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[EU] LF WvW guild


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Hiya all!

I'm a long time player that took an incredibly extended break during university and and the few years after while finding my feet and a job and such.


Back in the day I was a big WvW player, and am looking to get back into as large a scale guild for wvw as I can, playing elementalist.


Open to changing servers!

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Hey Gildos!

I've started a guild on Whiteside Ridge a while ago and we are currently recruiting a limit of 30 players to start doing raids and train them and get them prepared for the new Alliences System.

We will be happy to have you on our community, we have an experienced commander bewteen us will be leading our raids.

We are [MoI] Ministry Of Invaders and I'm the Owner, Flasher.

If you wish to join us just reply to me. 🙂


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