I wanted to bring up an idea that I'd love to see worked on and eventually implemented, if it gained enough support.
🔶In-game guild finder🔶
Recently, I've seen an influx of new players, which is good. However, a lot of them are lost and looking for guilds in starter areas, because they don't know how else to join a guild. This creates a scenario where people feel encouraged to spam their guild advertisements ad nauseum in various map chats, hoping to get new members and this tends to lead to a bit of frustration for everyone. A lot of people don't like seeing guild spam, and I'm sure growing guild leaders aren't fond of spamming maps with their guild pitches to gain recruits, either.
I know this is much, much easier said than done. However, I think it would benefit everyone (especially new players), if there was a simple guild search function implemented in game. Guilds could tag themselves by categories (PvE, PvP, WvW, RP, etc.) and then players seeking guilds could find ones that match the criteria they checked off in the boxes. Additionally, guilds could add a small description in the search results, so new players can narrow down who they'd like to join.

Joining a guild from a search could have an open, application, and closed status. Open status could mean you hit 'join', and you're automatically approved. Application status would need a guild leader or officer approval first. And closed would be where your guild doesn't even show up in searches.

Let me know what you think. Hopefully I posted this in the right topic, I wasn't really sure where to post this.

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